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Haypi you disappoint me yet again!




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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:24 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Forum acct,

I do not know if you play the rotk or not, but the game entail attacking someone, its a war game, attacking or being attack can be viewed in many ways, bully which is your wording or attacking for other players. I do not like the word bullying since it is a war game. Unless you bully him with words then thats a different story.

Jemjem is attacking his castle or cities many times if u look at the ss pic carefully, she has 70 attacks on que.

Name calling is what haypi deserved, they are slow to react, PlAYERS pay money for this game. So yes name calling is needed, they might wake up that way.

Your example is a s stupid as the haypi warning letter. The game crashes because she attacks one person many times, THE gAME CRaSHEs, i bold those letter just so you know that its not jemjem who was at fault but the game, the programming side, the codes. Yes, we expected haypi to build a game to handle all scenarios,

If you read carefully on reply post, we suggested this in beta and as we all know, it was not implemented. Old haypi has 5 limit attacks and it works great. But because of the greedyness of this company they want the unlimited attacks so you have to spend coins to wr since it is easy to lose sub cities in seconds.

Again your example is stupid and it deserved to be name called. You are comparing smart and stupid, two different animals.

I dont know if you played old haypi but you can slso get attack as many times as you want, if all alliances attacks one person, it does have a red sentence in your screen, you cant move your city, but its part of the game, no one complains, i did not, and it was fun.

This is a wake up call that it needs to get fix. But sending that stupid letter and threatening a ban? Seriously ? You side with this company? If you get paid to post this reply, i just hope, its enough to buy you a meal.

Have a good day



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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:47 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Old hk had around 50 attacks total on one person limit. Tested it myself, being a man of 700 faces (aka alts). If this was suggested to put a limit like this already while haypi was aware of the lag issue, I see no actual sense in your counter-argument, act. Therefore another thing is that if they have an issue with attacks, why wasn't this patched/changed? The game is having a maintenance in advance of a patch as I'm speaking right about now, I saw nothing in patch notes they shown us that mentioned this issue, if an exploit is found that haypi doesn't approve of, patch it asap. That's my opinion.



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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:48 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

"If you pour water in someone's gas tank and ruin their engine are you going to say it's not your fault because they didn't build an engine that can handle water?"

Forum, i want you to rethink this carefully because this example needs to get name called.

The car you are talking to was not build to use water for the engine, the book of that car has a warning about it, if you own a car, please read it. You might find it there. So ofcourse the engine will crash because the car was not built for that purpose.

Now for my point why i called your example stupid, the rotk game is built so players can attack, i will repeat this so it will go to your thick skull, attacking someone is built in this game, so if attacking someone crashes the game with no warning signs, rules about how many attacks you have to do, then there should be no consequence to receive this letter since its not in the rule book.

Its like saying, the car uses gas, but the car wont run even using the right gas. So yes the car is at fault, so yes the company making the car needs to recall the car because its broken. You followed what the car company for using the right gas, but still it wont run.

Jemjem, never broke any rules. I would gladly for you to post here what she broke that deserves to get that warning/threatening ban letter. I am waiting for your reply all mighty smart ass.



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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:17 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Seems very biased to me.
One hand we have JemJem playing within the rules and game boundaries by actually can you believe it attacking in a war game.
Now. Consider her intended target has 6 cities. Each with 10 oasis attached. 60 attacks to take them in retaliation for losing her own oasis (perfectly fair war tatic) add in a few farms or attempted sub takes is easily 70 hits.
To me I see no issues.
On the other hand.
We have lovely_day the king of alts taking everyone's manors and castles on alts so he can farm them at no risk to his army to keep building and upgrading.
Yet because lovely_day cries Jem gets a warning.
After numerous letters to support from numerous players of several different alliances about total alt abuse; no further action.
It's the bias and irony that strikes me the hardest here.



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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:20 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

This is by far the dumbest I've heard in a long time how on earth can it be the players fault if many attacks freeze or does anything to another player it's programming so fix it if its not allowed. U can't band someone for playing the game



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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:45 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

I think the whole point is that the game should not allow a player to do it in the first place, and if the game allows for this kind of activity, and it's being used by the other player, then why threaten to ban someone for using it back at them?

Certain aspects of the game NEED to be addressed, and this is one of them.

There should be a limit on how many times a player can be attacked by another play, just like in old HK. But, there isn't.

Also, this brings up another question.
If there is to be a threshold for the line between fair attacks and being malicious, where is that line? Why not program that into the game, or write it in the rules?


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Post Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:45 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Dear players,
We are very sorry about this.

In version 1.0.3, this action by sending over 100 queues at the same time will cause freeze issue on both the attacker and the defender's sides. In version 1.0.4, we have done something to improve that. As we were not sure when version 1.0.4 would be available at that time, we assumed that if too many people do this as a strategy, it would be terrible for most of the players. Therefore, we had to send this mail to JemJem and digemon, in the hope of making the game more pleasant for all the players.

Now that version 1.0.4 is available for download, we hope this issue will be improved to a large extent. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this and we hope you can continue to enjoy the game!

As for other complaints and suggestions from you, we will forward them to the team. We will try our best to make improvement for the game.

Best Regards,
Haypi Team



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Post Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:58 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

If you try to attack someone and they spam attack you back, you are unable to scroll down to the combat action and select "go", causing you to be unable to control troops and most likely losing the battle.

Such a dirty tactic, still can't do anything 7hours later :\


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