Post Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:43 pm


VIP does not give 2 daily gifts.

Tournament mode crashes game.

Default city name is seemingly un-changeable.

Timers for gold/day reset.

Pressing go/return on phone/tablet in world chat should send the message instead of having to press send after.

Extend the chat in city "scene" to meet the button at the bottom adding a 3rd line to read without clicking the chat. Also really focus on having that display real time chat as fast as possible

The "scene" tab to the right of chat blocks the view. Push it all the way to the right leaving only the gray rectangle with yellow triangle showing to pull it out.

When commanding a battle the word/button "auto" on the left is cut of and just says "to".

In the forge>synthesize in the "synthesize materials" a popup description need to show up when I hover finger over it like in the bag. Sometimes it's a bit confusing.

The map scene when attacking we should have energy bottle for map energy like the other energy. Also make it more noticeable .

Hero detail menu hovering over equipment should tell u stats equipped and non.