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Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:15 am
by nIcKrOx
I'm sure we all have either: A) called someone a noob, or B) been called a noob. I guess we should probably throw in option C) being called a noob by a noob (what a noob). As you read this, you are most likely suffering from that effect where saying a word too many times makes it sound like it's not even a word. I hate when that happens to me, it makes me feel like a noob. Since I don't know what the word "noob" technically even means, I looked it up, here's what came up, "...while the fundamental characteristic of noobs is obnoxiousness or stupidity." Ouch. Those words hurt. How about Haypi Kingdom noobs? What exactly defines a person to be a noob in Haypi Kingdom? Well, here's a few things that I've come up with.

—.Asking world chat if 2 cats can take a level 10 fort.
—.Wondering why your hunts only bring in 48 money all the time.
—.Not knowing how to hunt your army. Literally, not just forgetting to hunt, but not even knowing how to hunt (yet somehow these people are level 10?!?!?).
—.After 5 minutes of playing you send an invite to the number 1 alliance.
—.Wondering why you don't seem to gain any prestige in pvp.
—.Joining an alliance and expecting to immediatly be made vice leader.
—.During a battle, not realizing you have to hit "send command" to actually send the command to your army.
—.Bragging about the 15 different guides you have in your mailbox. To be honest, the good players have those memorized.
—.Not understanding why your crop consumption isn't as high as it used to be.
—.Keeping a positive crop consumption at all times, because you think once you go into the negatives you die or something like that.
—.Bragging about how many infantry you have, unless it's over 100000, most of us don't care.
—.Not knowing how to make a sub city.
—.Naming your first sub city something about your first alliance that you will later regret.
—.Always asking how many oasis can you have, even after being told "lvl/2 and round up" 4027 times.
—.Making an alliance map for the alliance you just joined thinking you are doing them a favor.
—.Being that guy in alliance chat who always needs resources, all types, of any amount, at all times.
—.Sending cats to kill traps because people have told you that is the best unit
—.Expecting to win pvp your first round... Without spending any cash.
—.Begging for a war, then pouting once all your cities are stolen (Im sorry, I didn't mean THAT type of war) 
—.Making noobish articles for the competition (hmmm, that one could backfire on me).

Anyway, that's all I got for right now, All of these examples were taken from past experience, some were actually my own noobish ways. Thanks for taking your time to learn how to not be a noob :)


Kudos to anyone who can possibly fix the mess of the way it gets posted when I post it, I've spent about 20 minutes trying to, but can't find a way to :( thanks for the help :)

I probably missed a lot, but if you got anything to share, I'd be happy to laugh at your story :D  


Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:25 am
by Caladan
nIcKrOx wrote:I'm sure we all have either: A) called someone a noob, or B)
 been called a noob. I guess we should probably throw in 
option C) being called a noob by a noob (what a noob). As 
you read this, you are most likely suffering from that effect 
where saying a word too many times makes it sound like 
it's not even a word. I hate when that happens to me, it
makes me feel like a noob. Since I don't know what the
word "noob" technically even means, I looked it up, here's
what came up, "...while the fundamental characteristic of 
noobs is 
obnoxiousness or stupidity." Ouch. Those words hurt. How 
about Haypi Kingdom noobs? What exactly defines a person 
to be a noob in Haypi Kingdom? Well, here's a few things
that I've come up with.

—.Asking world chat if 2 cats can take a level 10 fort.
—.Wondering why your hunts only bring in 48 money all the 
—.Not knowing how to hunt your army. Literally, not just 
forgetting to hunt, but not even knowing how to hunt (yet 
somehow these people are level 10?!?!?).
—.After 5 minutes of playing you send an invite to the 
number 1 alliance.
—.Wondering why you don't seem to gain any prestige in 
—.Joining an alliance and expecting to immediatly be made 
vice leader.
—.During a battle, not realizing you have to hit "send 
command" to actually send the command to your army.
—.Bragging about the 15 different guides you have in your 
mailbox. To be honest, the good players have those 
—.Not understanding why your crop consumption isn't as high as it used to be.
—.Keeping a positive crop consumption at all times, 
you think once you go into the negatives you die or 
something like that.
—.Bragging about how many infantry you have, unless it's 
over 100000, most of us don't care.
—.Not knowing how to make a sub city.
—.Naming your first sub city something about your first 
alliance that you will later regret.
—.Always asking how many oasis can you have, even after 
being told "lvl/2 and round up" 4027 times.
—.Making an alliance map for the alliance you just joined 
thinking you are doing them a favor.
—.Being that guy in alliance chat who always needs 
resources, all types, of any amount, at all times.
—.Sending cats to kill traps because people have told you
that is the best unit
—.Expecting to win pvp your first round... Without spending 
any cash.
—.Begging for a war, then pouting once all your cities are
stolen (Im sorry, I didn't mean THAT type of war) 
—.Making noobish articles for the competition (hmmm, that 
one could backfire on me).

Anyway, that's all I got for right now, All of these examples 
were taken from past experience, some were actually my 
own noobish ways. Thanks for taking your time to learn 
how to not be a noob :)


Kudos to anyone who can possibly fix the mess of the way it
gets posted when I post it, I've spent about 20 minutes trying
to, but can't find a way to :( thanks for the help :)

I probably missed a lot, but if you got anything to share, I'd be happy to laugh at your story :D  


Its weird how it posted it like that. I wonder why. Anyway I just hit return at each point where the text went off-screen. (Yeah, I'm bored).

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:56 pm
by SkyDreamer
It cut off some of your lines Nick, which Caladan pointed out... you might want to fix that :| strange how that happened..

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:48 am
by nIcKrOx
I actually pointed that out in my original post... And was asking people to fix it lol

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:05 am
by Nathan05
nick this is bloody hilarious. the perfect definition of a noob

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:57 am
by Caladan
nIcKrOx wrote:I actually pointed that out in my original post... And was asking people to fix it lol

umm I did kinda fix it in my quote. Now where's my kudos!! lol

Just wondering, did you type that all in-forum, or did you copy/paste it from a different program. If that is the case maybe some kind of formatting got brought with it?

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:35 am
by nIcKrOx
Thanks Nathan :D I just tried to be original, wasn't the best, but hey, itl do haha

Kudos calahan ;) I did use another format, which may have something to do with it :( I used AwesomeNote, that's my favorite app to use for typing and making art and stuff, that's probably it....

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:15 am
by Link209
Must say....This is awesome work and very funny.

I only have done 2 of them when I was a noob ;)

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 4:21 am
by SkyDreamer
nIcKrOx wrote:I actually pointed that out in my original post... And was asking people to fix it lol

Thought you should fix it though, I wasn't sure if Haypi would read Caladan's edits or not :oops:
I only did one, phew :shock:

Re: Noobs - Article Competition

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:14 pm
by nIcKrOx
I've done 11 of those things... Lol