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Mother of Guides



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Post Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:59 pm

Re: Mother of Guides

Koenaj wrote:Finally fixed it, big shout out to Bullhead81 for helping me :D!

I want to make the Q&A part more pleasant to read, suggestions for that are more than welcome!

That's very nice :D lol good luck still!


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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:22 am

Re: Mother of Guides

Koenaj wrote:

Hi there, I'm bored once again, and decided to write this little guide for the newer players. If this guide recieves enough positive feedback, I'll expand it :)!
This guide will mostly function as a guideline, from Jungle-1 up to Sealed Space-15.
Well then, without further delay, lets start, shall we?


When you first start your account, you will have the option to add a PAL Code, you can ignore this unless someone recommended this game to you. If that's the case, add the code you got from your friend (I assume) and continue. If this is not the case, simply skip this button.
You'll now follow a small intruduction to the game, how the world got created bla bla bla, the common jibber jabbing.
Simply follow the step-by-step tutorial which speaks for itself, and come back & read on when you're able to move around freely.
First of all, it'll be useless to try and rush through the game, a lot of people compare this game to Pokémon, but it isn't, keep that in mind! You simply can't complete all the levels in a few weeks, this game requires patience, a lot of it!
By the time the in-game tutorial is over, you'll have 3 monsters, Draco, Bud and Twiggy. Since you only have 2 Monster Slots, you'll have to make a decision which ones to use.
A pretty basic rule in Haypi Monsters is: ''The higher the tier, the better the monster.''.
The monster tiers are: Common/Uncommon/Rare/Epic/Legendary.
Draco is Epic, so I would switch him in for sure, get used to him, because you'll be using him a lot!
Then you'll have to pick either Bud or Twiggy. Either are pretty useless when you get further, but seeing how Bud is Common, and Twiggy is Rare, go for Twiggy for now.

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Continue your journey through Jungle, all the way till Jungle-5. After this, you will be introduced to Team Modes.

Team Mode is a place where you can opt to gang up with another person in a single map, and get better EXP, Silver and prizes.
Team Mode has a cooldown of two hours, and can accumulate up to 5 times.
Follow this small tutorial, and afterwards, you'll probably be around Level. 9 already, congratulations!

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Miracle Sea

By finishing Jungle-5, you also unlocked the next area, Miracle Sea.
Miracle Sea mainly uses Water monsters, so you guessed it, switch Draco for Twiggy, and continue your conquest!
It's wise to level up your Twiggy to 18, so that it evolves into Branchy, and will annihilate everything :D!
You might notice that you encounter a lot of new monsters in Miracle Sea. It is wise to catch as many as possible, if not all!
I suggest switching your Draco for a Katch, because your next area will be Fire, so you might want to train him a bit!
You shouldn't have any problems with Miracle Sea, but stay alert! It will get harder soon!

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I recommend leveling your Katch up to 16 before entering the Volcano Area. Not only will he evolve into Ripper, but he will also learn a new, stronger attack, Erupting Spring.
I suggest using Ripper and Branchy for Volcano, Ripper will take care of most of the battles, and you'll be able to level up Branchy for your next area! This will give you the advantage of having not one, but two monsters with an elemental advantage in your next area!
Not much more to tell about Volcano, try to catch as many monsters as possible, as you need a certain amount of monsters to actually unlock the next Areas!
Upon finishing Volcano-10, you will receive a Poe, this is quite a valuable monster, so I don't recommend playing around with it (yet)!
You will also unlock the Veteran Mode of the maps, which is basically a harder variant of the original map.
I wouldn't bother with them too much in the beginning, feel free to play around with them though, they can hand out some nice rewards :)!
If you're still not fed up of this game, good job! I've seen that this is the point where most people either lose interests, or become addicted, so if you're still playing, welcome to Haypi :lol:!
Your next destination will be Stone Vault. This is where it'll start to get harder, and more interesting!
Depending on how fast you got to this point, your Player Level should be around 11 to 13, and your monsters will most ideally be around Level. 22. Don't worry if this is a bit lower, but you might want to consider waiting a few turns, and use your Training and Team Modes instead.

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Stone Vault

Stone Vault will be the places where you'll encounter your first struggles. Maps start to get longer, you'll stop killing your enemies in 1 hit, and you might even die a few times!
Do not be conserned though, because after Stone Vault-10, you'll be given an extra monster slot! That's right, you'll be able to use an additional monster in your team!
Same as Volcano, not really much more to tell you about Stone Vault, try to catch as many monsters as possible, and just work your way through.
After passing the Area, you'll be given the extra monster slot, together with a random Skill Book.
I'll leave it up to you wether you'll use it or not, if you get Fire Blast, I'd definitely put it on your Draco, as it will help you out in the further area's a bunch!

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We've now arrived at Canyon!
Canyon was the first real place where I started to get stuck, I simply could not beat that higher leveled boss!
As I said earlier, and I can't repeat this enough: There's no need to rush this game, if you feel like waiting a few days & train your team, that's completely fine!
You should be around Player Level. 15 and Monster Level. 30 now by now.
Canyon is the breeding place of annoying Luminous'. Lightning bee-like monsters that tend to spam Confusion where possible.
I remember I passed this by using my Draco and two monsters I caught in Stone Vault, Armordillo and Igneous.
But as I said before, with all that Confusion spamming, it sorta depends on luck wether you win or not. Don't be afraid to start over a few times, rushing won't get you far, as you'll only get stuck later on!
I think that I, myself, have been stuck at Canyon for around two weeks, this, ofcourse, is a while ago, so the game got easier now. I hope you don't face the same problem :D!
Not much new to catch at Canyon, you will mostly encounter evolutions of previously catchable monsters.
I think that's about it for Canyon, just get some rabbit charm, and hope for the best :).

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Sealed Space

Next up is Sealed Space! This has been the hardest area for a long time, with a lot of Magic and Ghost elemental monsters.
The maps start to get really long at Sealed Space, so buckle your seatbelts, because a map won't take 2 to 3 minutes anymore!
My suggestion for Sealed Space is to train atleast one Magic and one Ghost monster, as they have the elemental advantage against each other.
I think I've been stuck at Sealed Space for the longest time out of all Areas. The amount of Spirit Channels that were thrown at me was outrageous...
So yea, all I can give you for this area is to make sure your team is ready. Make sure it's leveled high enough, preferably around 35~40.
A tip I can give you is to make sure Draconius is in your team. Almost all of the upcoming maps can be solo'd by a decent Fire monster.

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Frozen Cavern

Congratulations on reaching Frozen Cavern. If you came this far it means you've been playing this game for quite a while now!
If you followed my advice, and kept Draconius in your team, rest assured, Frozen Cavern won't be very hard!
The monsters in Frozen Cavern are leveled from 32 in the first map to 42 in the last map, so a level 40 Draconius will practically do the entire job if you do it correctly :D!
All Frozen Cavern maps have a chance of getting the weathers Blizzard and Sun. Ofcourse, we don't want to fight in a blizzard, we'd rather have sun, so our fire attacks get stronger!
Here's a little tip, keep restarting the map until you end up with sunny weather, it will help out big time!
I think that's about it for Frozen Cavern, just make sure you keep that sunny weather up, as it will save you a nice amount of potions, which can be helpful for our next destination, Chaotic Swamp!



There are several currencies in Haypi Monsters.

First of all you have the actual money, Silver. This will be used in most of the cases. Training, Synthesizing, upgrading skills can all be bought with Silver.

Gold Coins:
Gold Coins are valuable, and should not be spent on the small things, unless you're planning to buy more coins later on.
Gold Coins can be used to speed up cooldowns, unlock extra bag slots buy monsters in the Encyclopedia or to buy Magic Eggs.
There are several ways to get Gold Coins for free.
You can get two a day from Daily Rewards, one coming from the Online Rewards, other from the Daily Training.
Another way of getting Gold Coins is though PvP Rewards. Every week, the Top 100 get Gold Coins. The amount you get depends on your rank.
#1 gets 100 Gold Coins
#2-10 gets 50 Gold Coins
#11-50 gets 10 Gold Coins
#51-100 gets 1 Gold Coin
The Ranking gets counted at the Saturday to Sunday day change, and the Gold Coins will be rewarded on Tuesday.
This might not look much to all of you, but for a non-paying person, even 1 Gold Coin is helpful!

Prestige can be gained from the Ladder Tournament, and can be used to unlock certain monsters in the Encyclopedia. Same as the PvP Gold Coins, the higher your rank, the more Prestige you get. This can get up 1000 Prestige a day for being in the top 10!

Honor can be obtained via PvP, and can, aswell as Prestige, be used in the Encyclopedia to unlock certain monsters.
You can, however, also use Honor in the Shop tab to buy Equipables, Chests, Keys, Book Chests Dice and Love Potions.


As I've said earlier in this guide, Poe is an extremely valuable monster, because it can be evolved into any element.
If you're planning to go for the Collection Rankings, go to the ''My Info'' tab at the bottom right and see what element you need the most.
All of the elements reward Synthesis Scrolls when reaching a certain number, so it would be a waste to evolve the Poe into a Vegetaboe (plant) if you already have enough Plant monsters for the Lambush Scroll!
This may be a lot of puzzling in the beginning, but it will surely pay off in the long run!


The Training tab is extremely useful, you can give a monster of your choice a certain amount of EXP.
If you're not planning to buy Gold Coins, I would suggest not to spend any Gold Coins on training, as they can be used in more useable places.


The Hatchery is unlocked at Level. 15 and is used to breed monsters to get a higher rank.
The ranks vary from E- to S. S is significantly stronger than E-, but it's not a great problem when you're new to this game. You can pass all the Normal maps without S monsters, but I won't give you much chance in Ladder or PvP without any ;).
You can opt to use Blessing, which can be gained from Sacrificing monsters, during breeding. This will increase your bred monsters rank more than it would without Blessing. Your rank will likely increase from E to D- without Blessing, with Blessing, it will go up to D to D+.

Team Mode

Team Modes are a great way to get both Silver and EXP for both monster & player.
There is a cooldown of 2 hours, and it can accumulate up to 5 times.
Team Modes can reward you with several scrolls for Rare monsters, or even a catalyst for Poe.
If you team up with other players, you can receive even more Silver and EXP.


The Activity tab holds two Activities at the moment, Ladder Tournament and Boss Raid.
The Ladder Tournament is a place where players fight each other in an automated battle, you can not control your monster in the battle. You can win up to 2000 Prestige when your rank increases.
Boss Raid can be unlocked at Level. 12.
After that, you will be able to randomly encounted Boss Fights when playing any non-Team Mode map. This bossfight has a few basic rules:

-The fight is automated
-You will always go first
-You cannot critical hit the boss
-You will always use your strongest attack that hits first. This excludes skills like Cunning.
-The boss always kills you in 1 hit

After encountering the boss in the map, you will be able to find it at the Boss Raid tab. There is a 24 hour limit to kill him, and a cooldown of two hours. This means you have 12 tries to kill the Boss.
You might have trouble killing this boss on your own, so if you added a PAL in the beginning of the game, he/she will be able to fight the boss with you, increasing your chances significantly.
You can get a maximum of 3 Boss Essences from your own boss. One being from the fact that it's your boss, one for dealing the most damage and one for having the last hit.
Boss Essences can be spend in the same tab, press on the Gift icon and you'll be sent to the Exchange shop. Here you can exchange your Boss Essences for chests, keys, Dice or even a Legendary scroll!

Player v/s Player [PVP]

PVP is the place where, you guessed it, you can fight other people in your Server.
There are 3 different categories, 1V1, 2V2 and Duel Dual. I will explain them shortly.
1V1 means you will fight your opponent one on one, you are able to change monsters during the battle. You can use up to 4 monsters in this mode.
2V2 means you will team up with a friend to fight two other people. You can use up to 2 monsters in this mode.
Duel Dual means you will use two of your own monsters at the same time, it's the same as 2V2, but you don't need someone to team up with. You can use up to 4 monsters in this mode.
You start of with 1500 score, and this will increase/decrease with a certain amount of point, depending on your opponents score. It will be 10 most of the time though.
If you're located in a low-populated Server, don't worry! Up to 2000 score, you'll be able to encounter bots. These bots will be around 80 score higher than your own score, and will obviously increase in difficulty.
However, after 2000, you can no longer encounter bots, only real players, this is a real bottleneck for most players.

Magic Shop

The Magic Shop is the place where you can exchange Essences of Wisdom and Essences of Life for a variety of items.
Essences of Wisdom can be obtained from disenchanting Skill Books or landing at one on the wheel at the end of a map. They are used to buy all available Skill Books, from Beginner Books to Expert Books.
Essences of Life can be obtained from disenchanting Scrolls or landing at one on the wheel at the end of a map. They are used to buy a variety of Synthesis Scrolls, including a Legendary Physical monster!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What does VIP status do?
A) VIP Status gives you benefits in the game. You can check the whole list in the game at Menu → VIP → Details.

Q) How can I get a second Draco?
A) There are currently two ways to get another Draco, one involving Eggs, you can get a random gender from buying eggs, any kind will do. You can also buy it for 800 coins in the Encyclopedia.

Q) I only have 3 Monster Slots, how can I get my 4th?
A) You can get your 4th Monster Slot in two ways, either buy VIP 1, or by adding two PALs to the game.

Q) What are those grades next to my monster?
A) Grades indicate the tier of the item, the grades are: E/D/C/B/A/S.
The higher the grade, the higher the stats of the monster will be.
Note: All grades have +/- stats except for S, you don't have S- or S+, only S.

Q) What are all those different kinds of Honeys?
A) They are the catalysts used to evolve Poe, they all represent their element and will evolve Poe in a different monster.

Q) Should I buy Eggs with Gold Coins/Silver?
A) Completely up to you, I would not buy Eggs with Silver in the beginning of the game, as they are quite expensive. However, if you're actually buying Gold Coins, it might be worth a shot, you can get a lot of Epics and maybe even a Legendary!

Q) What is the fastest way to earn Silver?
A) The absolute fastest way would be to buy it with Gold Coins, but I don't think anyone actually does that. Instead, doing Team Modes with other people will give you a nice amount of money.

Q) Help, I ran out of Seal Cards!
A) Seal Cards can be a real problem in the beginning of the game, but once you start to catch less monsters, you'll see that it's actually quite well balanced. You can always opt to go on ''Seal Card farming'', there are some maps with high amount of treasure chests, one of the most popular one being Miracle Sea-3 Normal mode.

Q) Help! I found a Skill Book, but when I click on it, I can't learn it to my monster!
A) You have to learn the skill via the actual monster. Go to your Monsters tab, select the monster you want and click on ''Skill Book''. This will open a list of all Skill Books the monster can learn.

Q) What is a strong Epic monster?
A) Every monster has its advantages & disadvantages. You'll learn them while you're playing!

Q) I spent Expert Skill Books on my E graded monster, what should I do?
A) You can't retrieve Skill Books once you used them, the monster will have it, but the Skill Book will be gone forever. If you're new to this game, this is not a disaster, veteran players will try to avoid this though, as it'll be a waste later on.
I reccomend to save your Expert Books until you get an S ranked monster!

Q) I've done a PvP/Ladder match, and I noticed the opponents monster sparkeled, what does this mean?
A) This indicates that the monster is S graded.

Q) In the chat, I see a lot of people saying ''tm bl'', what does this mean?''
A) This stands for ''Team Mode Barren Land'', the last map available. This gives the most EXP, Silver and best rewards.

Q) How do I get this so called ''S ranking''?
A) You can get a higher ranked monster via Breeding, this usually goes up quite slowly, it can be sped up by using Blessing. You have to use Blessing if you want to reach S grade, the highest without Blessing is A+.

Q) I can't upgrade my skill, help!
A) First of all, your monster has to be Level. 50 in order to upgrade your skill. Secondly, not all skills can be upgraded. Skills like Power of Darkness can not be upgraded.

Q) I got absolutely owned in PvP, how can I improve?
A) Most people in the PvP room are quite experienced in the game, and tend to have strong S monsters with good skills and talents.
Keep in mind that your monster will be Level. 60 in PvP, so don't repel because ''your monster isn't high leveled''. Only the Grade, Talent and Skills matter in PvP.

Q) What are those caves in the Veteran/Expert maps?
A) Those caves contain a rare monster, sometimes even an Epic that only has a 1 – 2% catch rate!
The loction of all Epics are:
Volcano Veteran 10 – Neo *It should be 7 and not 10.*
Stone Vault Veteran 7 – Meniss
Canyon Vet 10 – Cygness
Sealed Space Veteran 6 – Scythe
Canyon Expert 6 – Seafoam

Q) I've heard you can catch a Legendary monster in a map, how can I get it?
A) That Legendary monster is Angelo, a Magic monster which is extremely rare to find. It can be found on any Normal-Mode map, but at an encounter rate of around 0.5%... The catch rate is around 10~20%.

Q) My monster received a debuff! What can I do?
A) There are different types of debuffs, I will explain them all:

ImageConfuse → There's a chance your monster will ignore your order and attack itself, an ally or another opponent.
This debuff lasts 2 to 5 turns or until the monster is switched.

ImageBurn → Decreases your monsters attack and gives it damage over time. The debuff can be removed by Rain weather or certain Skills/Talents specially made for removing all (de)buffs.

ImagePoison → Gives your monster damage over time. The debuff can only be removed by certain Skills/Talents specially made for removing all (de)buffs.

ImageEnsnare → Gives your monster damage over time and stops you from switching monsters. This debuff lasts for 4 to 5 turns.

ImageHypnotize → Causes your monster to fall asleep. This effects lasts for 1 to 3 turns and stays even if the monster is switched.

ImageParalyze → Decreases your monsters speed with 75%. There's a 25% chance your monster won't be able to make a move.
The debuff can only be removed by certain Skills/Talents specially made for removing all (de)buffs.

ImageCurse → Reduces your monsters MAX HP with 25% every turn. Curse debuffs can not be removed, altough your monster won't recieve damage when not in battle.

ImageStun → Renders your monster unable to do anything for a single turn.

ImageFreeze → Makes your monster unable to move. This debuff lasts for an indefinite number of turns. The debuff will remain even if the monster is switched out of combat. Debuff will be automatically removed after one turn when the weather is Sun.

ImageSeduce → Has a chance of making your monster ignore your move. Lasts until the opponents monster is changed, or you change your own monster.


Whew, this will be about it for now, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I will even add it to the FAQ list!

For the other readers, please give me a critical commentary, I can't learn from the ''great guide'' posts!

My hands are tired now, been working on this for around 5 hours straight...
Server: 101
Username: HA_1681768
Character Level: 34
Silver (approx.) : 11.5 million
Gold (approx.) : 925
S Grade Monsters: Smiter, Pewgway, Ignightmare, Neon (2), Meniss, Scythe (2), Brawny, Cygness, Purrfection, Trunky, Rhor, Pattafly, Sneopard, Flight


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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:29 am

Re: Mother of Guides

So much words! I almost fainted after seeing each word and letter...
Server: 101
Username: HA_1681768
Character Level: 34
Silver (approx.) : 11.5 million
Gold (approx.) : 925
S Grade Monsters: Smiter, Pewgway, Ignightmare, Neon (2), Meniss, Scythe (2), Brawny, Cygness, Purrfection, Trunky, Rhor, Pattafly, Sneopard, Flight



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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:05 am

Re: Mother of Guides

:x :mrgreen: Will these help koen? Please say yes :(
Pal code: 1i1KA Server: 40
Grade S: Draco,Brawny,Flight,Pewgway,Cygness,Meniss,Smiter,Chimera,Minotaur and Hippogan

Sig by: MasterWill



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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:07 am

Re: Mother of Guides

And these lol
Pal code: 1i1KA Server: 40
Grade S: Draco,Brawny,Flight,Pewgway,Cygness,Meniss,Smiter,Chimera,Minotaur and Hippogan

Sig by: MasterWill



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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:08 am

Re: Mother of Guides

Pal code: 1i1KA Server: 40
Grade S: Draco,Brawny,Flight,Pewgway,Cygness,Meniss,Smiter,Chimera,Minotaur and Hippogan

Sig by: MasterWill



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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:09 am

Re: Mother of Guides

These might be helpful
Pal code: 1i1KA Server: 40
Grade S: Draco,Brawny,Flight,Pewgway,Cygness,Meniss,Smiter,Chimera,Minotaur and Hippogan

Sig by: MasterWill



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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:58 am

Re: Mother of Guides

Haypi sticky this!
Great work! This must have taken quite a long time!
Thank you o. The behalf of the community.

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Designed by MasterWill


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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:24 am

Re: Mother of Guides

Hey HaTeRz, thanks for the great pictures, I'm sure I can put them to good use!
I'm trying not to get any white borders around my pictures though, so I'll have to work that out first :lol:!

Thanks again for the effort of finding those pictures :D!

@LiMoney, it took me a complete evening, but seeing all these positive feedbacks sure made it worthwile :)!
Finally back on track and ready to help you guys :D!

Have a question? Feel free to ask me!




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Post Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:09 pm

Re: Mother of Guides

I'll be honest right now; this is useless. The introduction of eggs literally changed the entire game - in a bad way. It's not a week after release anymore where people are going insane trying to figure out what Monsters to bring with them. Now all they have to do is crack one epic egg (which is free for them), right at Jungle 3, and get a free epic. That Epic will be C rank and carry them to SS easily. If you had made this guide prior to the eggs, then it'd actually be useful. I'm sorry, but this guide was more for you to kill time than it'll actually be helpful to others.

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