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Haypi you disappoint me yet again!




Posts: 6

Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:12 pm

Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:31 pm

Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

I received this warning yesterday and i am speechless, i felt like the humanity yet again lose touch in this world. I was hoping that the more education we learn from school, we gain those knowldge and we get smarter, but in this Ss(pic) i am about to show you will blow you out of this world. THIS IS BY FAR THE STUPIDIST MAIL i received in my entire life. I hope you are proud of this haypi.

Just a little background of me, i played World of WArcraft until now, i played Starcraft 1, 2, Swarms, Diablo 1,2,3. Dota1-2, League of Legends, Just to name a few and their betas. These games are by far the well known games in PC world. In my gaming life, i never received a letter so stupid, i dont know how to react.

so i read this letter carefully and know what i did wrong, but i can not find myself in the wrong side of this letter.

You are threatening me to get ban because i attacked your precious chinese player lovely_day many times, i never read a rule that says i am not allowed to attack the same person many times, you allowed it in your game, if you have problems with it, ITS NOT THE PlAYERS FAULT that the game froze/lags but its your programming side. You allowed it in the game, we use it and there should never be a consequence with it, if you do not like it, fix it ASAP. You can quick patch this easily.

We gave you suggestions in beta to limit attacks in all cities like old haypi, but you are thick headed and greedy. You want us to spend money for war refuse because it is easy to steal sub cities.

Again i am going to say this one more time, IT IS NOT THE PLAYERS FAULT that the game freezes/lags . It your games fault. I do not give a care if your precious chinese player had a bad experience with this, this is a war game. If he does not like getting attacked, give him a link of farmville app, or solitare app. He might get good with that.

Again, this is your fault and threatining me to get ban because i attack the player i do not like is STUPID. PUt this in your thick skull. It might help to better your game.

Thank you.



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Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:12 pm

Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:32 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

The ss picture mail.
image.jpg (432.65 KiB) Viewed 10558 times



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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:54 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

I agree with Jemjem in this matter. This is not her fault but the games fault.

You should fix this right away. Threating her to get ban without breaking any rules is not right.

I can feel biased and unfair treatment in this letter. She was attacking lovely_day, lovely_day whine and cry like a little girl and report it to you and support never even put this on perspective why this is lagging/freezing? Its not jemjem fault. It the games side fault.

Haypi you fail!



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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:24 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

I have to agree with JemJem on this one.
Where in the rules does it say you can't attack another player that many times?

This was also a concern during beta testing in the following topics.






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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:09 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

It is absolutely unreasonable to warn a player for doing an activity which the game allows and in no way violates any rules. If there is an issue with the game crashing or lagging, how is that the players fault? Is this haypi's excuse to neglect fixing their own problems and instead find a way to blame the player for their poor workmanship? If support continues with this type of biased "customer service" they will likely find less players actively playing. I believe they should apologize for that warning message



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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:48 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

simply outrageous. Can you explain where's the rule about something i could call "attack limit on the same person"? You (hk team) actually included the option for us to hit other players and unlike in the old game get "Stacked" if these are multiple. Performance issues with the game, you know about, shouldn't be blamed on us for exploiting them, but instead let me say this colloqially... get your a**es to fixing your own f*** ups, especially if there are no prohibitions against doing those specified things (I'm talking about rules against it).

To put it shorter: You should've listened to beta testers suggesting attack limits as it was said earlier, instead of ending up with players crying about performance issues which directly come from that.

Best Regards (or not) to whomever's fault it is.
P***ed off player



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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:14 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Malicious attacks? Banned? Are you guys from haypi serious? Should I laugh my butt off? If the game freeze is not player fault but only your programmers fault! I'm fully on jemjem side. I must say I've been many times attacked 30/40 times at once (Chinese players stealing my castles) at yes it did lag and I want the problem fixed, but I didn't whine about it though. Threatening a player of a war game of getting banned because he/she attacks other players it's simply outrageous. You are out of your mind! Fix the game and stop sending stupid letters, that's my suggestion. Loca



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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:03 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Thats absolutely the dumbest thing i've ever seen. I understand making it a geneal rule or preventing it. But how does it make sense to warn us, but not the very people who implemented this "tactic first"? (Chinese). For instance, today, Sniffer sent me many attacks, froze/lagged me and I was unable to properly defend my Manor. Going to warn him too? Or Mogking (Lovely_day's alt [Which you look down upon, at least on the old Haypi anyway]), or how about Skyallice?



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Post Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:17 pm

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

To block someone for using an app because of the crudity of the code is ridiculous, especially being the fact that from a computer stand point it is a very low number of calculations (being only a few hundred attacks at most). If any player gets banned for this contact me and I will report this to the app distributors. In apples own contract for app developers an app that persistently crashes will be removed from the app store given enough reports and names we can force the haypi developers to fix this or shut down the game all together.



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Post Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:30 am

Re: Haypi you disappoint me yet again!

Sounds like you do know how to react: lashing out in childish anger, calling names and being rude.

Is it possible you are speculating a bit? Haypi is not known for communicating well so do you even know the full story?

You provided a screen of the warning, but where are the screens of the purported malicious attacks? Maybe you spam-attacked in a way that you knew would crash someone's app. That's not how you play this game. If you pour water in someone's gas tank and ruin their engine are you going to say it's not your fault because they didn't build an engine that can handle water?

Did you provide evidence against yourself in form of in-game letters that point to threats of harassment or intent to clog up someone's attack screen to the point of breakdown? We don't know, you don't provide the full story - you're just yelling.

One example of malicious behavior and harassment is when attacks are made that serve no game purpose other than to bully someone. Such as 100 attacks on oases towards one person, one class of persons, or every person within a certain radius. You cannot use these oases, you are not keeping them, you cannot even keep them, have had no contact with the players, and do not do anything else with your account except this type of activity.
I know this is not you, I'm just saying there ARE some actions that are not allowed even though the game mechanics allow it, because it violates the Haypi terms which every player agrees to. By the way, my example has happened more than once in the game.
iPhone 4S 32G
iOS 7.1.2 (11D257)
RotK beta version - current as of date of post

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