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Unfairly Banned Accounts




Posts: 184

Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:39 am

Post Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:57 pm

Unfairly Banned Accounts

1. Haypi implements new dailies reward and says spin wheel, respin, and catch monsters to get 1,000 points or more.
2. Haypi does not tell you what the rewards are for getting to 1,000 points, except to tell you that it is worth 25 gold coins.
3. Player plays jungle-2 repeatedly to spin wheel and to catch monsters and invests 4-5 hours to get to 1,000 points.
4. Player sees reward center blinking, so he collects set of rewards like one would normally do after daily or server reset.
5. Several hours later, player sees rewards center blinking again, so he collects the set of rewards like one would normally do after daily or server reset.
6. Player get banned for 24 hours for collecting second set of rewards.

How is this fair? Where is the due process? Is it illegal to farm jungle-2 to catch monsters and to spin the wheel after you complete that map? The player does not even know what he is supposed to be receiving for 1,000 points, so he collects whatever Haypi gives him. Then, Haypi bans the player for simply receiving what Haypi gave them? This is absurd.

Assuming the issue is with the player having received the second set of rewards, the easy fix is to simply undo that by removing the second set of rewards from the player's account. But, don't blame the player for Haypi's own mistake.

What Haypi did here was totally arbitrary, without any fair advance notice, and simply wrong.

I feel for the good and fair players who got banned in the above way. I hope Haypi does something to reverse the ban and compensate them.




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Post Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:32 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

Absolutly agree! Haypi didnt check its own update or didnt test it before bring it online to community and has several bugs and glitches in it.
Now if Haypi mistakenly gives the Player 2 times a reward then the player has no responsible for this neither he is using a glitch/bug without knowing it is one. Haypi cant blame players for their own mistakes and not existing beta testers.

Seriously? How can haypi be that rude ( we are talking of some items, 25 gold coins worth ) and punish ppl for that low items?
For me its just a greedy and arrogance action of haypi. Even if ppl mistakenly or intenionally took rewards two times you cant ban ppl for your own stupid
Code bugs!

Its like Bill Gates lost 10$ on the street without i know it was his money and i take it then Bill reports me immediatly to FBI CIA AND NSA.

Ya Haypi, we can act the same way right back to you, too !



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Post Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:31 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

That's just stupid clearly their fault. People should be unbanned and given compensation in my opinion. If the idiot admins didn't want people collecting twice then don't make it possible. They have had more than 6 months to make a working update instead we get shi.t.
YouTube channel: MattsGaMeS65 (haypi videos)
Level40 originally from server 1000.



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Post Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:17 am

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

I am with the rest of the voices here, IF the OP is correct and the events occurred in this way, then this is a clear cut DEVELOPER ERROR and the player has no reason to suffer penalty for a game bug of this sort.

I can tell you right now there have been COUNTLESS times when haypi does a reset AFTER a reset. And I have ended up with AND USED extra challenges to rush levels or clear veteran/expert modes. Does haypi punish EVERYONE for getting this extra benefit? Those who weren't logged in during the first reset don't reap the extras but for those who happened to be there when it happens and get this benefit there is never a punishment.

So why punish them now, for what is essentially the exact same thing??

The truth is that this recent update is BUGGED!!! It has caused many reported issues

#1 - First Generation iPads that can only go as high as Ios 5.1.1 can NO LONGER PLAY THE GAME.

#2 - DD map is bugged.

#3 - The game is lagging more than usual, because of the extra data perhaps? But it is definetly not running as smoothly as before.

#4 - Poor compensation to no compensation for the 24 hour no game maintenance that left all of us waiting for the new update for HOURS only to realize it was not coming until the next day.

After you make so many mistakes with this, you wish to punish players for playing the game by the RULES YOU ESTABLISHED!? This is not a proper way to treat potential clients.
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Post Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:09 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

I agree fully with you. And, I have been told that for these unfairly banned accounts, Haypi took away not only the second set of rewards, but the original rewards received legitimately for reaching 1,000 points, as well as the 50 HP magic stones for the January 9th login.

I thought this type of tyrannical, unfair, cruel, and arbitrary punishment only occurred in countries like North Korea, but apparently Haypi thinks this is okay.

I do not know how this type of punishment for an unknowing receipt of a benefit would deter cheating or create a fair game environment.

This just makes me sick to my stomache to have a game managed so unfairly by the game developer.

Haypi should immediately redeposit the original rewards received legitimately for reaching 1,000 points and the 50 HP magic stones for the January 9th login.

Haypi's refusal to do so would show how little Haypi cares about true fairness, and is only out to unduly punish players who received benefits without buying more gold coins to fatten Haypi's pockets.




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Post Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:33 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

Apparently, Haypi even took away these players' magic stones received legitimately from spinning wheel on team modes and veteran/expert maps.

This is the most egregious form of punishment for what truly were innocent and unknowing conduct of good and fair players.

I cannot believe that Haypi would go so far as to take away even the legitimately earned magic stones that these players genuinely earned.

I smell a possible lawsuit against Haypi coming.



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Post Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:15 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

I find it ridiculous to get punished for a mistake they made...for all I know, every single user could have been experiencing the glitch. And to take away all I earned legitimately too...all because you don't know how to properly test your product? Great way to lose your userbase. Glad to learn I wasted so much time on this joke of a game. Very disheartening. Thanks for nothing Haypi.



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Post Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:39 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

So this happened to you GN?

Hope you get reimbursed.
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Post Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:02 pm

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

Yep it did. :-/

And nah, probably best I just stop playing now. Don't want to encounter any other game errors that end up getting me banned...



Posts: 66

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:21 am

Post Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:04 am

Re: Unfairly Banned Accounts

May your accounts live on....just not in the hands of 1password.
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