Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Haypi Kingdom?
Haypi Kingdom is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Haypi Kingdom features a glorious hero life in middle ages where you act as a kingdom general, directing state affairs, leading your kingdom from scratch to prosperity. You may boost resources production, attack rival players, form alliances, and achieve noble title, etc. Raise your prestige and expand your city, make yourself a great person in the heroic time.


 How to start

Q: New in Haypi Kingdom and don't know how to start?
There are multiple ways for you to get help to start. Any of them works.
1. Go to "help" to read "Basic Operations".
2. Go to "task" to do the tasks one by one. When it is completed, click "Reward" to collect your rewards. Be sure to upgrade your warehouse first so that it has sufficient capacity to store the rewards..
3. Go to our website to read Tutorial and get around for other important tips.
4. Go to "Chat" to ask for help from other players who may answer your questions at once.
5. Write emails to us at

Q: I did a lot of tasks and don't get the rewards, why?
Check your warehouse to make sure your warehouse has sufficient capacity so that the rewards won't get lost. If it does not, upgrade it first. Then go to "task", click on a completed one, and then click "Reward" to collect your rewards.

Q: Why does it keep telling me I can't attack players in beginning protection? What's beginner's protection period?
A: Every player enjoys a beginner's protection period when they first come to Haypi kingdom. During this peaceful time, you won't be attacked nor able to attack other players. Draw upon the opportunity to develop your city as the protection will expire in 7 days or when your general title reaches 3rd Baron.

Q: Upgrading is completed, but I don't see the building level is up, why?
A: Please wait for a while or quit the game and log in again, your building should be a level up now.

Q: What do these terms mean: SpeedUp, Enhance, VIP, Add VIP Time?
A: These are functions to increase upgrading efficiency.

SpeedUp: SpeedUp can shorten time when upgrading or doing research. This costs coins. You have three options: 1 coin shortens 15 minutes, 2 coins shortens 1 hour, 5 coins shortens 5 hours, and 10 coins is for instant finish.

Enhance: This function enhances resources production by 50% for a period of time. You have three options: 1 coin for a period of 24 hours, 5 coins for 7 days, and 20 coins for 30 days.

VIP: Ordinary players have 2 upgrading slots at one time for three categories separately: buildings, techs, trap/turret. That is, you may upgrade two buildings, two techs, a trap and a turret at one time. When you go hunting, you can hunt with 2 queues of troops at one time. When you transport resources or dispatch troops to your own city, you can handle 2 queues of actions at one time. If you wish to do more actions at one time, you may purchase VIP time with coins.

During VIP time you have 3 upgrading slots at one time for three categories separately: buildings, techs, trap/turret. When you go hunting, VIP can hunt with 3 queues of troops at one time. When you transport resources or dispatch troops to your own city, VIP can handle 3 queues of actions at one time.

Add VIP Time: Go to "Main Building" to click "Add VIP Time" button. You have four options: 10 coins for 1 week of VIP time, 30 coins for 1 month, 120 coins for 6 months, and 200 coins for 1 year.

Q: In-app purchasing is invalid, why? When trying to purchase coins I kept getting the message "you must purchase the app that this item is for before you can purchase the item". But I got the app free from App Store.
In this case, the point is the account being used.

The way that Apple handles in-app purchasing on iPods and iPhones is that the in app purchase has to be made from the same account that "purchased" the app in the first place. Even though it is a free application, it still is marked as a "purchase" on the iTunes Store account. Since the username that the in-app purchase is attempting to be made from doesn't match the account that "purchased" it, it is giving you this error.

The only way around this issue would be to remove the application from your device, re-download it (while signed in under the account with credit card information on it), and then try in-app purchasing.


Q: What are functions of the four resources of crop, wood, iron, and stone?
A: These resources are produced by resource fields of cropland, lumber mill, iron mine, and stone mine. They are fundamental for kingdom's development, supporting all constructions in a city.

Q: How do I upgrade?
Click a building you wish to upgrade and click the "Upgrade" button. Upgrading costs resources of crop, iron, stone, wood, and person. If the amount of any resource is in red color, that means that resource is insufficient. Upgrading takes time, you may do other tasks while you are waiting.

Q: How do I upgrade crop?
Click "Cropland" and click the "Upgrade" button. The higher level your cropland is, the more output it produces per hour.

Q: How do I get more resources?
Resources can be gained in these ways:
1. Upgrade resource fields for higher output of crop, wood, iron, and stone;
2. Upgrade tech of woodcutting, digging, smelting, and planting techs to increase resources production;
3. Hunt for money or treasures;
4. Occupy oases for resource or fortified points for money;
5. Attack other players to raid their resource. But money or treasures won't be raided;
6. Trade with other players in marketplace for resources;
And more for you to explore.

Q: How can I increase persons?
A: Upgrading Main Building increases you manpower. The higher level Main Building is the faster the manpower increases.



Q: How can I protect my resources from raiding in war?
Cranny protects resources from raiding in wars. The higher level a cranny is the more amount of resources can be protected, so you need upgrade your cranny constantly.

Q: What if the produced resources exceed the storage limit of the warehouse ?
The part which exceeds warehouse storage limit will be lost, so you have to constantly upgrade the warehouse.

Q: How can I have more upgrade slots?
A: Ordinary players have two working upgrade slots for buildings and techs separately, that is, you may upgrade two buildings and two techs at one time. If you wish to upgrade the upgrade slot you may upgrade to VIP who has three upgrade slots for buildings and techs separately.



Q: What are the benefits of being in an alliance?
In order to develop in a solid and stable way, you need to create or join an alliance for support. Alliance can gather its members together to do tasks like attack a big power which may be impossible for a single player. Alliance members may discuss strategy in "alliance chat". Note that players in a same alliance can not attack each other.

Q: How do I join an alliance?
Go to "alliance" to see "Alliance List" and then choose one to "Ask to Join". You may of course "Create Alliance" by yourself.

Q: I have sent a request to join an alliance. What do I do now?
Just wait until you get approved by the alliance leader. If the request is not responded, you may request for another alliance, and the previous request is cancelled accordingly.



Q: Why can't I train any soldiers?
Training troops costs resources and manpower. Make sure that you have enough resources. Barracks is the place where you train troops. The higher level your Barracks is, the faster the troops can be trained.

Q: Can I cancel an upgrade or troops training?
A: Instructions of upgrade or troops training can't be cancelled once they are started.

Q: How do I hunt?
Go to "map" to choose a grid to "Enter". You'll have options of "Scout", "Occupy", and "Hunt". If you have trained soldiers, send them to hunt in oases. They may bring back money or treasures after a certain period. Enter "actions" to recall them.

Q: How can I read the map?
Haypi map is of 600x600 grids, coordinates ranging from [0, 0] to [600, 600]. All players are positioned somewhere in the map, so you may view your location and neighborhood in Haypi Kingdom. 

Each grid stands for a city, oasis, fortified point, or empty field. The number with a grid indicates its level. Different colors marks different groups. Your own cities are marked with a green number. Your alliance member's cities are marked with a yellow number, and all the other cities are marked with a red number. 
Unoccupied oases and fortified points are marked white.

Similarly, oases and fortified points that you have occupied are marked with green. Those occupied by your alliance members  are marked yellow and those occupied by your enemies are marked red.

Empty field

Main City

Branch City

Fortified point

Oasis Wood

Oasis Stone

Oasis Iron

Oasis Crop

Q: How is harvest related to hunt?
A: The strategy may alter as we're always trying to improve the algorithm. However, these rules are consistently applicable:
1. The more troops you send to hunt and the faster the troops march, the better harvest you may get.
2. Theoretically, the longer you troops hunt, the better harvest you may get. If the troops hunt for over 8 hours, you may get extraordinary harvest.
3. The higher your fortune value is, the better harvest you may get.
4. If you hunt on an oasis which has just been hunted by another player, the possibility of harvest may be low. If you happen to hunt on an oasis which is untouched for long, the possibility of harvest may be high.

Q: How do I occupy?
Go to "map" to choose a grid to "Enter". You'll have options of "Scout", "Occupy", and "Hunt". If you have trained soldiers, send them to occupy oases or fortified points. They may bring back resources or money after a certain period. Enter "actions" to recall them.

Q: Why do I lose the charge of occupied oases?
A: The level of an oasis changes on a regular basis. Occupied oases decrease in level each day. When it decreases to level 0, its status becomes unoccupied automatically. Unoccupied oases slowly gains their level. You always need to occupy new oases.

Q: I have occupied an oasis, but I can't find it, where is it?
Click "cities" to see details of your main city, branch cities, fortified points and oases you have occupied.

Q: I did nothing but my troops is lost. What happened?
A: Troops need crop as food. Please make sure that you have plentiful crop. Insufficient crop cause to starvation.


 Tech Center

Q: Why can't I build trap or turret?
A: If you want to build a trap or turret, you have to research the trap or turret tech first at Tech Center. Similarly, if you want to upgrade a trap or turret, you need to research an upgraded tech first. Tech research needs money and more time.

Q: What does the scouting result mean?
A: Scouting precision depends on the comparison between your scouting skill level and that of your opponent. The more your scouting level is above your opponent's level, the more precise your scouting result is.

"Several" means that enemies number is between 0~9
"One or two dozen" means that enemies number is between 10~24
"Dozens" means that enemies number is between 25~49
"Scores" means that enemies number is between 50~99
"One or two hundred" means that enemies number is between 100~249
"Several hundred" means that enemies number is between 250~499
"Hundred" means that enemies number is between 500~999
"One or two thousand" means that enemies number is between 1000~2499
"Several thousand" means that enemies number is between 2500~4999
"Thousands" means that enemies number is between 5000~9999
"Over 100 hundred"  means that enemies number is between >=10000



Q: How does the general title upgrading mechanism work?
A: The general title is upgraded based on prestige and treasures. There are quite a few ways to gain general's prestige:

Production and construction experience;
Task awards, etc.

Benefits of general's title upgrades:
More distributable attribute points and skill points;
Resource bonus;
Prestige bonus;
Occupy more cities, oases and fortified points;
Higher ranking, etc.

Q: How do I build my second city?
A: T
o build a second city your general title must reach 3rd Baron and you need to have 1000 of each resource. Click "map" to choose an empty field to "Enter" and "Create City".

Q: How do I upgrade my general title?
Go to "task" to do the appropriate tasks "Upgrade General". When you upgrade your general title, you must have necessary prestige and treasure.

Q: How do I defend my cities?
A: Your city is automatically defended so long as you have troops, traps, or turrets ready in the city. Upon any attack your troops, traps, and turrets will fight back.

Q: In what way do I lose my city?
A: A main city can't be occupied while a branch city of low loyalty points may be occupied. Loyalty points automatically recovers at a regular pace. You may use coins to achieve an immediate recovery of loyalty points.

Q: How do the battles go on in the game?
A: Battles go on in a classic round mode, providing dynamic reports from battlefields. A battle starts upon the battlefield distance counting to the maximum shot range plus 300. Action sequence is arranged in terms of speed, the faster party acting first. If two parties are of the same speed, the defensive one acts first. If both parties are in the shot range, each offensive attack is to be counterattacked by the attacking party. The number of counterattack soldiers are counted according to that of the attacking soldiers. Troops attack any specified target within the shot range. A troop attacks one single target in each round. If no target is specified the nearest is attacked as default.

Q: How can I cancel an action in wars?
A: If you change your mind after you have dispatched your troops, you may click the button of callback to have your troops back. This needs coins.

Q: How does war prestige work?
A: When a battle is over, the winning party gains war prestige (>=0), and the losing party loses war prestige (<=0).
When war prestige drops to the lowest number of your title, it won't drop any more.

War prestige=A-R*B
A stands for the losing party's loss
B stands for the winning party's loss
R stands for a weighting coefficient. The coefficient is included in calculating battle losses when one party is of much stronger than the other in a battle.

Considering the battle may be easier for the stronger party and tougher for the other party, each party's prestige will be adjusted by a coefficient so that the stronger party can not take full advantage of the one-sided battle and the other party won't suffer from sheer defeat. If both parties are of the same level, the coefficient is 1. In doing so, Haypi Kingdom encourages the weaker party challenging the stronger and avoids the stronger monopolizing.

Q: How does money work? How can I get money? How is the coin related to money?

A: Money can be used to upgrade techs, buy resources or treasures, etc. You may get money by selling resource or treasures, hunting in oases, occupying fortified points, or just by exchanging with coins (1coin = 2000money), etc.

Coins can only be gained through purchase (1USD = 10coins). Coins can speed up upgrades, enhance production, add upgrading slots, call back troops, etc.

PVP Competition

Q: What are the sizes of the prize devices?

A $500 iPad is 16GB
A $199 iPod Touch is 8GB
A $59 iPod Shuffle is 2GB

Q: How many prizes are there total?
There's 856 prizes altogether so you have a pretty good winning chance.

Q: Is my normal account still active?
Of course, you'll have to keep watch on both accounts, your normal account and PVP account.

Q: How do I log onto the server?
First make sure you're app is up to date. When you start Haypi Kingdom, click on account, there will be options for PVP start and login .

Q: How is ranking for the winners determined?
The ranking of winners is determined through prestige.


If your question is not answered in the FAQ, feel free to email us at


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