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New Monster suggestions

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:03 pm
by Laurelix_605
There was a game once "Geomon" but it no longer exists... It was the best Pokemon like game ever... You found rare monsters using your geographical location and it was not P2W. You could trade, battle your friend, of was very balanced game where the legendary monsters were more than defeat able by even the most common monsters... To catch things like the harpy, you had to be in geographical area where winds are very strong and even then you could be sitting and looking at your radar for 10 hours straight before you'd find a legendary creature which you had to then fight and capture... Now I wanted some of the creatures from Geomon to be added in this game.

Monster suggestions for Haypi:

Laurelix - Legendary
Element: Fire

Adarna - Rare
Element: Plant

Harpy - Legendary
Element: Ice

Lonce - Epic
Element: Ice

Wyvern - Rare
Element: Rock

Mozzy - Epic
Element: Fire

Roc - Legendary
Element: Physical

Kaldrak - Legendary
Element: Ice