A scout report will show Enhanced level 0, but that doesn't tell youbif it is a level 1 equipment or lvl 15. Especially so with this new update i would like to know what level it is. Then it iis normally safe to assume enhanced gear willbalways be lvl 15 (it isn't always tho). How can we plan aa battle not knowing if the horse gives him +2 speed or +30?
On this game you're not suppose to know all details of your opponent as it will ruin the fun of when attacking, defending and commanding. Having a scout report showing their level of equipment and enhancement will be pretty unfair to lower level players who haven't upgraded to level ten scout, I think the scout report layout is enough information to know about your opponent in the game.
Have fun gaming.
Roses are nice violets are fine. ill be the six, if you be the nine.
Hi I like the new equips there great and all but it's kinda unfair how the sell to npc tab is so big in the middle when u have max enhanced and max upgraded equip and the equip tab is so small on the top of the equip. This may cause some people to accidentally sell there equip that they spent alot of time or money upgrading. I know I almost did but I saved myself. It's just a suggestion to get the equips updated where its harder to sell your equip then just in two clicks in the middle. If u ask why the person took off there equip its probably cause they were doing a planned battle.
.mm. wrote:from my point of view, haypi kingdom player should get different lvl of equipment from market as well.
Wrong thread
OT: This, what you're experiencing is the beauty of a higher scouting tech level than yourself. To get an in depth scout reading, you must have a higher scout tech than your opponent--and if both of you have lvl 10, then it's an even match: neither can obtain the details on the other. This is positioned to make the game more of a challenge. There are still ways of figuring out the details of your opponent, it just take much more time, calculation, and thought. You're asking for the game to get easier, in a nutshell, I don't think this suggestion will pass.
Edit: Just realized this is a dead post (2012). Please don't comment further, thank you.