The Top 10 Winners of Brain Storm Contest
Hello my guardians,
Welcome to the Ceremony of Brain Storm Contest! First of all let me introduce the Top 3 Guardians and their creative ideas.
The 1st Prize:Nathan
New Monster
1.Fly(BOSS monster)
It’s a flying monster. Instead of following the path to march towards mushroom, it’ll fly random patterns. It’s fast but after sucking huge amount HP from mogo, its speed will decrease greatly. It’ll attack the mogo every minute.

It’s a kind of spider look monster which has a super shinning gem-look back. When they are marching on the path, its dazzling light from their back offends the tower nearby and makes towers dumb. Kill them with long-range tower.
3.Beetle bug
It has a rocky back so it’s not easy to kill. Also, if you slow down it by bubble or ice, it’ll dig a hole with its powerful mouthparts on path and then disappear. Several sec later, it’ll appear again very near to the mogo. The only thing can stop them is cobweb.

New Tower
It looks like liana or beanstalk. When monster came close, it’ll attack group of them by whips and push them a little bit backwards.

New Game Mode/NewTowers/New Gameplay/New Monsters/New Features
1. Progressive Aspect - Much like candy crush and two dots, introduce new thing obstacles/towers/monsters/etc. as the story mode progresses! This keeps the user interested and provides new obstacles for the user to figure out.
Incorporation - When incorporating the idea's provided by other users through emails, do it in this fashion, to not overwhelm the game player with all these crazy additions all at once but making it part of the current game in stages as they progress
Build off of current game - Start a new mode a second story mode where you are able to start with one tower/one bad guy and then after 10 levels introduce one more tower. this way keeping the current story mode but making a progressive mode. this was kind of done at the first of this game but fizzled out.
2. Users Create Levels and Share Them - There is already a social aspect of the game. make a game building mode where users can create levels, choose monster waves and share it with other users.
Incorporation - Due to the complexity of this idea, I would perceive this being a new app release. "Guadians - Maker of Worlds" or something like that. Now that you have an audience and following, pushing users to this app and having them do the creating/sharing/ranking etc. (much like Mario Builder) wouldn't be too difficult.
3. Survival Mode - much like two dots (releasing a level a day) do the same with your own twist on it. Release a level a day (challenge a day) and make the level really difficult to the point where it never ends and its the users goal to survive as long as possible. and the longer you survive the more of a reward you get. One of the benefits of this is it encourages every user to make sure to get on the game every single day.
4. Ultimate Towers - This ability would either allow you to (only on certain levels) continuously upgrade towers - thereby making them more and more powerful. Or just one extra upgrade, making the tower black and costing a ton! but making it an ultimate tower! This could do the same effect that the pyramid does now but makes the tower always that power.
5. Path Building - To add other towers/obstacles, it could be interesting to be able to build path towers, a new type of tower that somehow effects the monsters on the path (gets them stuck to the path, turns one monster around, makes them have to wait a second before progressing (an opening and closing gate) etc.
The 3rd Prize:Alaya
1.New Gameplay: Kill as many as Possible
Display: A ranked level, where you have to kill a certain number of Monsters for each star
Gameplay: Monsters appear without a certain number of waves, you have to survive as long as possible
Strategy: Find the best combination of towers
2.New Gameplay: End Boss
Display: A level where u have only one wave with a powerful Boss to defeat.
Gameplay: as normal
Strategy: as normal
3.New Monster: Freezer
Display: Freezer can randomly freeze your towers. It marches along until in the range of towers. Then it'll stop. When the tower is frozen, an Iceblock appears around it.
Gameplay: If not eliminated, it will randomly freeze a tower during the way. The Tower won't be able to work for a certain duration.
Strategy: Try to kill the monster fast, it has a weakness to fire based towers. Also fire based towers can unfreeze the frozen towers.

4.New Tower: Shield Tower
Display: Place it next to other Towers, to shield them from freeze attacks. It looks like a big, leafy plant.
Gameplay: When a freezer tries to attack, it shields the Towers around it.
Optional: It throws the snowballs back at the upcoming monsters
5.New Gameplay: Choose Towers
Display: Before starting the level, you can choose from a certain variety of Towers
Gameplay: Make most points with the chosen Towers
Strategy: Find the best combination of towers
6.New Gameplay: Special Level with changed roles
Display: In these levels you change roles. You choose your monsters and try to kill Mogo
Gameplay: Choose Monsters to defeat Mogo
Strategy: Find the best combination of Monsters, Upgrade them
Welcome to the Ceremony of Brain Storm Contest! First of all let me introduce the Top 3 Guardians and their creative ideas.
The 1st Prize:Nathan
New Monster
1.Fly(BOSS monster)
It’s a flying monster. Instead of following the path to march towards mushroom, it’ll fly random patterns. It’s fast but after sucking huge amount HP from mogo, its speed will decrease greatly. It’ll attack the mogo every minute.

It’s a kind of spider look monster which has a super shinning gem-look back. When they are marching on the path, its dazzling light from their back offends the tower nearby and makes towers dumb. Kill them with long-range tower.
3.Beetle bug
It has a rocky back so it’s not easy to kill. Also, if you slow down it by bubble or ice, it’ll dig a hole with its powerful mouthparts on path and then disappear. Several sec later, it’ll appear again very near to the mogo. The only thing can stop them is cobweb.

New Tower
It looks like liana or beanstalk. When monster came close, it’ll attack group of them by whips and push them a little bit backwards.

New Game Mode/NewTowers/New Gameplay/New Monsters/New Features
1. Progressive Aspect - Much like candy crush and two dots, introduce new thing obstacles/towers/monsters/etc. as the story mode progresses! This keeps the user interested and provides new obstacles for the user to figure out.
Incorporation - When incorporating the idea's provided by other users through emails, do it in this fashion, to not overwhelm the game player with all these crazy additions all at once but making it part of the current game in stages as they progress
Build off of current game - Start a new mode a second story mode where you are able to start with one tower/one bad guy and then after 10 levels introduce one more tower. this way keeping the current story mode but making a progressive mode. this was kind of done at the first of this game but fizzled out.
2. Users Create Levels and Share Them - There is already a social aspect of the game. make a game building mode where users can create levels, choose monster waves and share it with other users.
Incorporation - Due to the complexity of this idea, I would perceive this being a new app release. "Guadians - Maker of Worlds" or something like that. Now that you have an audience and following, pushing users to this app and having them do the creating/sharing/ranking etc. (much like Mario Builder) wouldn't be too difficult.
3. Survival Mode - much like two dots (releasing a level a day) do the same with your own twist on it. Release a level a day (challenge a day) and make the level really difficult to the point where it never ends and its the users goal to survive as long as possible. and the longer you survive the more of a reward you get. One of the benefits of this is it encourages every user to make sure to get on the game every single day.
4. Ultimate Towers - This ability would either allow you to (only on certain levels) continuously upgrade towers - thereby making them more and more powerful. Or just one extra upgrade, making the tower black and costing a ton! but making it an ultimate tower! This could do the same effect that the pyramid does now but makes the tower always that power.
5. Path Building - To add other towers/obstacles, it could be interesting to be able to build path towers, a new type of tower that somehow effects the monsters on the path (gets them stuck to the path, turns one monster around, makes them have to wait a second before progressing (an opening and closing gate) etc.
The 3rd Prize:Alaya
1.New Gameplay: Kill as many as Possible
Display: A ranked level, where you have to kill a certain number of Monsters for each star
Gameplay: Monsters appear without a certain number of waves, you have to survive as long as possible
Strategy: Find the best combination of towers
2.New Gameplay: End Boss
Display: A level where u have only one wave with a powerful Boss to defeat.
Gameplay: as normal
Strategy: as normal
3.New Monster: Freezer
Display: Freezer can randomly freeze your towers. It marches along until in the range of towers. Then it'll stop. When the tower is frozen, an Iceblock appears around it.
Gameplay: If not eliminated, it will randomly freeze a tower during the way. The Tower won't be able to work for a certain duration.
Strategy: Try to kill the monster fast, it has a weakness to fire based towers. Also fire based towers can unfreeze the frozen towers.

4.New Tower: Shield Tower
Display: Place it next to other Towers, to shield them from freeze attacks. It looks like a big, leafy plant.
Gameplay: When a freezer tries to attack, it shields the Towers around it.
Optional: It throws the snowballs back at the upcoming monsters

5.New Gameplay: Choose Towers
Display: Before starting the level, you can choose from a certain variety of Towers
Gameplay: Make most points with the chosen Towers
Strategy: Find the best combination of towers
6.New Gameplay: Special Level with changed roles
Display: In these levels you change roles. You choose your monsters and try to kill Mogo
Gameplay: Choose Monsters to defeat Mogo
Strategy: Find the best combination of Monsters, Upgrade them