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Buying Coins




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Post Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:55 pm

Re: Buying Coins

nabilster wrote:
dkeo1985 wrote:just out of curiosity, did your coins come in? i have been needing coins but was a bit sketchy on this process as i realized the "send" button on the wp7 build did not actually work.

nope. i still haven't gotten them.

Since they won't give you coins, will they give you a refund?



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Post Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:45 am

Re: Buying Coins

This company is really starting to piss me of. First, no shop ok my fault that i spent all the coins, and then getting stuck because of gold nugget needed for lvl up...

Then a temporary solution is introduced. Hurray I thought, paypal no problem.
Send them 4.99 to test. Nothing.
Send message from inside the phone is not working.
Tried two different Email addresses, nothing and nothing again.

After three days or something a Paypal confirmation Email. Money was accepted(They need three days to cash money, seems someone has enough of it...) Ok I thought, they have my money, now it must be just a mouse click for them, but after another day zero coins, zero feedback, zero reliability.

Are you admin guys able to get some feedback at least ?
The have my money, and I want to know whats going on. is this so hard ?

And I am not even talking about the network issues...

again, what pisses me off is that they play dead silence.



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Post Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:22 pm

Re: Buying Coins

mach77 wrote:This company is really starting to piss me of. First, no shop ok my fault that i spent all the coins, and then getting stuck because of gold nugget needed for lvl up...

Then a temporary solution is introduced. Hurray I thought, paypal no problem.
Send them 4.99 to test. Nothing.
Send message from inside the phone is not working.
Tried two different Email addresses, nothing and nothing again.

After three days or something a Paypal confirmation Email. Money was accepted(They need three days to cash money, seems someone has enough of it...) Ok I thought, they have my money, now it must be just a mouse click for them, but after another day zero coins, zero feedback, zero reliability.

Are you admin guys able to get some feedback at least ?
The have my money, and I want to know whats going on. is this so hard ?

And I am not even talking about the network issues...

again, what pisses me off is that they play dead silence.

I got my coins finally! Took them a whole week.



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Post Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:40 am

Re: Buying Coins

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Coin purchase of windows phone 7 is a brand new thing for us, and we ourself have to adjust to it step by step. It might take a while for a deal to be closed, and we fully understand as a paying customer you must be anxious. We will do our utmost to be fast, at least as fast as we possibly can. Things will work out eventually, and please have faith in us.




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Post Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:00 pm

Re: Buying Coins

This is no answer on my question why i havent been contact yet. I guess writing an email is not new... Im still wait waiting for my coins and want some feedback. I sent you everything as instructed so send me an email back. Eazy peazy



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Post Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:23 pm

Re: Buying Coins

Can I log in on an Iphone with my WP7 account buy coins there and they will show up on wp7 ??





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Post Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:55 pm

Re: Buying Coins

Yes, you can use iPhone and WP7 side by side without problems.



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Post Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:29 am

Re: Buying Coins

There are multiple choices for purchasing in-game coins:

1-Medium package $10 120coins
2-Super package $50 750coins
3-Ultra package $100 1600coins

Please choose the package you would like and pay to haypiinc@hotmail.com (Haypi paypal account).
Please include all of the following in your letter full name,email,transaction ID,amount,username. Send it to server support through the help/support tab.
We will get methods of purchase optimized ASAP.

Mach77, if you still fail to receive your coins please pm support1 on forum with all the essential info.



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Post Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:44 am

Re: Buying Coins

Waiting one week now for my coins. Hoped to get them in that time now my vip run out... So if you buy coins hope you get it in a few weeks if your lucky.


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Post Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:11 am

Re: Buying Coins

For those of you wanting a reply to your "where is my coins?" email I understand your frustration, but keep this in mind: They get your email, what are they supposed to say? "We are working on it. There are currently 2854 requests for coins that need to be filled before yours"? Replying to email takes time that could be better served actually fulfilling coin orders. So do not mistake no response with no action.

I know its an extremely frustrating situation, but unfortunately the more mail you send them, the tougher their job gets. So as has been said, please, please be patient. They have had bugs in the past, and they have fixed them. It all just takes time.
Beware the Artesians!!

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