Murder Guide (hunting guide)
The common misconception about hunting:
You should all know that the hunting guides going around in all the servers are total BS. You don't need to hunt for 90 hours and it doesn't have to be a level 9 oasis and it doesn't have to be the specific amount of troops like the hunting guides say. I (Muder1, Server 71 aka C-Street) have per, sonally hunted a Gem Stone from an 11 Hour hunt on a level 0 oasis.
This hunting guide was created by Murder1 server71 aka C-Street
Determining if an oasis is hot or not:
The best way to find out is to take 2 or more sets of 100inf or 100cavs, not 100inf and 100cav together to an oasis. I suggest not hunting on level 9 oasis because that's where everybody thinks the treasures are lol. You should hunt on an oasis that isn't near any cities (the boondocks are the best places) and hunt there for about 30 minutes to an hour. stop the all the hunts at the same time. Meaning stop them once they all reach 30 minutes or hour but u have to stop them when they reach the same time period. Once you do that look at your hunt reports. The hunt report that shows the greatest value is the the oasis you want to do your mega hunt on because its been tested out and you know 100% that its got money or treasure in it. So that whole thing about hunts being successful is a random thing is a lie. I have never gotten an unsuccessful hunt using this method.
Murder1 aka c-street sever71
Suck an oasis dry:
Simply hunt multiple troops from all bases on 1 oasis and you can zap it dry. Many people don't know that you can hunt 2 sets of troops per base and if your VIP you can hunt 3 sets of troops per base.
Better hunt results:
Here are all the factors you need to know about getting good hunting results.
Speed, Marching Skill, Horse and Manual. Speed Attitrbute can be upgraded past 100. Mine is at 118 plus I have Level 15 Horse level 5 manual and Level 10 marching speed. But I didn't get the 11 hour Gem Stone with all the speed I have wasn't no where near the speed I have now.
created by murder1 aka c-street. server71
Money Versus Treasure:
Each successful hunt renders money. Your Fortune Attribute helps convert the money into items or treasure, but Speed is more important the Fortune. Look at it like this you need the speed to get the items. Even with defualt Fortune you still have a decent chance of converting money into treasure or items.
The Value of Treasures:
We all know that treasures are expensive, but that's only in the market place. When you hunt the treasures you get is based on minimum pricing. So if you hunt $5,000 your fortune will convert that to a Gold Nugget because that is the minimum price. So if u hunt $12,000 that could be converted to a Gem if your Fortune is up.
This hunting guide has been entirely by Murder1 from server 71 aka C-Street. gimme credit if this goes around