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Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:07 am
by support1
So the nominations thread isn't clogged up with off-topic posts, all discussion concerening the nominations shall take place here. Try not to be too hateful

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:43 am
by NsDoStorm
I would like to nominate Sh@zbot.
He is not only the leader of a great alliance hes an active player helps every on alliance and is always there for his glad he is my leader. Also helps out in world chat and tries to keep chat clean.

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:27 am
by Falaron
NsDoStorm wrote:I would like to nominate Sh@zbot.
He is not only the leader of a great alliance hes an active player helps every on alliance and is always there for his glad he is my leader. Also helps out in world chat and tries to keep chat clean.

In my opinion Sh@zbot would not make a good expert. On several occasions cursed and avoided the chat filter.

Screenshots can be provided to support upon request.

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:21 pm
by -Sh@zbot-
I would like to see them posted then if you dont mind fal. thx

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:31 pm
by -Sh@zbot-
Would also like to state in my defense that if he even has this evidence that it would have been acquired in pure spite because i have tried to clean wc up on 604 many times but as a regular player was downed upon for it. i also made a statement that people would take my request to stop the vulgarity seriously if i was to become an expert. and everyone in that server hates experts everytime our expert max gets on they spam curse just all around rude to him. they even stated multiple times they didn't want an expert. so if he took a ss of me avoiding the filter which i honestly do not do... if i did it was rare.. Then the only reason he did is to keep the server from having a decent expert to stop the things that occur there now.

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:39 pm
by Falaron
-Sh@zbot- wrote:I would like to see them posted then if you dont mind fal. thx

I can not post them cause of the avoidance/cursing and drug reference. I can send to support if they request. I can also send to you via pal. Pm me your pal user id

Regardless of rarity it was still done and against the rules.

This is not out if spite. I have no ill will against you. It is out of truth. As I said in the first place it is only my opinion. You may be a good expert or not. It is not my decision.

Good luck regardless.

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:12 pm
by -Sh@zbot-
I apologize in advance. fal has shown me an honest mistake where i used vulgar language in reference to a drug. but it was honestly just a fun convo i got involved in but i shouldn't have used the language. but its not like that happens often or that i just randomly use fowl language to disrespect other players or just to do so.. it was an honest mistake and will not happen again. hope it doesn't damage my chances for expert to much. we all make mistakes but i was honest enough to admit it and apologize

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:15 pm
by Falaron
Agreed. Mistakes do happen. Please be more careful in the future.
I do have to respect you for admitting it openly.

Good luck.

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:03 am
by Archer77
Is the guy who nominated you your alt shaz? It really looks like it at least

Re: Server 604 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:44 pm
by -Sh@zbot-
No its not. lol he is a member from my alliance i don't even know that name it must be from a different server.