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Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!



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Post Mon May 27, 2013 3:23 pm

Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

Hi guys!

I don't know if anyone suggested this but I've recently thought of a way to make it better for players to get legendaries. At the moment, the total luck needed is disheartening. I think it would be a good idea for players to have increased chances of getting a legendary monster the more they open eggs. The company should at least put this in since they should really put in a safeguard for players. I don't know how I'll feel if I get so unlucky to open 100 eggs without seeing a legendary monster.
This would certainly remove some of the anguish that payers will feel when they don't succeed with getting a legendary monster. Players will at least feel better that the next time they try, they will get a higher chance of getting one. This is a win-win situation as more players will strive to open eggs. Players usually stop after a set amount of eggs but this way, the company won't lose revenue as more players will keep going until they get a legendary monster.

Obviously, if this is implemented, there should be even a little bit of compensation for those who already opened the eggs.

I will post this in the suggestions sectioen if I receive positive feedback - unless someone already thought of this and posted.

Thanks for reading!

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Post Mon May 27, 2013 3:29 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

Agreed. But it should be inline with verta pricing.
I feel ripped off buying verta for 1500

When it seems like you can get both fenrir and hippogen for less than 1500
From what people are posting I'm guessing its a 5% chance


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Post Mon May 27, 2013 3:32 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

If it's 5% chance now, the percentage should increase by 1 or 2% each time. I think 2% would be a good compromise.

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Post Mon May 27, 2013 3:54 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

If they sell the, for 2000 gold

I will buy it

People who bought 30-50eggs.. That's even more than buying a legendary



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Post Mon May 27, 2013 5:05 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

pizymisa wrote:If they sell the, for 2000 gold

I will buy it

People who bought 30-50eggs.. That's even more than buying a legendary

Probably for that 2000gold if you have the luck you will get 2 legenadary. :) hippogon ang fenrir. And if you fail to get fenrir then you still have hippo with you. Stay as it is. :)



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Post Mon May 27, 2013 6:27 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!


the legendary monster are monthly event, thus it should be near 100% and should also be hatch from silver eggs.

only when there an event,
u can hatch a legendary.
hatch from orange will give pair, but silver will give random gender...
when there no event , u cant get a legendary...

it should be like a promotion!! not an auction !!!
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Post Mon May 27, 2013 7:23 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

Just did 40 eggs. No legendary, huge regrets. Only things that are even remotely cool are an opposite gender Drac and a breeding pair if Flights. While there were lots of other purples they are all easy enough to get normally.



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Post Mon May 27, 2013 7:45 pm

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

Sry if i'm a bit harsh.

but in my opinion they should not change the percentage of getting a legendary. Cause, if there would be a 1-2% increase after every egg, the legendarys wont be legendary any more. they only would be epic's.

Maybe i think like this, cause i own 2 of them and don't want everybody can have it.


Server nn = 2000 people -> 1000 spending money on eggs -> 250-500 get a legendary breeding pair

12,5-25% of all players in the server -.-

Hope u can understand my way of thinking :)

P.S.: my english skills suck, since i'm out of school. just keep ur grammar corrections for u :)
Haypi Monster
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Post Tue May 28, 2013 1:08 am

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

spletty wrote:Sry if i'm a bit harsh.

but in my opinion they should not change the percentage of getting a legendary. Cause, if there would be a 1-2% increase after every egg, the legendarys wont be legendary any more. they only would be epic's.

Maybe i think like this, cause i own 2 of them and don't want everybody can have it.


Server nn = 2000 people -> 1000 spending money on eggs -> 250-500 get a legendary breeding pair

12,5-25% of all players in the server -.-

Hope u can understand my way of thinking :)

P.S.: my english skills suck, since i'm out of school. just keep ur grammar corrections for u :)

Don't worry. Your English is absolutely fine. If you didn't mention that at the end, I wouldn't know! No one will correct anyone's grammar as everyone should be aware that not everyone has English as their first language.

Regarding your opinion, you might be going it about t wrong. A legendary monster is available for only 1 month (or so it seems). Therefore, if a non-paying player tries to save up for an Orange Egg, he/she will need 49/2 = 25 days before he/she can even buy one egg. A whole month for just 1 egg!
That 1-2% increase is actually not a lot. A player still needs to purchase a lot of eggs to get to a good percentage of getting the legendary monster. They will still need to spend a lot of real life money. Right now, not a lot of people spend outrageous amount of money in the game and I don't think that this will juts suddenly change that and have a lot of them running to buy eggs. It will help a little bit but not by much. Not everyone will walk around with legendary monsters even with this improvement, I can assure you of that. It's just that for those who actually spends a lot of money to try and get the legendary monster, it will be extremely disheartening to still not get it after a number of tries. It is just not acceptable and justifiable that that should happen, in my opinion.
But thanks for sharing! :)

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Post Tue May 28, 2013 1:10 am

Re: Increased chances for legendaries after every orange egg!

Ryeballs wrote:Just did 40 eggs. No legendary, huge regrets. Only things that are even remotely cool are an opposite gender Drac and a breeding pair if Flights. While there were lots of other purples they are all easy enough to get normally.

This is what I was talking about. I just don't see a reason as to why this should happen. I mean with Vertedeath, you are spending 1500 coins but you are sure to get Vertedeath. With this, you spend 40 eggs 40*49 = 1960 coins, which is more than any second legendary monster. :(

There needs to be a solution for this and I think this suggestion will help prevent this from happening.

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Haypi Monster S11: Lexoph

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