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Haypi Monster Writing Competition (Feb 2013)

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Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:46 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

1000 Reasons Why I Love Haypi Monster
100 Reasons Why I Love Haypi Monster
by Marionette (Server 12)

1) …because it’s the best monster app in the iTunes Store.
2) …because you start off with a cute fire dragon that turns into a Charizard with a metal helmet.
3) …because I’m about to rate this app 5 stars in the iTunes Store, brb.
4) …because Leetle is poorly drawn.
5) …because I’m still writing now at the bus stop while it’s -38°C.
6) …because I don’t use the OVERPOWERED Lupa.
7) …because it has a chat feature in-app.
8) …because Swiper has a sexy figure.
9) …because I’m 1st in both Level and Collection leaderboards.
10) …because I’m in top 3 in all the other leaderboards.
11) …because there’s a forum dedicated to the game itself.
12) …because I will be able to breed a class S Shriek in the next update.
14) …because I skipped the unlucky number to avoid losing this competition.
15) …because I can name my monsters.
16) …because my bus came 20 mins late and I’m freezing right now.
17) …because my favorite song is playing – Unwell by Matchbox20.
18) …because I have about 30k prestige right now.
19) …because I’m close to getting Felicity’s base monster.
20) …because I was the first to evolve Draconio into Draconius in my server.
21) …because I was also the first one to get Flight in my server.
22) …because Sealed Space is really hard.
23) …because challenges in expert mode are fun – they require strategy.
24) …because my Flight is a suicide pro – Kamikaze.
XXV) …because I just switched to roman numerals.
XXVI) …because I was the first one to use Entangle in PvP in my server.
XXVII) …because I recruited 4 friends (so far) and none of them are in my server.
XXVIII) …because I haven’t seen Purity yet.
XXIX) …because I want Purity.
XXX) …because 500 Haypi Coins can get me to VIP3 for free.
XXXI) …because this game is the very first app I spent money on.
XXXII) …because pandas are cool!
XXXIII) …because I missed my stop because I was busy typing this.
XXXIV) …because Misfortune’s mustache is like a boss.
XXXV) …because Kernel is terrible being a plant monster that has the worst plant skill – Underworld Plant.
XXXVI) …because there are four legendary eggs.
XXXVII) …because the legendary eggs are insanely hard.
XXXVIII) …because I love fried chicken.
XXXIX) …because I want to be an expert in my server since people keep talking inappropriately in chat.
XXXX) …because I am low battery (20% remaining).
41) …because I just switched back to numbers again.
42) …because 42. Don’t question it.
43) …because the graphics in the game is remarkable.
44) …because my partner and I are unbeatable in PvP.
45) …because this game is new and has so much potential.
46) …because I love helping others, hence the Scroll Guide I made with Lord.Rex’s help.
47) …because Felicity is a unicorn.
48) …because unicorns are not made of single corns.
49) …because Neo will be evolving to Neon soon.
50) …because Haypi Monster is addicting.
51) …because I almost have 80 different monsters.
52) …because Mind Bending is a ridiculous skill.
53) …because Poe can evolve to different elements.
54) …because my first Poe evolution is Electroe – ugly.
55) …because I have seen all the other Poe evolutions – Infernoe, Vegetaboe, Hydroe, Psychoe, Hypnoe, Mineroe.
56) …because Psycho is the cutest monster.
57) …because Champ is annoying.
58) …because my shoelace is untied.
59) …because breeding and synthesizing are getting to my nerves by always giving me the same gender of monsters.
60) …because my bag tends to get full easily – 20 slots.
61) …because there are many kinds of crystasdfgh. >:(
62) …because I’m going out of town.
63) …because Santa’s coming to town (lolwut?).
64) …because my prof is late.
65) …because Angelo looks like a Clefansey – Clefairy + Chansey.
66) …because Smiter has 6 limbs.
67) …because there are events like this.
68) …because my favorite color is yellow.
69) …because Haypi Monster keeps me awake at night. *clicky*
70) …because there are a lot of people who helps in the forums.
71) …because I’m drinking an orange juice right now.
72) …because Leshy has an epic hairdo.
73) …because Lupa has a puppy head on its body.
74) …because 1+1=2.
75) …because breeding higher class monsters requires love potions.
76) …because I wasn’t forced to pick an ugly username – no numbers, no underscores, just word.
77) …because the last forum I’ve been to was full of immature kids.
78) …because I have a midterm next week.
79) …because I can’t stop here yet.
80) …because I need 19 more reasons.
81) …because I want to try parachuting.
82) …because I just watched the movie Mama and I like it.
83) …because I have exactly 248,661 silver coins.
84) …because this game has daily quests.
85) …because I can cheat any zone with Loaded Dice.
86) …because I have 3 Gold Chests without keys.
87) …because the limit to jellies are 20.
88) …because I can’t play any instrument.
89) …because I named my Meniss Marionette.
90) …because the very first Cheeky I found got 1HKO by my Blocky.
91) …because there are two Epic fire and psychic monsters.
92) …because Vertedeath has no neck.
93) …because Funkis reminds me of Hitmontop.
94) …because Rhor looks like a beast.
95) …because Fright needs an Articuno and Moltres companions.
96) …because Pewgway looks ridiculous.
97) …because Honor is hard to get.
98) …because Poison Paw poisons me 99.99% of the time.
99) …because I’m still waiting for the admins to declare me as an iPad Mini winner.
100) …because I know you enjoyed reading this.

But seriously, this game has got to be the best app I have ever played. Been playing for around a month and I've been on 25/8 24/7. Although there are a number of glitches and bugs, I'll be supporting this game for a very long time.

Kung hei fat choy!
Last edited by Marionette on Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:02 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Username hanksta007
Sever 4

Haypi monster is the type of mobile device game I have been waiting on for years. It all started with curious download in response to a message I recieved in Haypi kingdom, revealing its new addition to the haypi collection. I opened the app to played for a few minutes and i was instantly blown away by the orginality of the game play and artwork. Haypi Monster is the type of game that you just can't find in the mobile market (trust me, I looked and tried just about all the monster battle games). In closing I just want to thank the Haypi team for this game, you really created a winner in Haypi Monster and I cant wait to see the evolution of HM (Haypi Monster).

I train, I strategize, I predict, I WIN !!!



Posts: 7

Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:44 pm

Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:10 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Alright, I'm gunna be honest, I logged on, checked my mailbox, saw Writing competition, and gave up right there, but then saw the prizes and so here I am haha. I don't want to come off as a one of those people who just write for the prizes, but I guess that's exactly what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong though, I could really use some coins since I spent all my coins in the beginning of the game on gold chests. I probly shoulda looked at what they could be used for, but instead I wasted them and soon realized I needed keys to open them. I can say I have no idea what a Purity is, but if that's the #1 prize, it must be pretty darn good, and since I have about.... 1 monster that can actually win battles, I could really use it ;) . Trying to be honest here, I've seen some extremely well written passages (and some really bad ones, no offense), so I'm really not trying to get my hopes up, and since I accidentally clicked the X button the first time writing my entry, I'm hoping I'm not wasting my time :b. I don't even know if what I'm writing is even legal for the competition but, Thanks for reading if you actually read, hope I'm considered :-)

Asasinato Server 15
Last edited by Asasinato on Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.



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Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:04 pm

Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:16 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Hello haypi my username is: Prevoker and i am in server 15

Well id like to say that this is an AWESOME game every other game i ever play is ok and gets boring after a while so one day i was playing metalstorm airwings and i was trying to get blue coins so it told me to download haypi monster and play the tutorial and i would get 4 blue coins so i did just to get the blue coins but meanwhile i was playing i was so happy and amazed at the game that i forgot about the 4 blue coins and i kept playing haypi monster i like this game so much i log in everyday and do my training and do my team mode and just stay there for some hours like this game is very addicting i just cant stop like so far i havent missed out on any of the login daily prizes nor the online prizes cause i play this game all night and some of the day i even made a game center account with this game and everything its asked me to do like once i started playing haypi i fogot all about metalstorm and this game is a BEST TIME KEEPER i am gonna keep this game in my iphone forever thanks haypi monster creator(s) your the best!!!



Posts: 31

Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:10 pm

Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:53 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Account name : kanatip
Server number : 3

Hello,my name is kanatip.I like this game very much. My first play,I feel that it is a challenging game. The more you play, it seems to be something to search many as Monsters,Skill, adventure aspects of normal , veteran expert dungeon ,playback mode pvp , ladder and teammode it makes the game fun challenge. other things. What has been the most. And experience of different races and languages​​.The first talk was with great difficulty. The dominant language is not the same.But in finally it was able to connect with them. The game is full of help and experience.Perhaps there is an argument, but that is good.

Haypi Monster Tips
Very Fast Level up With Team mode
Play Sealed Space and try to roll 5 for exp*2 and Go to kill boss (59000 exp normalplayer +10% if be vip 4-5)

Cheap item with Hidden Shop

Go to 2-2 normal Miracle Sea try to roll 6 you will stop at shop and buy item with 50%

if you want to buy gold box,crystal box and key . This shop is sale 50%
other item is be same

Where is That monster?
If you play team mode you will get scroll

Jungle >>> Octobud
Miracle Sea >>> Crabby
Volcano >>> Lupa
Stone Vault >>> Rocky
Canyon >>> Chimp
Sealed Space >>>Echo

In veteran Mode
You can find scroll and items for evolutions
Jungle >>> Slider
Miracle Sea >>> Oogway
Volcano >>> Flicker
Stone Vault >>> Boopie
Canyon >>> Thor
Sealed Space >>> Pampurr
All Have >>> Flaunt

all scroll can get from Gold - Crystal Chests

Synthesis with fixed Gender and class

if you want to fixed gender you must use all monsters with same gender
if you want a good class monster begin you should use good class monsters for Synthesis

Secret of Poe
-Poe can evolu to others 7 element
-You can't breed Poe (normal).If you want to breed you must evolutions with honey first and then go to breed it.

-You can put many skill on poe before and then you go to evolutons with honey
you can get element poe with opposite skill
such as Hypnoe have spirit chanel (omg) ,Ferno have waterpool

-Hypnoe with inflictions or kamikaze skill
when Hypnoe use this skill it not decrease HP But it decrease after end of turn. lol

Full power with match element skill with monsters element

-Try to use match element skill wth your monster it give 100% dmg
if not match it give you 50-80% dmg.

Full power with match physic or magic skill with monsters types
-you can see your status monsters and use magic or physic skill with your monsters.

magic skill ----- use from matk
physic skill ----- use from atk

How to be top in ladder
-Use good monsters
-Well sorted will winner
-Play last game before 2 minutes ending ladder

Hidden Bag with infinities
-when your bag is full many item that you get it will go to stock in massasge
use massage to keep your items**It have expri date**

Looking for the latest update on booked skills or what monsters are used for synthesis?
dowload here
HM Excel Sheet.xlsx
Credit :
(19.57 KiB) Downloaded 377 times

Why must VIP?
See more Tips
Haypi Monster Tutorial

(Credit : http://www.haypi.com/monster/tutorial.htm)


Daily Activities

1.Get Rewards

Plenty of rewards are available at the Reward Center on your Home page.

2.Train Monster

Train your monster to give it the necessary EXP to level up. After you train your monster, there will be a cooldown period before you can train again. You should take full advantage of your training spots if you want to level your monster quickly.

3.Daily Task

Although Daily Tasks offer a tremendous amount of EXP, you can only complete so many each day.

Daily Tasks often require that you complete duties (i.e. training a monster). This means you can complete both a Daily Task and a duty at the same time.

4.Team Mode

You can team up with other players for Team Mode challenges and win awesome rewards like scrolls and skill books. After you complete a Team Mode challenge, there will be a cooldown period. You cannot attempt another challenge until the cooldown period is over.

5.Ladder Tournament

You can participate in the Ladder Tournament to get lots of awesome prizes. The Ladder Tournament offers prestige, which you can use to unveil certain monsters in your Encyclopedia. Once those monsters have been unveiled, you can purchase them with coins or money.


You are an adventurer who has arrived in a world filled with monsters. You discover that the world is in a state of disorder, due to the fact the creator of the monster world has vanished. You set out on a journey, collecting monsters to fight the evils that plague the land. You are the only one who can restore balance and order to the monster world.

Player Info

This page has the following information:

1. Name: Your username.
2. Portrait: Individual portrait (this feature is currently unavailable). Tap on it to change your name.
3. Player Level: The higher level you are, the more experience your monsters receive from their trainings.
4. EXP Bar: Shows your current EXP (experience) and the EXP you need to level.
5. Avatar: The image of your character.
6. Seal Cards: Number of Seal Cards.
7. Prestige: Amount of prestige.
8. Honor: Amount of honor.
9. Money: Amount of money.
10. Coin: Amount of coins.
11. Total collecting: The number of monsters you have collected.

Home is where you can check your Monster List, Tasks, Mail, Rewards, and Encyclopedia. There are also nine fun features you can use.

Home Interface:
The nine features are News, Synthesis, Hatchery, Bag, Shop, Play, PVP, and Activity. To use some of these features, you must first meet their level requirements.

1. News: You can read our official news.
2. Training: Train your monsters to make them more powerful.
3. Synthesis: Synthesize several monsters together to create a new monster.
4. Hatchery: Breed your monsters.
5. Bag: Where your items are stowed.
6. Shop: Has lots of goodies that you can purchase for a small fee.
7. Play: You will encounter a variety of challenges on your adventure. Are you ready?
8. PVP: Fight other players. Let’s see who has mastered the game!
9. Activity: The activities are fun and the rewards are enticing. What are you waiting for?
10. Chat: Tap the speech bubble to go to your server chatroom.
11. Reward Center: Check the Reward Center frequently to see what sort of rewards you can get.
12. My Info: Covers your progress in the game.
13. Encyclopedia: View the list of available monsters.
14. Task: Check what tasks you need to complete and what rewards they can give you.
15. Menu: Access your Friends List, Ranking, Mailbox, etc.
16. Monsters: View your current monsters and select which of them you would like to fight with.
17. Player Info: Your name, VIP level, and the money and coins you have. Tap on the “+” to reach the coin purchase page.

Scenes and Levels

Tap the Play portal to see the map. Select a scene and level to start your journey.
Scenes page:
Enter a scene and choose the mode and level to start your challenge.
Level Page:
1. Select a Level: Select a level to challenge.
2. Select a mode: You can choose among Normal Mode, Veteran Mode and Expert Mode. Veteran Mode and Expert Mode are only available for more experienced players.
3. Battle: Enter a level
4. Progress: Each mode you complete grants you one star.
5. Recommendation: Some monsters types have advantages over others. This is the recommended monster type for the challenge.
6. Available Monsters: Monsters you can capture on this level.

On each level, you will hop down a set of squares by throwing dice. On the way to your destination, you will encounter enemies, buffs, debuffs, and more. At the end of each level you will encounter a boss. Defeat the boss to complete the level.
1. Avatar: Your avatar.
2. Square: When you land on a square, the corresponding event will activate.
3. Monsters: Your combat monsters.
4. Dice: The number of moves will be selected at random.
5. Loaded Dice: You determine the number of steps you take.
6. Bag: Open to see what items you can use. Your bag contains healing jellies and potions that will rejuvenate you.
7. Chat: Go to Chat.
8. Quit: Exit the challenge and return to the Level page.
Battle Type
Single Player Mode: Single player mode follows the storyline in the tasks. Players need to complete single player mode in order to access the features deep inside the game.

Team mode: Team up with other players to challenge bosses.
On each scene, you can choose among Normal Mode, Veteran Mode, and Expert Mode. More difficult modes will reward better prizes upon completion.

Normal Mode: Easiest to access.

Veteran Mode: Unlocks after you complete the 3rd scene in Normal Mode.

Expert Mode: Unlocks after you complete the 6th scene in the Normal Mode.
How to Unlock Scenes

New scenes unlock automatically after you complete the previous scene. Some scenes will unlock when a certain number of monster pictures become available under Encyclopedia.

How to Pass a Level / Scene

Pass a level: When you reach the end of a level, you will encounter the final boss. Defeat the boss to complete the level.

If you fail to complete a level, you can either use a Resurrection Card to continue where you left off or start all over again.

Pass a scene: You need to complete all the levels in a scene to complete it.

Level Details

Each level contains a series of squares. When you land on a square, the corresponding event will activate.

Normal Combat: You will encounter opponents. Defeat them to continue.

Mini-Boss: You meet stronger opponents here. These squares can’t be passed over.

Boss: You meet the final boss here. Defeat it to finish this level.

Recovery: Your monster will recover some HP or gain a buff.

Decline: Your monster will lose some HP or gain a debuff.

Portal: You are teleported to another square, moving either forward or backward in the challenge. It all depends on your luck!

Pop-Up Shop: Enter the shop to purchase items. You can get a good deal here.

Chest: Open your chest to get goodies.

Buff/Debuff: Gives you a buff or debuff.

Level Result

After passing a level, you get experience, money and a spin of the prize wheel.
Lottery: Spin the prize wheel after passing a level. If you don’t like your reward, you can always spin again.
Team Mode

In Team Mode, you can team up with the NPC to challenge strong opponents. Team Mode features 2v2 combat. You and your teammate each release a monster while your opponents release their monsters. In future versions of Haypi Monster, you will be able to enter Team Mode with a fellow player.

Note: If you decide to solo your way through Team Mode, your opponent will still release two monsters.



Haypi Monster features two types of currency: money and coins.


You can get money from completing tasks and levels. Money is used for purchasing common items, items that can help you level up, trainings, and more.


You can get coins by completing certain tasks or by purchasing them through the Buy Coins option. You can use coins to purchase rare items, capture monsters with a 100% success rate, clear cooldowns, and more.

Monster Items

Healing and Rejuvenating Items

Potions restore HP and PP and can also remove debuffs. Healing potions can be equipped to your monsters and will automatically activate when your monsters are at low health.

Jellies and PP potions can be found in your backpack during challenges. Jellies will restore your health while PP potions will restore your power points.


Equipment can raise the stats of the monster they are equipped to. Some equipment can increase the amount of EXP you gain from combat.


These items contain special powers that can help your monster evolve. Some monsters can only evolve when these catalysts are equipped to them.


Scrolls contain ancient formulas that tell us how to synthesize more common monsters into rarer ones. Each scroll can synthesize multiple monsters into a new monster.

Love Potions

Monsters whose stats are grade C or higher need love potions to breed in the Hatchery.

Skill Books

Skill books can teach your monsters special skills. You can tap Skill Book on the Monsters> Monster Info to see what skill books you can use.

Other Items

Some items with unique abilities were not listed above. These items include Loaded Dice, which help you land on a specific square, and Resurrection Cards, which can be used to resurrect your monsters to full health after they have all been defeated. You can buy these items in the Shop or find them during your challenges.


You will encounter three kinds of tasks in this game. They are main tasks, branch tasks, and daily tasks. Complete them to get awesome rewards and make your gameplay experience more enjoyable.

Main Task

Main Tasks guide you through the game. Follow them to explore the monster world.

Main Tasks generally reward you with player EXP, money, coins, and items.

Branch Task

You receive extra rewards from completing Branch Tasks. Though they take a while to finish, they are rewarding in the long run.

Branch Tasks generally reward money and items, though certain Branch Tasks reward monsters or coins.

Daily Task

Daily Tasks give you awesome rewards, but there is a limit to how many you can do in a day. If you can complete all the daily tasks every day, you’re amazing at this game!

Daily Tasks generally reward player EXP, money, and items.

Task Assignment

After you complete a task, a new one will be assigned to you automatically.

Completing a Task

Once a task is completed, you can tap Collect to receive your rewards.

see more




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Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:03 pm

Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:08 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Hello! My username is sammieann84 and I play on server 3. I recently had two major chest surgeries that changed my entire life completely, and since I am unable to do any physical activities for 3+ months, I began searching for something to spend my time doing that I enjoyed. After a while of being bored of the same games over and over, I came across Haypi Monsters and was intrigued by the extremely well done artwork and adorable characters. I've yet to come across something that I liked enough to not have a problem paying for other than this game. Winning would mean a lot to me, but just letting you all know how much I appreciate this game being free to play by itself with all it's greatness means even more. Thank you, admins for bringing me joy when I needed it most and thank you for of the adorable monsters that we all have come to know and love. :D God Bless



Posts: 5

Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:24 pm

Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:25 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Devilkiller1 server 2 gung hay fat choi everyone! :D :cry:



Posts: 218

Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:04 pm

Post Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:48 pm

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

Pokemon, Monster Rancher, Digimon and now Haypi Monsters?! I know a lot of the guys playing this game has at one point come in cotact with other monster collecting games of the same genre! But what this game offers that the others do not is innovation!

PvP & Ladder Matches
Haypi Monsters enables its users to interact with each other either thru chat, team mode hunts and in PvP! Aside from that is a well thought out ladder match for all those competitive gamers out there! Nothing beats the rush of aiming and battling the defending champ 2-3 minutes before the timer runs out! The way each one of us tries to outwit each other during PvP either in a singles match or the doubles! The constant restructuring of your own team to complement with your teammate or to beat your sworn rival. This game gives off a sense of pride after beating a high ranking player with four monsters whilst you only got three?! Nothing beats the joy you get out of that!

Chat and Friends
The first time I played this game which was about more than a month, i think?I noticed the chat room functionality though i wasn't really a fan of it at the start, i eventually was able to open up to other people and made friends. In their you'd be able to share strategies and help out people with regards to their questions. My most memorable moment was when i got to chat this gamer outta nowhere trying to answer his question about the game, till our conversation became personal and as he i told him where i'm from it turns out we're from the same country! Same city! And same elementary school! In fact he was even my classmate! I didn't expect that this game would even help me connect to my past whatsoever but that one is priceless. This game teaches us camaraderie and friendship and gives off a feeling of "expect the unexpected"!

Though most people out there would prefer free games all through out, upon completion of the tutorial mode i availed of the VIP1 pass mainly because it was cheap and was curious what it'll give out. So on and so forth till i came down to VIP5, not that i'm bragging or anything but.. This game gives me fulfillment and a lot of other things so i say if im happy why shoul i care what others think about? "Spend your money wisely, not on virtual reality", true there are a lot of things we need to think about in life, but sometimes we need to relax and enjoy what life is giving us.. Especially, if you are really happy with what your doing! In my case it's opening crystal chests and collecting S class monsters! I was very much in awe when i got a chance to fight a Rhor for the first time as it looked really cool! I aimed to et one of those and now.. With VIP5, i have an S class Rhor! I'm really proud and didnt regretted anything since this made me real proud! It gives me some thing i can be happy with.. Why not? Life is short to be anything but happy! But man! It hurts my wallet, can you please lower the prices! Hahahaha!

Synthesis, Evolution and Breeding
For all those collectors out there, nothing beats the feeling of seeing your collection nearing its completion right? Be it the Pokedex, Monster Card or Digi Device! Same way as this game's monster encyclopedia! It gives information on what you need (e.g. Level to evolve, item for evolution)!
This game challenges each one of us to aim to be better and gives a feeling of healthy competition! You get a great feeling getting your first epic scro from the wheel and you would almost jump and pump your fist in the air after getting a Slider scroll, am i right? Or getting an S class epic monster from breeding after long breeding and waiting seasons? Or even generating a synthesized very cool-looking monster! This game helps me to step up and take on the different challenges, that there is always a way to go higher!

Aside from the usual way you get experience, there is also a trainjng ground that gives a lot more experience to your monsters! I know a lot of you guys choose 1hr training cooldown and connects immediately to the game once a notification pops to your device, am i right? Well, its cause i do too! It gives a feelng of patience and anticipation at the same time! Especially when your monster is about to evolve or when you know you'd be getting a new skill the next level!

I have played this game for a month and i'm still enjoying it.. Hell, i love this game! Paired with a mobile device that can connect to the internet anytime, it will surely make you an addict! I have played a lot of games.. But with this, i'll say.. That there's no going back, nothing to do but push forward, strive to be the best and keep having fun! Thank you Haypi! Thank you Game developers! Thanks to all the gamers, PvPers, Forum Users! Thank you Appleif it were t for iTunes i wouldnt have stumbled upon this game! Thank you Hapi Monsters and to the ones who've conceptualized and implemented this game! You've made a lot of gamers out there happy, addicted and awed!

Username: SwiftDeath
Server: 6



Posts: 4

Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:09 am

Post Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:24 am

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

I was absolutely blown away when I first started playing haypi monster. I was worried that it might just be a cheap copy of haypi dragon, but boy, was I wrong! The missions, the team mode and pvp, the breeding- it all takes collecting games to a whole new plain of awesomeness! I have learned a lot about the gameplay, and I'm now spending a lot of time collecting a lot of really cool creatures! Some of them look really sweet! :D I have enjoyed this game like none other, and I hope to enjoy it for a long time to come. I just can't put my tablet down anymore because of this! (Lol!) Thank you, Haypi!
sniperpal, server 1



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Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:54 pm

Post Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:03 am

Re: Haypi Monster Writing Competition(Feb.2013)

NOTE: Free-Verse Poem is a poem that do not follow established patterns. They do not use a regular meter or rhyme scheme but instead attempt to imitate rhythms of speech.

My Free-Verse Piem:

One day I found myself
Sitting in my room,
Filled with nothing but boredom,
Thinking of something to do.

Looked through the App Store,
Saw an app that seems fun.
Start to install it
And can't wait till its done.

I begin to play
Not knowing what to expect
Of this newly installed game
And hopes this is something I won't forget about.

Three days in
My mom asks where I've been
In my room,
Playing this three day old game.

Chat with every one
It's so addicting
To rank up quick.
In the ladder, AceBurner's to beat.

Again I found myself
Sitting in my room
With no more boredom.
Now I have something to do.

-SnackCity, Server 15

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