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Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:57 pm
by Uprising
Username: Uprising
Server ID:101031
I think that the alliance hall should be some type of auction house where players could sell items they don't need to other players. Instead of selling them in a vendor players could sell them for some type of currency to the players who need it. This way both players get what they want.

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:57 pm
by Uprising
Username: Uprising
Server ID:101031
I think that the alliance hall should be some type of auction house where players could sell items they don't need to other players. Instead of selling them in a vendor players could sell them for some type of currency to the players who need it. This way both players get what they want.

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:36 am
by Heaven
Username: Heaven
Server No: 601011
I suggest that players under level 15 are not allowed to set up an alliance. Or else the alliance system will probably get really messy. Alliance chatting channel should be added. (Alliance could be the place where players sell and buy items. Even monsters, cause it would make the game way more interesting.)Also, besides, the Haypi Team did add a few new monsters, but still not enough. If the Haypi team have no idea of what kind of new monster they will create, why not asking the players? They are the ones that(usually) have the best ideas.

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:41 pm
by FreshLikeMhe
Username: FreshLikeMhe
Server ID: 101028
Suggestions: you should be able to gift players in your alliance
When your alliance wins an event or have a certain amount of points or at a certain level, the alliance members should be gifted
There should also be a chat room for your alliance
Alliance members should be able to trade monsters
Should have daily or weekly alliance quests

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:46 am
by blooodhell
Hi there guys I hope my vip don't return to one

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:49 am
by blooodhell
Username: blooodhell
Server: 51172
What is the alliance and what it can do and does our vip be effected by the update

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:19 pm
by markhinkson
Username: markhinkson
Server: 101028
Suggestions: be able to get prestige and honor points from alliance quests
Receive epic monsters from winning alliance battles

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:16 pm
by Yehya96
I think that the alliance mode should involve risk since all other game modes are pretty safe. It should allow people to wager items or pink slip there monsters. By pink slip I mean if you win, you win the opponents monster and if you lose, you lose there monster. It would allow the serious players to battle with the thrill of gaining or losing the wagered monster. Your alliance should be a team of friends that can attack automatically if they aren't online because you can only be in one alliance and not multiple alliances. Players should be able to chat and place there bet. There would be an accept or decline offer button. If the deal is declined then the player could counter offer something else, or be matched up with a different opponent until satisfied. It should have a mode called "Kill streak Tournement" where you get better prizes and more Xp the more consecutive monsters you take down in a row without dying. Please make alliance mode exciting and an opportunity for big wins. Also world Boss chests should contain better prizes. Since the prizes arnt all that maybe consider making an "alliance Champions chest" for players that when consecutive matches in a row in alliance mode. Thank you for this wonderful game and for all the export you guys have put forth for a game that takes users opinions into consideration and constant updates! We appreciate all that you do!

Re: Suggestions for Alliance [Reward Offered]!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:06 pm
by Nikah69
Username: Nikah69
Server: 201001
Suggestion: I think alliances should be a place where people come together to become more of a team and help each other out in various aspects of the game. There should be some sort of ranking system to keep alliances competing; whether is it the combined level of all of the players in the alliance, some sort of pvp point system, ladder point system, or just any system really that can change on a daily basis. Maybe tournaments where the rankings reset every set amount of time (weekends, weekly, biweekly, monthly) with rewards given to the alliance as a whole (members come across slimes 3% more often, levels cost 2 less energy, 1 free spin each day at the end of level, etc...) these can have an unlimited duration, stack, or reset with each reset, or members of qualifying alliances would get rewards in their reward panel. Competitions like doing damage against a global boss for alliance chests would be pretty cool.

I also think alliance members should be able to trade or even sell items and/or monsters between each other. There could be limits, such as only trading monsters of similar qualities, upgrades get stripped, or the monster reverts back to a level 1 E- monster. Trading and selling items should be implemented, like offering items to alliance members for the price you would get for selling that item.