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Text still not right




Posts: 249

Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:12 am

Post Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:53 pm

Text still not right

I Sent a couple screen shots from my iPad using the feedback button, but felt I should list it here too.

The text still doesn't look correct on many screens.
I did upgrade to the latest version of the Beta, but these still seem to not work correctly.

When you hit upgrade, the top of the screen that comes up still isn't formatted correctly. The text runs off the screen and overlaps other text. It's still hard to read.

City management window
"Player info" doesn't fit in it's own box.
VIP and War refuse text - The timer doesn't fit in the box.
The title of the player overlaps into the upgrade button

Attack screen
"Food consumed" runs off the left of the screen and overlaps the number.

Alliance page
The "Technology" text doesn't fit on it's tab.
The announcement section doesn't fit well if I write a good sized paragraph. Maybe have a character limit on the screen where there officers type this in so they know how much they can write?

Alliance management page
The Management and Apply list text don't fit on their tabs.

Main and daily tasks
If it's a longer task name, it overlaps into the numbers tracking progress.

Farm Detail screen overlaps into the box that says what level it is. Same with Quarry, Iron Mine, Lumber, crystal cave, etc..

Shop screen
The resource tab doesn't fit it's text.
Advanced Hero refresh card text doesn't fit.

Activities list
The text in both tabs do not fit and overlap each other.

I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I'm still noticing. I also tried this on an iPod touch, and seem to get the same results.



Posts: 214

Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:50 pm

Post Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:43 pm

Re: Text still not right

They do respond to in-game feedback eventually, but perhaps they should respond to some of these posts in the forum too. It might have saved Chicagoguy time/effort on some of his posts.

The overlapping texts issue is well-known and been reported many many times. It is also not a priority. Dev teams prioritize game mechanic bugs above aesthetics that don't interfere with the operation of game play. In fact, aesthetics is far down the list. Other higher priority items include fixing login issues, crashing issues, etc. They have someone going through the entire game to fix the aesthetics, and have fixed some of them already. But they are smart and will put that last.
iPhone 4S 32G
iOS 7.1.2 (11D257)
RotK beta version - current as of date of post



Posts: 249

Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:12 am

Post Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:23 pm

Re: Text still not right

Yes, I know it's a known issue.
I posted that 3 days ago right after the new version was released and gave them exact screens to see the errors.

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