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Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom (Article Competition)

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Post Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:09 pm

Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom (Article Competition)

Please read the disclaimer below before reading...
All peoples/non-peoples alive or dead that choose to read this upon their own will are at their own responsibility if any of the information here is changed while I was sleeping.
Table of Contents
1. Text to English Guide. Essential.
2. Attribute and Skill Points Explained (In Great Detail)
3. The Main Screen
4. The Beginner's Guide to Haypi Kingdom
5. Troops
6. Turrets/Traps
a. Troops Killed per level & range
b. Comparison
7. Oasis and Forts
a. Hunts
b. Occupying
c. Farming Forts
8. Treasures/Equips

1. Text To English

Some Abbreviations that you will see in game and in this guide, as well as some words that stand for others.
Rsrces = Resources
Farming = When you attack someone/something for the resources
PP = Prestige
PP Attack = When you attack someone in order to kill their army, essentially winning you prestige.
PP Hit/Hit = Same as a PP Attack.
k = 1000. For example 10k = 10,000 2k = 2000 100k = 100,000
War = When two people or alliances fight each other with the intention of having the other person lose everything or the other alliance disband/lose prestige to drop it a few ranks.
Fort = Fortified Point, a place heavily guarded with resources you can take. A non-player character.
Oasis = A place that when attacked and captured, increases the owner's resource income.
Lvl = Level
Arc/Arch = Archers
Cats = Catapults
Cav/Ponies/Horses = Cavalry
Inf/Swordmen/Foot Soldiers/Soldiers = Infantry
Soldiers/Troops = All Soldiers in General.
Atck/Atk = Attack (Attribute)
Def = Defence (Attribute)
For/Ftn = Fortune (Attribute)
Spd = Speed (Attribute)
Unlock = Unlock Chest (Skill)
Hidden/Hidn = Hidden Attack (Skill)
Break = Break Cranny (Skill)
Heal = Heal (Skill)
Convince = Convince (Skill)

2. Attribute Points/Skills

Attribute Points are minor boosts to your troops. You get attribute points for leveling up and for completing the task 'Get to Know General'. These four attribute points are:
A) Attack – Gives .5 % more attack to your troops per point.
B) Defence – Gives .5% more defence to your troops per point.
C) Speed – Gives 1% more speed to your troops per point and gives you the first attack if you have more speed than your opponent.
D) Fortune – Increases the likelihood of double/triple power attacks per points and also gives a higher reward on hunts.
The attribute point that matters the most is Speed. The reason for this is because:
1) Your troop movement across the map is faster.
2) Your troop movement across the field during a battle is higher
3) If you have more speed than your opponent you will strike first.
Fortune is probably the most unreliable attribute since double/triple power attacks are unreliable & hunt's rewards don't usually affect your troops, although it could make you a bit wealthier.

Skill Points are passive actions that are applied when needed, except for Unlock Chest. These five skills are:
A) Unlock Chest – You can unlock a chest at the level of this skill or below for free.
B) Hidden Attack – Increases the chance that your attack will not notify the attacked person and won't show up on the main screen of Haypi Kingdom. It will still show up in actions, but the defender will see 'unknown' for all the troop numbers.
C) Heal – Heals a certain amount of your troops that have died in an attack or defence by 2% per level.
D) Break Cranny – You can take 5% of the resources from someone's cranny per level, provided you have enough troops to carry them off.
E) Convince – You can convince some of the opponent's troops that died into your traps (wall defences) to join your side by 3% per level.
Unlock Chest is applied when opening a chest, Hidden Attack is applied when you send out an attack and the last 3 are applied as soon as a battle finishes.
Skill points are usually debated amongst but it is generally agreed that Hidden Attack is the most useful. This is because if the attacked person does not know that they are being attacked they won't be prepared when the attack hits them. The most useless skill is convince. Traps are ineffective at high levels (you should be using turrets at high levels) and if you convince part of their army to join you then the person attacking you will just hit you again for even more prestige.

3.The Main Screen

When you open Haypi Kingdom and select 'start game' you will see something that will be referred to as the main screen. The buttons and buildings here will be explained here.
Your city can be scrolled around by dragging your finger. It has to be scrolled to see your whole city.
Lumber Mill – 1 of 4 resource fields. You have 4 of these. Once upgraded they increase lumber production per hour.
Stone Mine – 1 of 4 resource fields. You have 4 of these. Once upgraded they increase stone production per hour.
Crop Field – 1 of 4 resource fields. You have 4 of these. Once upgraded they increase crop production. Crops
Iron Mine – 1 of 4 resource fields. You have 4 of these. Once upgraded they increase iron production.
Main Building – A building that you can view city loyalty at and also produces people per hour. Once upgraded it increases people production and shortens building time/research time of other buildings/units/wall defences. You can also go to management from here.
Tech Center – A building that you can research various techs/technologies that have different uses. The uses that each tech provides is described underneath the tech. You can not upgrade this building.
Barracks – A building where you can train (build) soldiers/troops. More on this subject will be described later on in this guide. Once upgraded it will shorten troop training time by 4% per level.
Marketplace – A building where you can trade treasures or resources. You can either buy or sell. You cannot upgrade this building.
Wall – Not really a building but still is selected like the other buildings above. A place where you can build wall defences (which will be elaborated on later) or upgrade wall defences. The wall can not be upgraded.
Warehouse – A building that shows the max capacity of resources. For example, at level 1 it can hold 800 of each resource at max. At level 2 it can hold 2000 of each resource at max. When upgraded it increases max capacity of the resources you can hold.
Cranny – A building that shows how much resources are kept safe when you are attacked. When you are attacked the enemy's troops that are still alive can carry off your resources. This can be negated by having your cranny keep your resources safe. The cranny's effect, although, can be negated by the 'break cranny' skill.
Confused? Say you have 1,000 lumber. Someone then attacks you and wins. They have enough troops to take 500 lumber for you. Oh no!
Wait. You have a cranny that protects 750 of each resource. That means 750 lumber out of 1000 is protected, so they can only take 250 lumber instead. Your resources are safe!
What about Break Cranny? Say they have level 2 Break cranny skill. That means they can take 10% of the resources protected by your cranny. That means they can take 250 lumber +10% of the lumber protected by your cranny. 10% of 750 is 75 so they can take 250 + 75 lumber = 315 lumber they can take.
Provided they have enough soldiers to take it all.

Now for the buttons at the bottom:
Chat – Will open up a chat room. There are three versions: World, which is where everyone can view what anyone sends here. Alliance, which is where only members of your alliance can view what you send, and vice versa. Private, which is where only you and the recipient can see what each other said. For example, say you said 'Hi' to BobbyJoe123. Only you and BobbyJoe123 will see that you said Hi to him.
Alliance – Will open up the alliance page. If you are not in an alliance, you can look at the alliance list, which is a list of alliances that have open spots, you can create an alliance or ask to join an alliance. Most of the buttons are self-explanatory if you are in an alliance.
Task – Will open up the tasks. Here you can collect the rewards for completing a task, collect your daily gift or view the Game Center achievements you have completed.
Help – Will open up a step by step guide and a link to the forums and FAQ (support). I never took a look at this EVER unless I touched it by accident with my finger, but it's still a handy thing to look at.
Rank – The page where you can view who's leading the server in prestige, title, alliance or Game Center achievements. You can also view who's leading in Game Center achievements for all of Haypi Kingdom.
Shop – The place where you can buy Coins with 'Real life money' or you can earn free coins by downloading apps.
General – The page where you can view attribute and skill points, and you can also go to management. At management you can add VIP Time (Check FAQ) Contact Support, check your server, etc.
Map – You can view the map from here that shows your cities and other people's cities, oasis, plains and forts. You can attack other people, forts or oasis from here, as well as viewing other people's cities.
Cities – A list of the cities you own is viewed here. It will show your main city on top followed by your sub cities. It's easiest to switch from one city to another from here. You can also view your occupied forts and oasis.
Action – A list of three actions you can view here; To Attack/Attacking/Attacked, To Hunt/Hunting, and Dispatch/Transport. To Attack is when you're attacking someone. Attacking is when it's a hidden attack, and Attacked is when someone is attacking you. To Hunt/Hunting is when you're going to a hunt/hunting. Dispatch is when you're sending reinforcements from one city to another or from a city to an oasis/fort and transport is when you're transporting resources from one city to another. You can also command attacks, harvest hunts or recall troops.
Treasure – A grid-like screen with either treasures or equipment that you own, such as Nugget, Gemstone, Medal and Sword, Horse, Manual. You can equip your equipment, sell something to the npc (Non player character) Enhance equipment with enhancement stones or go to the marketplace.
Letter – Your Haypi Kingdom mailbox. You can only view messages you've got here; you can't save drafts or check sent mail. This is where you get quite a few Haypi Kingdom events such as War Report and Trade Report. You can also send mail to other people here. The mail is pretty self-explanatory.

4. The (small) Beginner's Guide to Haypi Kingdom

So.. you've started out as a Haypi player... congratulations!
The first thing I would advise to do is read the help, selected by tapping the help button at the bottom. Once you have read this (If you decided to) complete the tasks, selected by tapping 'task'. Make sure that you tap the task and read the information, as this information is nice to know. Complete the task and once done, tap the task and get rewards. Complete tasks 1-4 in this manner and tap task 5 to change your username. ^.^ Make sure that you choose something appropriate, because if you don't, you will not be allowed to talk in chat. It is vital to pick an appropriate username. Once done, complete the rest of the tasks.
For the mail task, just send a mail to yourself or someone from chat. For the occupy task, send 1 infantry to a level 0 oasis. For the buy/sell task, sell 100 crop for minimum in the market and buy it from yourself. -credits to uranos
If a screen shows up saying warehouse is not big enough to hold rewards, it means that your warehouse's max capacity is not large enough to hold the resources you have right now + the resources you will get from the task. By adding up the resources you will get from the task to the resources you have in your city you can tell which resource you won't gain completely. It is easy to ignore this if the resource that you won't gain completely is crop since crop is very cheap and easiest to obtain out of all resources. If you want to be 100% efficient than upgrade your warehouse so that it will hold all your resources. Eventually you will reach the 'upgrade general title' task meaning that you can upgrade you General's Title. This is shown in the 'General' tab in the lower left. When people ask you this, they will almost always say 'level' which is shown on your city from the map. Your level is intertwined with your title. To upgrade your general title you will need a certain amount of prestige and possibly a treasure such as a nugget or gemstone. If you don't need any treasures a key will be shown.
For the refer task you have to get someone you know to put your name in the 'Referral's Username' tab when they change their username for task 5. They will then have to upgrade their city to level 4, then level 7 afterwards. This task is not required and most people do not finish it.
I suggest that once you start out, upgrade your resource fields and cranny so that your cranny gets maxed and you have a steady income of resources. If you find you don't have enough people on hand a lot of the time, upgrade main building; if you find that your resources are/will be maxed upgrade your warehouse. Barracks is not a priority yet.
When you have a good income of resources, max out the barracks, main building and warehouse. The barracks will decrease troop training speed, the main building will decrease technologies research time as well as building upgrade time and the warehouse will increase your maximum resources that you can hold at once. All three are vital. Your cranny should be already maxed.
After that I would suggest making some troops. A catapult/infantry army is recommended since catapults have long range and are deadly, and they are probably the easiest to control unit. Infantry are for taking the resources and feeding the traps.
Once you have enough troops you will be able to start taking oases and farm fortified points for an even higher resource income. Farming forts will probably be your main source of income because forts have such high amounts of resources and are very easy to take.
Some things you might want to know:
Raise your shooting tech, marching tech and scouting tech. These three are probably the most important techs (in my opinion) because shooting can affect the range of your catapults by 160, scouting determines if you will attack someone at all (when you reach higher levels it WILL happen) and marching raises your speed, which is essential if you want to attack first.

5. Troops

(Life = Defence + Life)
I made a spreadsheet but found out that I can't copy/paste so... >.< Just go to the barracks and check out how expensive troops are. Catapults are the best because of their massive range and destructive power, easily mowing down other units except for cavalry. Catapults are as slow as molasses in a freezer being eaten by a half-dead beetle. Cavalry come second with their amazing speed (6 times faster than catapults) and stats to go with it such as highest life, highest speed, second highest attack, etc. If you use a cavalry army, though, you will almost always take losses due to Cavalry's poor range.
Archers and Infantry are debatable. Archers are poor due to their extreme low life and extreme low attack. It takes about 10 of them just to take down one cavalry and 7 of them to take down 1 infantry... so 100,000 archers would most likely lose a battle against 200,000 infantry. Archers are very good as backup for catapults or cavalry though because of their high speed and because catapults can only target 1 enemy per round.
Infantry are cheap and easy to replace, which is why people use them for meatshields and for traps.

Each troop gives approximately the same prestige as the amount of people required to make it, but this number will change depending on your level; if your level is low you might get more prestige, if you level is high you will get less.

In a battle, Infantry = 1 prestige per kill, Cavalry = 4, Archers = 2 and Catapults = 10. The prestige formula is A-B*R with:
A being the loser's loss
B being the winner's loss
R being a balancing factor. If the loser's level is lower than the winning side's then it balances it out so that the winning side can't take complete advantage from decimating the loser.

A couple things to note:
Traps do speed damage, not life damage, as proven by these screenshots: Image
Turrets do life damage, not speed damage. Therefore, turrets kill more archers than infantry.
The more speed your troops have the less losses you will take from traps, because traps do speed damage.
The more defence your troops have the less losses you will take from turrets, because turrets do life damage.
Turrets can and must be killed. Traps can not be killed but are sacrificed when your troops walk on top of it.

Turrets Range:
Level 1 – 600 range
Level 2 – 650 range
Level 3 – 700 range
Level 4 – 750 range
Level 5 – 800 range
Level 6 – 850 range
Level 7 – 900 range
Level 8 – 950 range
Level 9 – 1000 range
Level 10 – 1050 range

Turrets Attack:
1. 450
2. 740
3. 1210
4. 1980
5. 3240
6. 5310
7. 8700
8. 14260
9. 23370
10. 38280

Traps' Attack:
1. 200
2. 2000
3. 4000
4. 6000
5. 8000
6. 10000
7. 12000
8. 14000
9. 16000
10. 18000

This is why turrets are ineffective at low levels; catapults outrange them and easily/efficiently demolish them. Traps, on the other hand, can not be cleared without losses, even if the losses are minimal. This is why traps are preferred over turrets until you reach higher levels.

7. Oasis/Forts

A couple things to note:
Hunts make your troops safe, as well as bringing you money or treasure when you harvest.
Forts are non-player characters.

Hunts are when your troops go to an oasis and stay there, 'hunting'. This will hide your troops.
You can't hunt in an oasis that is occupied by an enemy; you however CAN hunt in an oasis occupied by you or an alliance member. The longer the oasis has not been hunted, the better chance that the hunt will be successful and the better reward you will get. No matter whether a hunt is successful or unsuccessful, your troops will return to your city upon harvesting.The probability of a hunt being successful is how recently it has been hunted in; the more recently it has been hunted in the lower probability of a successful hunt.
Occupying is when you send your troops to attack an oasis or a fort. When you attack an oasis and win, you will then occupy it. Oasis will add a certain amount to your resource production when occupied. Forts will add a certain amount of money to your money production when occupied and they also have resources you can steal from them. In order to occupy a fort, you have to drop the loyalty from 100 to 0. Each attack will drop the loyalty by 40. The fort's loyalty goes up 10 every half hour so you can still take it with 3 attacks an hour after the first one.
Farming forts is when you attack a fort with the intention of taking all the fort's resources. This is recommended for resources and is a lot better than occupying it (in my opinion) because occupying it gives you almost no money at all.
When you occupy a fort, you will gain 20 money X the level of the fort per hour. So a level 1 fort will give 20 money an hour and a level 6 fort will give 120 money per hour.

Oasis Guide: (The numbers are the max amount of troops the oasis could hold)
Level 1: 9-9-0-0
Cats: 5

Level 2: 24-9-0-0
Cats: 10

Level 3: 49-24-9-0
Cats: 25

Level 4: 99-24-9-0
Cats: 50

Level 5: 249-49-24-9
Cats: 75

Level 6: 499-49-24-24
Cats: 100

Level 7: 999-99-49-49
Cats: 200

Level 8: 2499-99-49-99
Cats: 400

Level 9: 4999-499-99-249
Cats: 800

Command your troops to wait from the start, and target cavalry - archers - infantry - catapults (at round 6)

8. Treasures/Equips

Nugget – A treasure you will need to level up from level 3-4 6-7.
Gemstone – A treasure you will need to level up from level 6-7 and 9-10.
Medal – A treasure you will need to level up from level 9-10 and 12-13.
Scepter – A treasure you will need to level up from level 12-13, 15-16, 18-19 and 19-20.
Crown – A treasure you will need to level up from level 18-19 and 19-20.
Sword – An equip that adds +2 attack per level of the sword.
Armor – An equip that adds +2 defence per level of the armor.
Horse – An equip that adds +2 speed per level of the horse.
Manual – An equip that adds +1 attack, defence and speed per level of the manual.
Ring – An equip that adds +1 fortune per level of the ring.
Chest – An item that you can open if you have the same level key or if your unlock chest skill is the same or above your chest level.
Gold/Silver Box – An item that will require 10 coins to open it if it is gold and 5 coins for a silver. These hold leveling items, coins or enhancement stones.
Enhancement Stone - Items that let you boost the stats of your equipment. The equipment must be level 5+ for you to enhance it.
To enhance an equip make sure that you don't have the equip equipped. Go to treasure, tap the equip you want to enhance and tap 'enhance'. -These are most commonly found in hunting in stone oases.
Last edited by SkyDreamer on Mon May 02, 2011 1:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Sun May 01, 2011 9:12 pm

Re: Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom

Thanks you! This is very helpful. :D
Coasterboi - Server 113



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Post Sun May 01, 2011 9:20 pm

Re: Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom (Article Competition)

Thanx it was helpful


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Post Sun May 01, 2011 9:21 pm

Re: Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom (Article Competition)

You can find a lot of other guides here.
Glad it helped ;)
SkyDreamer - Retired Expert s59 (115) + 82



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Post Sun May 01, 2011 11:14 pm

Re: Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom (Article Competition)

Horses add +2 speed per level.. Not +3... ;) just a tip
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Post Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:08 pm

Re: Small Guide to Haypi Kingdom (Article Competition)

everything s were good but range and attack of turrets were wrong :ugeek:

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