Post Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:27 pm

Wager points

this is a suggestion by Drakonite made in chat and I think its a pretty good idea so im posting it here on their behalf:

what if we could place bets in pvp with honor points?

I personally like the idea cause anyone with high honor knows how much of a pain it is to go into a match against some one with 1100 honor so winning only gets you 1 honor. I think they should have something like the arena in HD where you need a minimum amount of honor to play and players create matches based off increments of points (10, 25, 50, 100...?) and then the challenger would press like accept or something next to the room name and honor amount and then the battle starts. this will stop noobs getting destroyed in pvp and keep higher honor players interested. with how dead pvp usually is though this would have to be done inter server, and id say the minimum amount of prestige should be no lower than around 1500 seasonal or maybe 1700 monthly (that's the rough amounts of the players in the low end of the top 50, so itll make sure theyre pretty active and good in pvp)