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Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)




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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:21 am

Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

Expert Swifts Haypi Guide for      
            beginners  and above :)

Hi, this is Swift. This will be my first Haypi Guide and its subject to some changes and possible errors. I hope you guys enjoy this guide and I hope it helps alot with gameplay.

•Make sure you hunt only about 8-12 hours because if you are going to fail a hunt that is determined at the beginning of the hunt not in the middle of it.

•The more Troops you use the better. Always!

•The best troops to hunt with are by far Calvs (or calvary) the reason being is calvs not only have the highest overload (carrying capacity) but they also have the highest speed. Speed plays an important factor in hunts because it allows units to cover more ground quicker. Fortune also helps significantly in hunting. 

~~Common Misconception~~
•It does not matter the level of oasis or fort u hunt, the probobility is all the same! Do not hunt the same spot twice in succesion though. The sucess rate of the hunt will be worse.

•The best players to farm are players that are inactive or offline that have troops and resources left in there cities. The reason for this is because not only do you want to destroy your opponents army for prestige in a "farming tactic" but you also want to loot the resources they posess. These will help you strengthen your army and upgrade your buildings. Farming is one of the best ways to gain an edge over others. So, if theres a sucka talkin smack... Farm 'em lol keep in mind travel time when you are attacking though. If your opponent is only offline the possibilities of him stopping a 1 minute attack in time vs a 1 hour attack are close to none. Its ALWAYS better to attack someone closer to you unless the farther person has more troops to kill and resources to loot 

•Remember the farming technique can be used by everyone so make sure you hunt your troops when you go inactive that way if you recieve any attacks while offline at least you dont lose any prestige! 

•Too many troops in an enemy base? Look for weaknesses such as a crop oasis that is nearby that the player targeted might be in posession of. This usually means the player needs the crop oasis to feed his troops and usually the oasis are unguarded, soo, invade the crop oasis. This will take away his bonus and his troops may start to die off due to starvation :) the higher the level of crop oasis they need to sustain there army the quicker they will die when the oasis is gone. Keep that in mind :)

•The key to sucessful farming is sucessful scouting! So make sure you are upgrading your scouting skill in your tech building. If your scout isnt higher then your enemys scout then you will not be able to see all the useful information you need such as exact number of troops and exact resources!

•If you scout a high level player and see that he has lots of troops in his base that your army wouldnt stand a chance against make sure to inform higher level players in your alliance. This is useful for them because although you cannot reap the rewards for the killing of all those enemy soldiers your ally can! And trust me, he or she will love you for it!

•If your unsure whether your going to win a battle or not then take 1 minute and grab a friggin calculator! Do some quick calculations and sometimes your answer will be right there! But u need to consider that players added bonuses, attributes and techs as well as yours. Or just ask me in world chat xD lol 

Scouting Reference guide
Several 0~9
One or two dozen 10~24
Dozens 25~49
Scores 50~99
One or two hundred 100~249
Several hundred 250~499
Hundred 500~999
One or two thousand 1000~2499
Several thousand 2500~4999
Thousands 5000~9999
Over 100 hundred Thsnd 100000=>
::This Guide was made by Swift::

Building your army
•1st off dont listen to those that tell you pure cats is the way to go because this isnt true at all. Heres my reasoning:

A) Cats are HORRIBLE at farming! They are the slowest units and virtually no overload so u dont get many resources from Raiding!

B) If you should get into a battle with someone thats pure speed and they have a calvary army that out numbers your cat army at lease 3:1 or 4:1 then calvs will win! What they lack attack and health in they dominate in their ability to get in close and wreak some havoc on the enemy cats! 

The best units to start off with until about lvl 6 is infantry and archers for quick prestige. Then cats are the best until you can pump out an army of at least 500 cavs per day per city. (Cav army is only good if u have the speed to use them! Keep that in mind) 

Unit Advantages
• Infantry-
A) Quick to make 
B) Very Cheap
C) Sizeable overload (good for raids)
D) Great for meatshielding against a cav rush or massive infantry force
E) Trap Baiter (Its good to feed traps with)

A) Highest overload (Amazing raiding)
B) Highest Speed (For battles and hunting :)

A) Ranged
B) They give the MOST prestige overall.  (Yes, more then infantry)

A) High Range
B) Most powerful unit
C) Good against all leveled towers (depending on range tech level)
D) Great for defending with
::This guide was made by Swift::

Turrets and Trap counts:
•Lvl 10 Turrets Can Kill
255/76/306/85 per turret per round
•Lvl 10 Traps Can Kill

•Range for catapults 
Shooting range   Level tech 
1100                 0
1116                 1
1132                 2
1148                 3
1164                 4
1180                 5
1196                 6
1212                 7
1228                 8
1244                 9
1260                 10
1300                 Lvl 9 turrets
1350                 Lvl 10 turrets

•Oasis Income
Oasis lvl        Output
1.                 100
2.                 200
3.                 350
4.                 550
5.                 850
6.                 1250
7.                 1900
8.                 2700
9.                 3700
10.               5000

•Fort Income
Lvl of Fort      Output hour
1.                   $20
2.                   $40
3.                   $60
4.                   $80
5.                   $100
6.                   $120
7.                   $140
8.                   $160
9.                   $180
10.                 $200

Lvl-# catapults to occupy

Lvl - # catapults to occupy
::This guide was made by Swift::

-Remember again to always HUNT YOUR TROOPS when you go offline!! I cannot stress this enough guys!
-The "secret warehouse" is a good idea another person made in their guide. U can sell resources in the marketplace for a rediculous amount of money that way nobody will buy them and u can just cancel selling them if you need to use them! Make sure you have people to carry them though! Also if someone does buy them then oh well lol you just made a big chunk of change for technologys and treasure.
This is Swift, The longest still active Expert and Expert mainly on server 1 and 34, and i hope this guide has helped you :) I will be releasing an advanced guide and pvp guide when i have the time to do them! Keep your eyes open and look for them :) Please dont say this guide is yours and if you find any information you would like to use in your guide mention Swift as a source! Thanks :) My alliance is called RiseAgainst (RizAgainst in haypi because of character cap) and we are recruiting on server 34 so join up! Its a legit clan that will soon have its very own website and theres a palringo group. Mail me for details. 
~Expert Swift(Server 1)


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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:33 am

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

i've spoken to you already about the traps and shooting range. :)

like lv 3 traps can kill 60 cats, so lv 10 traps will kill a lot more than 40. They do speed damage. The shooting ranges you listed are boosted by 300 and should actually be considered field range given certain tech levels. :)

I didn't mention this on s1, but infantry are likely the best for low level farmers bc of the amount of cavalry that you'd need to take all resources. THey have 100 overload, but cost 4 a piece. When you compare all troops, crop for crop it looks like this(i'll use 100 crop armies in this example):

100 Inf: Atk-7500 Def-7500 Spd-150 overload-8000 Range-25 TH-22500
25 Cav: Atk-4375 Def-4375 Spd-300 overload-2500 Range- TH-16875
50 Arc: Atk-3000 Def-1250 Spd-125 overload-2000 Range-600 TH-7500
10 Cat: Atk-3000 Def-1000 Spd-50 overload-400 Range-800 TH-5500

TH (total hit) will be (Hit points+defense)*amount. (basic)

When clearing turrets of any kind or klling units with cats while turrets will hit you for doing so, send infantry and usually archers with the cats. As shown above, infantry are insanely useful bc not only do they get added boosts against archers and cavalry, but they are worth one prestige per unit!!!

Archers are EXTREMELY effective against cats. You'll need a lot of them, but they're only worth 2. The speed really sets them apart. If you purposely lower their speed to below 300, you can sneak up on a catapult army that stays in the back row without getting hit first. Your first move won't allow a hit and your second will put you in range and archers have higher speed :)
You can also wait for them to be within your movement+range threat, then move forward. if they start going backward as soon as you target, push cav forward. They can't hit a retreating cat, but you don't want them to kill your archers. Ranged units do reduced damage at close range so a cav army being forced at them may make them reconsider attacking your archers. Especially if you call them back. Archer units may want to consider keeping their archers to under 300 movement. A smart cat user knows how to defend this. I've never seen an archer unit hit a retreating cat unit either. lol.

I probably put more information than the intended scope of this guide, I tried to only comment on information that was in there, but oh well. I go on tangents sometimes. :)

I missed this during my other edits, but you put "Over 100 hundred Thsnd 100000=>". Do you mean Over 100 hundred= 10,000+???

Dangit... another edit... This might should be under haypi guides. :)
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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:00 am

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

Archers aren't effective against cats at all lol, in large groups, 10 archers can only take out 1 cat roughly (with high level attack too), then they get retaliation attacked and another attack right after which will wipe them out almost completely.

They are inefficient, you must keep a much larger army in order to compete with a standard cav/cats combo. Yes given the right circumstance they get first strike but in the end they're just not worth it as they take damage too easily, not to mention they will get owned by a decent cav army.
Last edited by Backburner on Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.



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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:31 am

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

You can't hunt fortified points last I checked...

Other then the typos and weird boxes (aka emoji) a fairly decent guide
Shadetale wrote:Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how misguided, misinformed, or misunderstood it may be... :/
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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:41 pm

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

lets not forget that an oasis becomes FRESH (unhunted) when it becomes occupied.. therefore just resigning instantly gives u fresh oasis
GenStryker Server 30 Expert
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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:58 am

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

Swift wrote:•The best troops to hunt with are by far Calvs (or calvary) the reason being is calvs not only have the highest overload (carrying capacity) but they also have the highest speed. Speed plays an important factor in hunts because it allows units to cover more ground quicker. Fortune also helps significantly in hunting. 

are you sure cos you can have 4 inf for every cav so the total pverload for 4 crop consumption for a cav is 100 while for four inf its 320...
how do you let people know if your hot cakes are selling well?




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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:59 pm

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

Yep, inf is the best overall hunter, by a long way too, if someone is really interested in making money they should convert majority of their army into inf.



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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:35 pm

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

Nathan05 wrote:
Swift wrote:•The best troops to hunt with are by far Calvs (or calvary) the reason being is calvs not only have the highest overload (carrying capacity) but they also have the highest speed. Speed plays an important factor in hunts because it allows units to cover more ground quicker. Fortune also helps significantly in hunting. 

are you sure cos you can have 4 inf for every cav so the total pverload for 4 crop consumption for a cav is 100 while for four inf its 320...

Let us not forget that speed plays a big factor in hunts gentlemen and last i checked cavalry units have the highest speed. And also considering you get 5 prestige per cavalry and only 4 per 4 infantry i think cavalry would be wiser to train for hunting. The numbers add up boys :)
@Shadetale I was generalizing.
@Reaper Yes there are a few errors in my guide as i stated there would be in the beginning of the guide. Thanks for your input.
~Expert Swift(Server 1)



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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:35 pm

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

Swift wrote:
Nathan05 wrote:
Swift wrote:•The best troops to hunt with are by far Calvs (or calvary) the reason being is calvs not only have the highest overload (carrying capacity) but they also have the highest speed. Speed plays an important factor in hunts because it allows units to cover more ground quicker. Fortune also helps significantly in hunting. 

are you sure cos you can have 4 inf for every cav so the total pverload for 4 crop consumption for a cav is 100 while for four inf its 320...

Let us not forget that speed plays a big factor in hunts gentlemen and last i checked cavalry units have the highest speed. And also considering you get 5 prestige per cavalry and only 4 per 4 infantry i think cavalry would be wiser to train for hunting. The numbers add up boys :)
@Shadetale I was generalizing.
@Reaper Yes there are a few errors in my guide as i stated there would be in the beginning of the guide. Thanks for your input.

Nope that is incorrect, 4 inf will definitely hunt better than 1 cav, speed matters but not nearly as much as army size. 30k inf will get you close to 20k per 8 hours hunt while the equivalent 7.5k cavs will get you around 10k.

Training 4 infantry have the same level of prestige as 1 cav, it will change depending on what level you are at. The prestige you receive varies each time but when you train them in large groups it is approximately the same.

Bottom line, if you want great hunt, use large horde of inf, but if you want to have decent hunt and able to use against other players, then cavs will be a better choice.



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Post Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:02 am

Re: Expert Swifts Haypi Guide :)

your not an expert backburner youll learn your not right some day :P lmao:)
GenStryker Server 30 Expert
Feel free to pm me here or on s30 for any help:)

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