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The Lost Tower Update 1.8遗迹之塔1.8版本更新




Posts: 629

Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 5:31 am

Post Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:51 am

The Lost Tower Update 1.8遗迹之塔1.8版本更新

Dear Monster Trainers,

The Lost Tower Version 1.8 has been approved by the App Store and will be available for download tomorrow. In preparation for the release, we will perform maintenance on all servers from 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM on Feb 12nd, 2015 (GMT). This maintenance is expected to last for 4 hours and players will not be able to log in during that time.

After the maintenance, please update your game version to the latest, so as to enjoy a better gameplay experience.

Here are the modifications of Version 1.8:
New Features:
1. A new scene has been introduced: Ocean Abyss.
2. Gift details when purchasing coin packages are now viewable in the main screen. They can also be accessed via (Main Screen > Left Sidebar > tap "Gift" icon to enter).
3. The "Market" has been introduced to the Magic Shop while the sale section for Skill Books been removed.
1. Monster level cap has been raised to 60.
2. Epic monsters with bronze or above grades can now be enhanced to SS (SE-SS) (Temporarily not open).
3. Bronze monsters now upgrade by absorbing S or above monsters.
4. The Bet cap for silver and gold monsters has been raised.
5. You will now be able to challenge different bosses in the World Boss activity (based on the system's random algorithm). In the past, you got the same boss repeatedly on the list.
6. Activity Team Modes (red ones) will now open on specified dates and time. Challenge attempts will be no longer affected by players’ VIP level.
7. The output in Normal team modes has been increased.
8. Activity Wanted Monsters will now open on specified dates and time.
9. Optimization has been made to Fortune Race, giving support to possible future activities.
10. Taming mechanism has been optimized. In the past, players were only able to tame one monster once a day but now you can tame all monsters listed once a day.
11. Gift monsters from pals will no longer keep their Stat Bet or Monster Upgrade progress.
12. Players can now get points from coin betting on monsters in Dailies Ranking.
13. Players can now get points from consuming a certain amount of energy in Dailies Ranking.
14. Both players and AI can now take potions and jellies in some level challenges. Some modifications have also been made to some level challenges.

15. The output of tokens obtained through sacrificing monsters has been modified.
16. The Upgrade info of the posted monsters is now viewable in Chat.
17. The Encyclopedia of the posted monsters can now be viewed normally in Chat. Previously, if you didn't unlock the posted monster, you wouldn't be able to view its encyclopedia details.
18. The way of using multiple Energy Potions and EXP Cards has been simplified.
19. The difficulty of the Exploration challenges has been adjusted.
20. Application size has been compressed.
21. Optimization has been made to the login system, making the game much easier to access.
22. Several bugs have been fixed.

Meanwhile, some other modifications have also been made in the new version, please check the following in which you might be interested:
1. Energy points cost less after you purchase them several times.
2. No extra challenge attempts for vip players in Exploration.
3. Daily VIP Rewards adjusted
4. Prices of plain eggs and some items in shop have been adjusted.
5. The talent will no longer take effect if it’s activated before the opponent comes into the battlefield.
6. It’ll be more profitable if you exchange for money with more coins.
7. Vertedeath can now have Talent MDEF Boos.
8. Adjustments made to talent Lifesaver. Typhox with Awaken will be unable to defeat monsters with Lifesaver; monsters with Lifesaver won’t die if they use skill Infliction.

Note: we’ve noticed an error in v 1.8 that players will encounter message “No more Team Mode attempts today” when trying to create a room in team mode. Please tap “Quick Start” instead. In v 1.8, you will temporarily enjoy same experience playing with AI as when playing with real player in previous version. This error will be fixed in next client update. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for all the enthusiasm and support that you have shown The Lost Tower.

If you have any questions regarding the update, please feel free to contact Monster Support at mltsupport@haypi.com.
Best Regards,
The Lost Tower Team


1. 新增关卡:幽冥海渊
2. 新增礼包主城推荐
3. 魔法商店中新增黑店,移除技能书打折商店

1. 宠物等级上限提升至:60
2. 史诗铜边或以上宠物可培养至SS(SE-SS)(暂不开放)
3. 铜边宠进阶时需要消耗S级或以上宠物
4. 提升银边、金边宠物强化上限
5. 世界BOSS中可以随机到不同boss了
6. 原活动组队关将改为不定时开放,且活动组队关次数将不受VIP等级影响
7. 常规组队关卡增加产出
8. 宠物通缉令活动修改为不定时开放
9. 大富翁模式改进,将可举办不同活动
10. 驯服优化,驯服每只宠会有单独的CD
11. 密友送宠不再保留强化信息和进阶信息
12. 积分活动加入金币强化可加积分
13. 积分活动加入体力消耗可加积分
14. 部分关卡数据修改,如关卡可以带药,电脑也会带药
15. 修改献祭获得秘宝数量
16. 聊天中可查看展示宠物的进阶信息了
17. 聊天中可以正常查看展示宠物玩家的图鉴了
18. 使用体力药水及经验卡时,可以选择继续使用了。
19. 冒险团关卡难度调整。
20. 优化了游戏容量
21. 优化了游戏登陆机制
22. 其他bug修复

1. 体力购买达到一定次数后,再次购买体力的价格降低。
2. 冒险团挑战次数不受vip等级影响了
3. 调整了每日在线奖励
4. 调整了VIP每日登陆奖励
5. 银币砸蛋及部分商店物品价格调整了;
6. 上场即触发的潜能如果对方未在场上,将不会生效。
7. 金币购买银币更划算
8. 骨龙添加临阵磨枪-魔防
9. 不死潜能修改,提丰觉醒将无法打死拥有不死潜能的宠物;


请玩家之间互相转告。如有问题请及时联系游戏官方客服: mltsupport@haypi.com




Posts: 100

Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:03 am

Post Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:05 pm

Re: The Lost Tower Update 1.8遗迹之塔1.8版本更新

ok, here is something i do not understand....
now to upgrade a monster it has to be max level (lvl 50), with the update, our upgraded monsters will stay level 50 and we will have to train them, or the will become level 60 automatically due to the fact that the are upgraded?

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