Post Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:10 am

Skill Book Encyclopedia 技能书图鉴

Skill Book Encyclopedia


Beginner Skill Book:
Burn --- Hits your opponent with a small flame. May give it a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire, physical, and psychic monsters

Anger --- Fills you with inner fire, enhancing your physical attack ability. * For fire, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Blinding Smoke --- Hides you in smoke and can increase your dodge rating. * For fire, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Pyroblast --- Hurls a great ball of fire at your opponent. May give it a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Firestorm --- Raises the temperature of the air surrounding your opponent, burning it for damage over time. * For fire, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Molten Core --- Channels your inner fire, enhancing your magical attack and magical defense abilities. * For fire, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Whirling Flame --- Hits your opponent with a whirling flame. May enhance your magical attack ability and/or give it a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Hot Smoke --- Burns your opponent with hot smoke and has a chance of increasing your dodge rating. May give it a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Flame Trap --- Lays flame traps around the targets. Has a chance of making them fail to switch manually. This skill can be stacked twice, increasing the failure chance. * For fire monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Fire Bomb --- Hits your opponent with a fiery explosion. May give it a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire, psychic, and ghost monsters Rare and up

Fire Blast --- Blasts the opponent with fire. May give it a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire, physical, and psychic monsters Rare and up

Wild Fire --- Spews fire damage at all opponents. * For fire, physical, and psychic monsters Rare and up
Meteor --- Summons a fiery meteor out of the sky to hit all your opponents. * For fire, psychic, and ghost monsters Rare and up

Celestial Prayer --- Sends out a prayer for fair weather. Benefits plant and fire monsters when they use their respective skills. Weaken all monsters using water or ice skills. * For fire and plant monsters Epic and up

Super Fire Bomb --- Hits your opponent with a powerful fiery explosion. Will severely decrease your monster's physical attack. May give the target a burn debuff that does damage over time. * For fire monsters Epic and up


Beginner Skill Book:
Water Droplet --- Hits your opponent with water. Has a chance of healing you. * For water, physical, and psychic monsters

Crystallize --- Freezes water into a shield of ice, increasing your physical defense. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Bubbles --- Shoots out hundreds of bubbles to decrease your opponent's dodge rating. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Water Barrier --- Blocks the opponent's attack with a water barrier and increases your magical defense. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Erupting Spring --- Causes a spring to erupt from the ground, hitting your opponent. Has a chance of healing you. * For water, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Absorption --- Absorbs moisture from your surroundings to heal you. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Sewage --- Sprays the opponent with filthy water. Has a chance of increasing your dodge rating and healing you. * For water, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Whirlpool --- Traps your opponent in a whirlpool and does damage. Also has a chance of decreasing its magical defense and healing you. * For water, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Water Jets --- Fires jets of water toward your opponent at high-speed. Has a chance of healing you. Using this skill will guarantee that you have first hit. * For water, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Water Cell --- Traps the opponent in a cell made of water. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Water Beads --- Absorbs beads of water to heal yourself a little with each turn. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Drown --- Turns the ground beneath your target into water. When your opponent switches monster manually, the new active monster will lose some health. * For water monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Water Bombs --- Hits your opponent with a series of water bombs. Has a chance of healing you. * For water, physical, and psychic Rare and up

Tsunami --- Conjures up a tsunami to wash your opponent away. Has a chance of healing you. * For water, physical, and psychic Rare and up

Rain Prayer --- Prays for a rainstorm. Benefit water and electric monsters when they use their respective skills. Weaken all monsters using fire and plant skills. Also extinguishes Burn effects. * For water and electric monsters Epic and up

Water Torrent --- Unleashes a powerful torrent of water at your opponent, but will exhaust you so that you cannot make a move next turn. Has a chance of healing you. * For water, psychic, and ghost monsters Epic and up

Soak --- Soaks up the moisture around you to give you a massive heal. * For water, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Rare and up

Waterspout --- Summons a powerful waterspout, reciprocating the last attack your monster received this turn. * For water epic monsters: Cygness and Cranie

Halve --- Break through your opponent's defense and halve its health. * For epic monsters: Pinster and Scister


Beginner Skill Book:
Vine Whip --- Whips your opponent with a vine. May give it a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For plant, physical, and psychic monsters

Mother's Embrace --- Draws power from the earth, enchancing your magical attack ability. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Leaf Shield --- Creates a shield out of leaves, enhancing your physical defense ability. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Grass Wall --- Causes grass to shoot up from the ground, screening you from your opponents. Increases your dodge rating. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Poison Whip --- Whips your opponent with a poison-dipped vine. May give it a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For plant, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Hypnosis Powder --- Hypnotizes the opponent. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Poison Powder --- Poisons the opponent. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Paralysis Powder --- Paralyzes the opponent. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Entwine --- Traps the opponent in a vine. * For plant, physical, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Poison Petals --- Attacks your opponent with poisonous flower petals. Has a chance of poisoning your opponent for damage over time. * For plant, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Underworld Plant --- Summons a plant from the Underworld that can attack your opponent. Leeches its health and gives it to you. * For plant, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Underworld Seeds--- Plants seeds on your opponent's body. Any of your attacks will leech some of its health and give it to you. * For plant, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Toxic Stake --- Scatters toxic stakes around the target, poisoning a manually-switched monster. Severe poisoning occurs when this skill stacks or when the newly-switched monster already has a poison debuff. Can only stack twice. * For plant monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Seed Bullets --- Spews seeds at all your opponents. May give them a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For plant, psychic, and ghost monsters Rare and up

Razor Leaves --- Throws razor-sharp leaves at all your opponents. May give them a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For plant, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up

Poison Leaves --- Throws poisonous razor-sharp leaves at your opponent. May give your opponent a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For plant, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up

Photosynthesis --- Absorbs power from the sun to heal yourself. * For plant, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Rare and up

Solar Smite --- Does damage to your opponent through the power of the sun, but will exhaust you until you cannot make a move next turn. May give it a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For plant, physical and psychic monsters Epic and up

Cleansing Powder --- Removes all debuffs from your monster. * For plant, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Rare and up

Lethal Powder --- Sprinkles a poisonous powder on the target. May give it a poison debuff. If the target was already poisoned, its poison debuff will become more powerful. * For plant monsters Rare and up

Nature Boost --- Surrounds your monster with fast whirling leaves, increasing its speed. Also increases the damage your plant skills deal in the following turn. * For plant monsters Epic and up

Underworld Leech --- Summons a plant from the Underworld to attack your opponent. Leeches its health and gives it to you. More powerful than Underworld Plant. * For plant, psychic and ghost monsters Epic and up


Beginner Skill Book:
Electric Shock --- Hits your opponent with an electric shock. May give it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical and psychic monsters

Charge --- Charges yourself with energy, increasing your magical attack. * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Double Image --- Creates a copy of yourself so your opponent does not know who to attack. Can increase your dodge rating. * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Electric Ball --- Create a ball of electricity and hurl it at your opponent, possibly giving it a paralysis debuff. This ability also has a chance of increasing your speed. * For electric, physical and psychic monsters

Electric Shield --- Creates an electric shield that can enhance your magical defense. * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Electro-Aim --- Increases your hit rating. * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Static Strength --- Strengthen yourself with electricity, enhancing your physical defense. * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Lightning--- Summons lightning out of the sky to strike the opponent. May give it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Electrified Teeth --- Bites your opponent with electified teeth. May give it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Thunder Blast--- Hits the opponent with a full blast of electricity. Does double-damage and may give it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical, and psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Electric Net --- Throws an electric net over your opponent, giving it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Seduction --- Attracts your opponent, giving it a seduction debuff that may keep it from attacking you. (Only effects the opposite gender). * For electric, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Lightning Strike --- Strikes all your opponents with lightning. May give them a paralysis debuff. * For electric, psychic and ghost monsters Rare and up

Thunderstorm --- Summons a thunderstorm out of the sky to hit your opponent. May give it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up

Electrical Storm --- Summons an electrical storm to attack all opponents. May give them a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up

Super Thunderstorm--- Summons a powerful thunderstorm out of the sky to strike your opponent. May give it a paralysis debuff. This skill renders your monster unable to make a move next turn. * For electric monsters Epic and up

Electrocute --- Attacks your opponent with electric currents, increasing your monster's critical hit rating. May give it a paralysis debuff. * For electric, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up


Beginner Skill Book:
Mind Game--- Hits the opponent with a psychic attack. Has a chance of doing additional damage. * For non-physical and non-ghost monsters
High Speed--- Calls upon your psychic strength to increase your speed. * For psychic monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Spirit Channel--- Hits your opponent by channeling your psychic energy. Has a chance of doing additional damage. * For non-physical and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Spiritual Orb --- Hits your opponent with an orb of spiritual energy. Has a chance of doing additional damage and/or sending it into a state of confusion. * For non-physical and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Hypnotism --- Dangles a pocket watch in front of the opponent, giving it a hypnosis debuff that causes them to fall asleep. * For psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Confusion--- Hits your opponent with a psychic attack. Sends it into a state of confusion. * For psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Meditation --- Meditate on your own strengths and weaknesses while enhancing your magical attack and magical defense abilities at same time. * For psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Mind-Bending--- Uses your psychic abilities to attack your opponent's mind. Has a chance of doing additional damage. * For non-physical and non-ghost monsters Rare and up

Memory Wipe--- Erases your memory, causing all your debuffs to disappear. Also enhances your magical defense. * For psychic monsters Epic and up

Psychic Thrust --- Attacks your opponent with all of your psychic strength. Has a chance of doing additional damage to your opponent, but it will cause you to fall into a state of confusion in the next turn. * For non-physical and non-ghost monsters Epic and up

Mirror Shield--- Forms a shield around your monster, causing it to reciprocate the physical damage it receives two-fold (only applicable to initial physical damage). * For psychic monsters Epic and up

Magic Mirror --- Forms a shield around your monster, causing it to reciprocate the magical damage it receives two-fold (only applicable to initial magical damage). * For psychic monsters Epic and up

Speed Control --- When your monsters' speed is slower than its opponent, the damage it deals increases. * For epic monster: Robo

Dazzle--- Bursts out bright light to hit all opponents, possibly causing temporary blindness.(For legendary Mystijel) * For psychic legendary: Mystijel


Beginner Skill Book:
Strike --- Charge at your opponent. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters
Claw --- Swipe at your opponent with your claw. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters

Sword Dance --- Does a sword dance that increases your physical attack power. * For physical monsters

Full Stomach --- After eating a lot and growing a huge belly, you enhance your physical defense ability. * For physical monsters

Feign Weakness --- Feign weakness to get your opponent's pity, decreasing its physical attack power. * For physical monsters

Puzzle --- Mislead your opponent with your dazed appearance, decreasing its physical defense. * For physical monsters

War Cry --- Uses your special War Cry to unnerve your opponent, decreasing the power of its magical attack ability. * For physical monsters

Serenade --- Sings your opponent a serenade, weakening their magical defense ability. * For physical monsters

Smack --- Hits your opponent at lightning speed. Using this ability will guarantee that you get first hit. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Stomp --- Stomps on your opponent. Has a chance of sending it into a state of confusion. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Bodyslam --- Bodyslam your opponent with all your might. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Rampage --- Attack your opponent in a frenzied rage, causing you to fall into a state of confusion. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Ultrasonic --- Hits your opponent with ultrasonic noise. Has a chance of sending it into a state of confusion. * For physical monsters Uncommon and up

Snobbery --- Attacks your opponent with your self-confidence. The more health you have, the more damage you opponent will receive. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Infliction --- Attack your opponent recklessly and do damage while injuring yourself at same time. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Whack --- Whacks your opponent with your paw 1-3 times. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Poison Paw --- Swipe at your opponent with your poisoned paw. May give it a poison debuff that does damage over time. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Slash --- Slices at your opponent. Has a chance of landing a double-attack. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Self-Sacrifice --- Sacrifice yourself to injure your opponent. * For physical monsters Uncommon and up

Blade of Mercy--- Attack your target fiercely but grant them mercy by sparing them with 1 HP (Some talents can make mercy lose effectiveness). * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Switch Hit --- Attack your opponent and switch monsters in the same move. * For electric, physical and psychic monsters Epic and up

Frenzied Attack --- Hits your target 1-5 times in succession. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Epic and up

Iaijutsu --- Slices furiously at your opponent. Has a chance of landing a double-attack. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Rare and up

Trample--- Tramples your opponent with frenzy. Has a chance of sending it into a state of confusion. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Rare and up

Kamikaze --- Attack your opponent very recklessly and do severe damage while injuring yourself at same time. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Rare and up

Shell Breaker--- Breaks through any of your opponent's defenses. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Rare and up

Martyrdom --- Sacrifice yourself to severely injure your opponent. * For physical monsters Epic and up

Relay --- Passes the increase/decrease of the current monster's stats onto the next active monster. Cannot pass Power of Darkness effects. * For non-ghost and non-psychic monsters Epic and up

Execution --- Annihilates your opponent in a single hit. * For non-ghost and non-psychic monsters Epic and up

Wind Blast --- Blows your opponent right out of the battle ring. * For non-ghost and non-psychic monsters Epic and up

Foresight --- Sees through the moves of the opponent and then protects yourself from taking damage. Continuous use during a combat will lower its effectiveness. * For non-ghost and non-psychic monsters Epic and up

Vengeance --- Attacks your opponent in a craze. The less health you have, the more damage your opponent will receive. * For non-psychic and non-ghost monsters Rare and up


Beginner Skill Book:
Rock --- Breaks a rock off a mountain and hurls it at your opponent, possibly stunning it. * For earth, physical, and psychic monsters

Swamp --- Turns the ground underneath your opponent into swampland, decreasing its dodge rating. * For earth, physical, psychic and ghost monsters
Burrow --- Burrows yourself into the sand, increasing your dodge rating. * For earth, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Rock Armor --- Roll across the ground to adhere rocks to your body as armor. Enhance your physical defense. * For earth, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Rock Fall--- Causes rocks to fall and bury your opponent, possibly stunning it. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters uncommon and up

Fissure --- Creates a fissure in the earth, trapping your opponent. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters uncommon and up

Rock Sling --- Slings all sorts of rocks at your opponent. Has a chance of decreasing its speed and possibly stunning it. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters uncommon and up

Shake --- Causes the ground to tremble, stunning any of your opponent's manually switched monsters that enter the battle. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Boulder --- Breaks a boulder off a mountain and hurls it at your opponent, possibly stunning it. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up

Earthquake --- Hits all your opponents with a powerful earthquake, possibly stunning them. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters Rare and up

Sand Storm --- Causes water and electric monsters to lose 16% of their health each turn while ice, plant, psychic, ghost, and physical monsters lose 8%. Also decreases the hit rating of these monsters. * For earth monsters Epic and up

Massive Boulder --- Hurls an enormous boulder at the target, possibly stunning it. Significantly decreases your monster's physical defense. * For earth, physical and psychic monsters Epic and up


Beginner Skill Book:
Polish --- Polish your claws in the darkness to enhance your magical attack ability. * For ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Shadow Orb --- Hit your opponent with an energy orb created from shadows. This ability also has a chance of decreasing your opponent's magical defense. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Fear --- Frightens your opponent with darkness, sending it into a state of confusion. * For ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Shadow Swipe --- Swipes at your opponent under the cover of darkness. Possibly enhances your magical attack ability. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Curse --- Sacrifices half of your health in order to curse your opponent. This curse causes it to lose 25% of its health each turn. * For ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Sneak Attack --- Sneaks up to your opponent to attack it. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Ambush --- Ambush your opponent in the darkness with a critical hit. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Uncommon and up

Exhaust --- Dangles a pocket watch in front of the opponent, giving it a hypnosis debuff that causes them to fall asleep. * For ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Swindle --- Trick your opponent, causing them to lose some of their PP in every skill. * For non-physical non-psychic monsters Rare and up

Power of Darkness --- Call upon the power of darkness to enhance all your special abilities. This effect cannot be stacked. * For Furonkey and ghost monsters Epic and up

Cunning --- Cry to get your opponent's attention, lowering its defense significantly. Then land an attack. Your move will occur after your opponent's. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Rare and up

Shadow Storm --- Does damage to all opponents under the cover of darkness. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Rare and up

Dream Thief --- Swallows the dream of a sleeping opponent and heals your own monster. This skill does not affect awake opponents. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Rare and up

Punishment --- Converts the stats increases of your opponent into your own monster's additional attack power. Opponent stats decreases will reduce your monster's additional attack power. * For non-physical and non-psychic monsters Epic and up

Contradict --- Removes all debuffs from the target while dealing damage to it. The more debuffs the target has, the greater the damage it receives. * For epic monster: Terrar

Wither --- Emits deadly odor and severely injures the target, possibly confusing it. (For legendary Ithaqua) * For ghost legendary: Ithaqua


Beginner Skill Book:
Icicle--- Stabs the target with an icicle. May give it a freeze debuff. * For ice, psychic and ghost monsters

Ice Armor--- Surrounds your monster with a barrier of ice, increasing its physical defense. * For ice, physical, psychic and ghost monsters

Intermediate Skill Book:
Ice Bullets--- Unleashes bullets of ice on the target. Has a chance of giving it a freeze debuff. * For ice, psychic, and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Ring of Ice--- Slows down the target's speed. * For ice, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Ice Beam --- Attacks the target with an ice beam. Has a chance of decreasing its magical defense. * For ice, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Fog --- Surrounds the whole battle ring in fog, causing the stats changes of all monsters to become invalid. *For ice, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Uncommon and up

Advanced Skill Book:
Avalanche--- Causes snow to fall heavily on all opponents. May give them a freeze debuff. * For ice, psychic and ghost monsters Rare and up

Aurora Borealis --- Attacks the target with an Aurora Borealis, decreasing your monster's magical defense significantly. May give your target a freeze debuff. * For ice, psychic and ghost monsters Epic and up

Chill --- Attacks the target with a chill, possibly giving it a freeze debuff. * For ice, psychic and ghost monsters Rare and up

Absolute Zero --- Obliterates the target with cold temperatures. * For ice, physical, psychic and ghost monsters Epic and up

Blizzard --- During a blizzard, earth and fire monsters lose 16% of their health each turn while electric, plant, psychic, ghost, and physical monsters lose 8%. Water and ice monsters have better dodge. * For ice monsters Epic and up

Snowflakes --- Scatters snowflakes onto the target. Significantly increases the damage your monster deals if it has already been injured by its opponents. * For ice monsters Rare and up



灼烧技能书 --- 用小火苗灼烧对手,一定几率使目标陷入灼烧状态 * 供火系,超能,普通系宠物使用。

火焰爆发技能书--- 集中引爆体内的火焰元素,提升自身的物理攻击力 * 供火系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

喷烟技能书--- 喷出烟雾让敌人看不见自己,能提升自己的闪避能力 * 供火系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

炎爆技能书--- 用大火球砸向对手,一定几率使目标陷入灼烧状态。* 供火系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

热空气技能书--- 引导周遭空气中的火元素,使对手陷入灼烧状态的技能。* 供火系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

熔火之心技能书--- 用火元素武装自己的心脏,提升自身特殊攻击力和特殊防御力。* 供火系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

火舞技能书 --- 用火焰的舞蹈灼伤对手,有一定概率提升自身特殊攻击力及让目标陷入灼烧状态。* 供火系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

热烟技能书 --- 用灼热的烟雾烫伤目标,有一定概率提升自身闪避能力及让目标陷入灼烧状态。* 供火系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

火焰陷阱技能书 --- 用火焰在目标场地设下陷阱。当场地有火焰陷阱时主动更换宠物一定几率造成换宠失败。该技能效果可叠加两次,叠加后对手换宠失败率增大。* 供火系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

定点爆破技能书--- 用周围的火之力,在目标身上引爆,有一定几率使目标陷入灼烧状态。* 供火系,超能,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

火焰冲击技能书--- 带着火焰冲向对手,一定几率使目标陷入灼烧状态。* 供火系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

散射火焰技能书 --- 喷射出高速火焰焚烧所有对手。* 供火系,超能,普通精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

火流星技能书 --- 召唤天空中的陨石,裹挟着火焰砸向所有对手。* 供火系,超能,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

晴空万里技能书 --- 将天气改为晴天,晴天可以提升火属性宠物使用火属性技能、草属性宠物使用草属性技能时的技能威力,同时降低所有宠物使用水属性技能和冰属性技能的技能威力。* 供火系和草系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

超级爆破技能书 --- 引爆目标体内的火焰之力,自身物理攻击力会大幅度下降,有概率让目标进入灼烧状态。* 供火系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。


水滴技能书--- 用水流冲击对方,一定几率恢复自身体力。* 供水系,超能,普通系宠物使用。

水结晶技能书--- 将水元素集结成冰晶,提升自身物理防御力的技能。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

泡泡技能书--- 喷出很多泡泡降低目标闪避能力的技能。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

水屏障技能书--- 用水流做成屏障阻断对方攻击的技能,能提升自己的特殊防御力。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

喷泉技能书 --- 利用地底喷出的急流冲击对方,有一定几率恢复自身体力。* 供水系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

水润技能书 --- 吸收周遭的水元素,治疗自己的受伤的身体。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

污水技能书 --- 用肮脏的水流喷射向对手,有一定概率提升自身回避能力及恢复自身的体力。* 供水系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

水流震动技能书--- 利用水流的共振去伤害对方,有一定概率使对方特殊防御力下降及恢复自身的体力。* 供水系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

高速喷射技能书 ---快速的喷出水流,必定比对手先出手的攻击技能,有一定几率恢复自身体力。* 供水系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

水牢技能书--- 利用水流形成屏障,使目标进入捆绑状态。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

液体圈技能书--- 将水元素凝结成覆盖在身上的一层薄膜,可以每回合恢复自身一定量的体力。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

溺水技能书 --- 让目标场地变成池塘,当场地有池塘时主动换宠,换上场的宠物会损失一定量的体力。* 供水系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

水爆破技能书--- 利用水流的爆破力袭击对手,有一定几率恢复自身体力。* 供水系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

洪水技能书 --- 召唤从天而降的洪水将对手冲走,有一定几率恢复自身体力。* 供水系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

祈雨技能书 --- 将天气改为下雨,下雨可以提升水属性宠物在使用水属性技能、雷属性宠物使用雷属性技能时的技能威力,同时降低所有宠物使用火属性和草属性技能的技能威力。同时会净化灼烧效果。* 供水系和雷系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

水炮技能书 --- 利用压力将水流当成炮弹发射的技能,威力强大但会让自己下回合无法行动,同时有一定几率让自身恢复体力。* 供水系,超能,鬼系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

吸水技能书 --- 吸收周遭的水元素,能更大程度上治疗自己的受伤的身体。* 供水系,超能,普通,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

反击漩涡技能书 --- 召唤飞速旋转的漩涡,将本回合最后受到的技能伤害返还给对手。* 仅供水系史诗宠物明镜鹤、延年鹤使用。

1/2切割技能书 --- 无情的切割,可以无视防御降低对手当前血量的一半。* 仅供史诗宠物:剪刀龙虾和锐利龙虾使用。


藤鞭技能书--- 用树藤抽打对手,一定几率让目标陷入中毒状态。* 供草系,超能,普通系宠物使用。

吸收养分技能书 --- 从大地中吸取能量,以提升自身特殊攻击力的技能。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

叶墙技能书 --- 用树叶结成盾牌,可以提升自身的普通防御力。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

长草技能书 --- 使得周遭的植物快速生长,掩护自己。可以提升自身的闪避能力。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

毒鞭技能书 --- 用沾了毒液的树藤抽打对手,一定几率让目标中毒。* 供草系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

催眠粉技能书 --- 能使目标进入睡眠状态的粉末。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

毒粉技能书 --- 能使目标进入中毒状态的粉末。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

麻痹粉技能书 --- 能使目标进入麻痹状态的粉末。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

藤蔓技能书 --- 控制树木的藤蔓席卷对手,能让目标进入捆绑状态。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

红叶舞技能书 --- 利用华丽的红叶攻击对手,有一定概率让目标陷入中毒状态。* 供草系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

魔界植物技能书 ---召唤魔界植物,可以直接从目标身上吸取体力。* 供草系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

魔界种子技能书 ---在目标身上种下魔界种子,任何攻击都可从它身上吸取体力。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

毒菱技能书 --- 在目标场地上撒上毒菱,当场地有毒菱时主动更换宠物,换上场的宠物会进入中毒状态。该技能可叠加两次,换上场的宠物会进入中剧毒状态。* 供草系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

喷射种子技能书 --- 利用自己的种子当成子弹攻击所有对手的技能,有一定几率让目标陷入中毒状态。* 供草系,超能,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

飞叶快刀技能书 --- 用树叶当飞镖射击所有对手,有一定几率使目标陷入中毒状态。* 供草系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

魔叶斩技能书 --- 用附着了奇异能量的树叶攻击对手,有一定几率让目标陷入中毒状态。* 供草系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

光合作用技能书 --- 吸收太阳的力量用以恢复自身体力。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

光之力技能书 --- 利用太阳的力量对目标造成大伤害,但下个回合无法行动,有一定几率让目标中毒。* 供草系,超能,普通系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

安定粉技能书 --- 能消除宠物身上一切不良效果的粉末。* 供草系,超能,普通,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

剧毒粉技能书--- 用带毒的粉末攻击目标,可以让目标进入中毒状态。如果目标已经进入中毒状态,则能让目标变为中剧毒状态。* 供草系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

自然强化技能书 --- 在身体周围产生叶片组成的旋风,使速度获得提升,并提升下回合草属性技能攻击力。* 供草系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

冥界植物技能书--- 召唤冥界植物,可以更有效的直接从目标身上吸取体力。* 供草系、超能和鬼系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。


电火花技能书 --- 用静电产生的电火花攻击对手,有一定几率使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系宠物使用。

充电技能书 --- 给自己补充雷电能源,可以提升自身的特殊攻击力。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

电磁幻想技能书 --- 用电磁波制造出幻象迷惑对手,可以提升自己的闪避能力。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

电光球技能书 --- 用电磁光球攻击对手,有一定几率提升自身速度及使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系宠物使用。

电磁盾技能书 --- 利用电磁力制造的盾牌,能提升自己的特殊防御力。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

电磁精准技能书 --- 以电磁力封锁对方的行动,提升自己的命中率。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

电磁力场技能书 --- 利用电磁力来强化自身,能提升自己的普通防御力。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

雷电技能书 --- 召唤一道雷电攻击对手,有一定几率使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

电磁牙技能书--- 用带着电的牙齿去咬目标,有一定几率使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

雷电冲击技能书 ---全身包裹着雷电冲向目标,可以对目标造成2次伤害,有一定几率使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

麻痹网技能书--- 用电磁力制造的网罩笼罩对手,使对手进入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

吸引技能书 --- 能让对手进入吸引状态,只能对异性产生效果。* 供雷系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

暴雷技能书 --- 从天空中召唤多道雷电攻击所有对手,有一定几率使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

霹雳技能书 --- 将多道雷电集合在一起轰向对手,有一定几率使目标陷入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

风暴技能书 --- 用电磁力制造的风暴,攻击所有对手,有一定概率让目标进入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

蓄能霹雳技能书 ---用大霹雳攻击目标的强力招式,有概率让目标进入麻痹状态。自身下回合将无法行动。* 供雷系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

电流震爆技能书 --- 用精准的电流攻击对手,有较大的几率命中要害。有概率让目标进入麻痹状态。* 供雷系,超能,普通系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。


念力技能书--- 用自身的精神力攻击对手,有一定几率造成额外伤害。* 供宠物使用,普通和鬼系除外。

高速移动技能书 --- 利用自己的精神力让自己进行高速移动,自身速度提升。* 供超能系的宠物使用。

精神光束技能书--- 将自己的精神力集结成光束进行攻击,有一定几率造成额外伤害。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,普通和鬼系除外。

奇异球技能书 --- 将自己的精神力集结成奇怪的光球进行攻击,有一定几率造成额外伤害及造成目标进入混乱状态。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,普通和鬼系除外。

催眠术技能书 --- 对目标进行催眠,让对手进入睡眠状态。* 供超能系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

精神混乱技能书 --- 用精神力攻击目标,让目标崩溃,使得目标进入混乱状态。* 供超能系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

冥想技能书 --- 仔细思考自己的优点和弱点,同时提升自身的特殊攻击力和特殊防御力。* 供超能系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

能量波技能书 --- 利用自身的精神力制造特殊波段攻击对方,有一定几率造成额外伤害。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,普通和鬼系除外。

自我遗忘技能书 --- 利用自身强大的精神力来改变大脑记忆,在遗忘所有不良状态的同时,提升自己的特殊防御力。* 供超能系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

精神崩溃技能书 --- 用超越自身控制的精神力攻击对手,有一定几率造成额外伤害,会使自己下一回合进入混乱状态。*供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,普通和鬼系除外。

巨力反射技能书 --- 在身体周围形成一道护盾,将本回合内受到的物理伤害加倍返还给对手(对魔法伤害转化成的物理伤害无效) 。* 供超能系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

魔法反射技能书 --- 在身体周围形成一道护盾,将本回合内受到的魔法伤害加倍返还给对手(对物理伤害转化成的魔法伤害无效) 。* 供超能系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

限速技能书 --- 当目标宠物速度比自身快时,可以造成更大的伤害。* 仅供史诗宠物:机械交警使用。

耀斑技能书 --- 爆发炫耀的光芒攻击所有的敌人,并非常容易造成敌人目盲。* 仅供超能系传说宠物灯塔水母使用。


撞击技能书 --- 利用身体撞向目标。* 供宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

爪击技能书 --- 用爪子去挠对手。* 供宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

剑舞技能书 --- 如挥舞利剑一般的舞蹈,可以提升自己的物理攻击力。* 供普通系宠物使用。

腹鼓技能书 --- 吃了很多造成自己的腹部变大,可以提升物理防御力。* 供普通系宠物使用。

摇摆技能书 --- 摇摇晃晃的样子让对手心慈手软,能降低对方的普通攻击力。* 供普通系宠物使用。

迷惑技能书 --- 用迷茫的样子迷惑对手的戒心,能降低对方的普通防御力。* 供普通系宠物使用。

叫声技能书 --- 用特殊的叫声影响对手,能降低对手的特殊攻击力。* 供普通系宠物使用。

唱歌技能书 --- 用特别的歌声影响对手,能降低对手的特殊防御力。* 供普通系宠物使用。

电光火石技能书 --- 以迅雷不及掩耳的速度冲向对手,必定先制攻击。* 供宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

狂暴冲击技能书 --- 疯狂的撞向对手,有一定几率让对手进入混乱状态。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

力量突击技能书 --- 用身体撞向目标。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

暴走技能书 --- 失去控制般的横冲直撞,但自己会进入混乱状态。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

超声波技能书 --- 利用高频音波刺激对手,有一定几率让目标进入混乱效果。* 供普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

自信满满技能书--- 极富自信的攻击对手,自身HP越高对手受到的伤害也越大。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

莽撞技能书 --- 鲁莽的向对方突击,伤害对方的同时也伤害到了自己。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

连环攻击技能书 --- 用巴掌连续挥向对方,对方受到1-3次伤害。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

毒爪技能书 --- 用淬毒的爪子攻击对方,一定几率让对手陷入中毒状态。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

连续斩技能书 --- 用利刃攻击对方,有可能攻击对方两次。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

爆炸技能书 --- 敌我同归于尽,威力中等。* 供普通系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

刀背打技能书 --- 手下留情的攻击,在足以杀死目标时保留目标1点体力,不会杀死目标(某些潜能会导致手下留情失效)。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

战场交换技能书 --- 在攻击对方的同时和场下的队友换手,让同伴上场作战。* 供雷系,超能,普通系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

疯狂攻击技能书 --- 连续攻击对方,目标会受到1-5次伤害。* 供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

居合斩技能书--- 用利刃攻击对方,有可能攻击对方两次。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

践踏技能书 --- 疯狂的踩踏对手,有一定几率让目标陷入混乱状态。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

舍生突击技能书 --- 鲁莽的向对方突击,重度伤害对方的同时也伤害到了自己。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

打破外壳技能书 --- 可以无视对方的任何防御盾的攻击。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。
大爆炸技能书 敌我同归于尽,威力大。* 供普通系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。
接力棒技能书--- 将自己获得的能力值提升效果传递给下一个上场宠物,但暗影增幅的效果无法传递。* 供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

断头台技能书--- 一击必杀技能。* 供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

吹飞技能书--- 让目标宠物强制下场。* 供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

看破技能书 --- 看穿对手的攻击技能,避免受到伤害,但连续使用会降低技能的成功率。* 供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。

愤怒猛击技能书 ---用狂怒驱动身体打击对手。自身HP越低,造成的伤害越大。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和鬼系除外。


落石技能书--- 震动山脉让一块石头砸向对手,一定几率让目标陷入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能系宠物使用。

泥沼技能书 --- 使周边地块变成泥沼,降低对手的闪避能力。* 供岩石,普通,超能,鬼系宠物使用。

隐蔽沙烁技能书 --- 将自己隐藏在沙烁中,提升自己的闪避能力。* 供岩石,普通,超能,鬼系宠物使用。

石壁技能书 --- 在地面上不断的滚动使土块粘连在自己身上,提升自身的物理防御力。* 供岩石,普通,超能,鬼系宠物使用。

岩崩技能书 --- 强力的震动让山脉上的石块纷纷砸向对手,一定几率让目标陷入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

地裂技能书 --- 用力将大地踩出裂缝,使对手陷入捆绑状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

岩石封杀技能书--- 用各种岩石砸向对手,有一定几率让对手速度下降及让对方进入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

坍塌技能书 --- 将目标场地变得更松软,当有宠物主动换入该场地时,使宠物进入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

巨石炮技能书--- 抛起一块巨石砸向对方,一定几率让目标陷入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

地震技能书--- 利用大地的震动让所有敌人受到攻击,有一定几率让目标陷入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

沙尘暴技能书 --- 将天气改为沙尘暴,每回合水、雷属性宠物损失16%的体力,冰、草、超能、鬼、普通属性宠物损失8%的体力,同时降低水、雷、冰、草、超能、鬼、普通属性宠物的命中能力。* 供岩石系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

超大石炮技能书 ---将超大石块砸向对手,自身物理防御力会大幅度下降,有一定概率目标进入眩晕状态。* 供岩石,普通,超能系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。


打磨技能书 --- 暗中打磨自己的爪子,提升自己特殊攻击力。* 供鬼系的宠物使用。

影子球技能书 --- 从影子中发射能量球,攻击对手的同时有一定几率能降低目标的特殊防御力。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

惊吓技能书 --- 利用黑暗恐吓对手,使得对手进入混乱效果。* 供鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

暗影爪技能书 --- 通过影子的掩护用爪子攻击对手,同时有一定几率增加自身的特殊攻击力。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

诅咒技能书 --- 以自身一半的体力作为献祭礼,诅咒对手每回合损失25%体力的技能。* 供鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

暗算技能书 --- 在目标不经意间攻击的技能,必定能命中目标。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

影袭技能书 --- 隐藏在黑暗中袭击目标,必定能对目标造成暴击伤害。* 供稀有及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

催眠术技能书 --- 对目标进行催眠,让对手进入睡眠状态。* 供鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

欺诈技能书 --- 欺骗目标能造成目标所有的技能PP数减少的技能。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

暗影增幅技能书 利用暗影之力提升自己全部能力的特殊技能,此技能效果不可叠加。* 供鬼系史诗及以上品质的宠物以及史诗宠物:暴怒猴子使用。

狡诈技能书 --- 以哭泣吸引目标注意并攻击的技能,能在目标特殊防御力大幅度下降的情况下,攻击目标,必定后置发动。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

暗影风暴技能书--- 以暗影作为掩护,使得所有对手受到伤害的技能。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

食梦技能书 --- 吞噬目标梦境,能在伤害目标的同时恢复自身体力。只能对进入睡眠状态的目标起效。* 供精英及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

惩罚技能书 --- 将目标身上提升属性的增益效果转化为额外攻击力来惩罚对手,增益效果越强,攻击力越高。但目标上的减益效果会减弱惩罚的额外威力。* 供史诗及以上品质的宠物使用,超能和普通系除外。

痛苦释放技能书--- 净化目标宠身上的异常状态,并造成伤害。异常状态越多,伤害越高。* 仅供史诗宠物:恐怖箱使用。

凋零技能书 --- 发出致命的死亡气息,充满恶意和混乱的攻击造成严重伤害和混乱(仅供传说宠物伊塔库亚使用) 。* 仅供鬼系传说宠物:伊塔库亚使用。


冰锥技能书 --- 以冰锥扎向目标,有一定概率让目标进入冰冻状态。* 供冰系,超能,鬼系宠物使用。

冰晶技能书 --- 以冰块武装自身,能提升自身的物理防御力。* 供冰系,超能,普通,鬼系宠物使用。

冰雹技能书 --- 将冰雪凝聚成冰雹砸向目标,有一定概率让目标进入冰冻状态。* 供冰系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

冰环技能书 --- 用冰结成环减缓对方的速度。* 供冰系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

急冻光线技能书 ---用低温光线攻击对手,有一定概率让目标的魔法防御力下降。* 供冰系,超能,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

白雾技能书 --- 以低温制造的白雾笼罩全场,清除全场的能力增减效果。* 供冰系,超能,普通,鬼系稀有及以上品质的宠物使用。

雪崩技能书 --- 让大雪从天而降砸在所有目标身上,有一定概率让目标进入冰冻状态。* 供冰系,超能,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

北极光技能书 --- 以美丽的北极光攻击目标,自身魔法防御力大幅度下降,有一定概率让目标进入冰冻状态。* 供冰系,超能,鬼系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

寒风技能书 --- 以超低温的寒风攻击目标,有一定概率让目标进入冰冻状态。* 供冰系,超能,鬼系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。

绝对零度技能书 --- 用绝对低温瞬间击杀对手。* 供冰系,超能,普通,鬼系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

暴风雪技能书 --- 将天气变更为暴雪,每回合岩石、火属性宠物损失16%的体力,雷、草、超能、鬼、普通宠物损失8%的体力。同时提升水、冰属性宠物的闪避能力。* 供冰系史诗及以上品质的宠物使用。

吹雪技能书--- 将雪花吹向目标,如果在技能发动前受到过对方攻击伤害,则该技能造成的伤害会大幅度增加。* 供冰系精英及以上品质的宠物使用。