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Tim's Haypi Guide




Posts: 24

Joined: Sun May 20, 2012 7:39 pm

Post Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:31 pm

Tim's Haypi Guide

Hi, I'm TIllIllM from s95 and Ive been playing haypi almost since it came out. In that time Ive learned lots of useful stuff. However, i do NOT know everything, and i would REALLY appreciate criticism/suggestions for this guide. I would like to be an expert and i help ppl in wc, but i havent gotten any refers or nominations. (probably bc its weird to nominate someone if u dont know their name) lol, or maybe i just dont deserve it. Hopefully if this guide is good enough i may have a chance. Heres the categories ive broken it into.

1. Not getting attacked
2. Hunting
3. Scouting
4. Attacking and Farming
5. Army and Battle
6. Turrets and Traps
7. Market and $
8. Forts and Oasis
9. Alliances
10. Alliance Mines

If you are on the forums, there is also a color code.
WHITE: Information for beginners
RED: Information even experienced players should look over
YELLOW:General info such as charts

Top players will attack other players for 3 reasons:
A. You left troops in your city
B. You have lots of res (resources) that they need
C. You are taking their forts/oasis or annoying them

Basically, you need to not make yourself a target. ALWAYS have your troops hunting. Never harvest them until u already know how u will use them. Many ppl get attacked in btwn harvesting and attacking an oasis. If someone attacks your troops and kills them, they will gain prestige, which is one of the main goals in haypi. Top players will even go as far as to "warp", which is to move their city right next to yours so that you wont have time to hunt.

Make sure you get your cranny to lvl 20 as quickly as possible. It is the best thing to upgrade when u r low on res bc its costs almost nothing to upgrade(just time). The cranny will limit how much res the enemy can take from u if they attack your city. Another thing to keep in mind is that upgrading ur main building will decrease the time it takes to upgrade ur other buildings.

It is best not to take oasis/forts of other players unless u want them to take yours in return. While stealing a high lvl oasis when u cant occupy one may seem like a good idea, that player will be very angry once they get online.

Every server you play on, the top players give u different tips on hunting. Some ppl have even developed an equation.

The equation is: t=43,200,000($ u want to make)/((10+oasis lvl)(150inf+300cav+125arch+50cat))
t=time u need to hunt to make that amount of $ (will not work if t>12 hrs)

So if u want a nugget, plug in npc price 5000 and ur army and solve. See what u think about this after some experimenting. Ive only gotten it to work once (out of 5 trys)

Once players reach higher levels, their main interest in hunting is to gain enhancement stones. Some say the best way is to hunt thousands of cav in a mid-high lvl stone oasis. Another theory is to hunt only in oasis that havent been hunted in recently, but ive hunted 20,000 infantry in the same oasis 5 times in a row and had all succesful hunts. Im confident that this theory is false.

The amount of money gained from hunts is not random, although treasures are. For example, if u hunt the same number of troops in the same lvl oasis for the same amount of time, they will always bring back the same amount of money. How often you get treasure from hunting most likely depends on your luck statistic.

The most important thing to know about scouting is that u need a higher scout lvl than your enemy in order to see their exact stats (prestige points aka pp, res, and skill and attribute pts). So if u can upgrade ur scout to lvl 10, nobody can know how u set ur skill and attribute pts, or how much res u have. If the other player has higher/same scout lvl as u, u only get general info when you scout them.

This table should help:
“Several of” 0~9
"One or two dozen" 10~24
"Dozens" 25~49
"Scores" 50~99
"One or two hundred" 100~249
"Several hundred" 250~499
"Hundreds" 500~999
"One or two thousand" 1000~2499
"Several thousand" 2500~4999
"Thousands" 5000~9999
"Over 100 hundred" 10000 or more

I think that the most efficient way to scout active players in your area is to create a list of 10-50 ppl close to u and make them favorites on ur favorite list. Then, once or twice a day, go to the list and scout everyone on it.

Scouting is used to figure out who u want to attack. U can attack ppl to steal their res or kill their troops(most efficient way of gaining pp). I would recommend only attacking inactives for res(ppl who dont play and have let their warehouse get full) although attacking weak players may be necessary in the beginning when resources are hard to come by. It is not nice to attack weaker players just for res(unless they are purposely annoying u) when forts can provide a more steady and larger supply of res(see "Forts and Oasis").

In general, whenever u see someone with troops out, attack them. Watch out for players that are "baiting" , which means leaving a fraction of their army out so that once you attack u will be fighting 5,000 catapults and not the 100 u planned to. This is more common in high ranking players, and is not very common.

Another thing to watch for when scouting is a city with negative crop output and a low amount of crop. Their army will soon starve and be recalled from hunting, leaving u free to attack it. Sometimes (more often in pvp), two people will go for the starve at the same time. When this happens, the second attack will have to wait 10 minutes longer than usual to attack because the first battle can last up to 20 rounds. (once a battle reaches 20 rounds it is over and the defender wins)

U may use this fact to ur advantage by timing when the person will starve by using the equation:

crop they have now/(crop they had a minute ago-crop they have now)

Launch ur 1st attack of 1 infantry so that it lands 9 minutes before they will starve. Immediately after that start ur next attack with ur full army(which will be delayed 10 minutes and land right after they starve). If u have VIP then u can reserve your pp hit 19 minutes before it is even there by launching 2 mini attacks then a real one. Just keep in mind that their starved army may be larger than your own, so only do this if u have the coins to recall or are sure that u have a larger army.

All top players will recommend a different strategy in terms of which troops are best to use, but i suggest using whichever works best for you. Each type of troop has its own advantages and disadvantages. Cats have strong attack, great range, but are bad at carrying resources and VERY slow. Inf are easy to make, avg speed, and are the best for both suiciding into traps and carrying resources by far. Cav are wicked fast, have good attack, but bad range. Archers are kinda slow, useful if they can outrange a cat, but are mostly useless unless trained in large amounts.

I use catapults to kill other armies and then inf to carry home the res. I dont use all cav bc in general they take more losses, and are in trouble if the enemy has blockers. The cats can take out lvl 1-8 turrets with no losses, and the inf can minimize troops (and as a result, pp not gained) lost to enemy traps. Make ur catapults wait and target cav, then on round 2-3 (depending on enemy speed) target archers, then round 3-4 (depending on enemy speed) move troops fwd and target cats. Then move cats bkwd and target inf.

This will win u most battles, but u will have to adjust if the other player is commanding or has a lopsided ratio army. (ex. All cav) i also use one cav and one archer when attacking because against an all cav army, if u move one cav forward in round 2 the one arch forward in round 3 u can gain extra hits against the cav before they reach ur cats. Many players have also noted that cav cannot hit cats if they r moving backward (until they reach the back of the field). Try experimenting with this against oasis.

The most important thing to know before you battle is you and your enemy's speed/defense/attack stats. This, along with commanding, plays a huge factor in who will win the battle. Assuming that both players are in range of each other, the 1st attack in the round will go to the player moving forward->faster->defender. The 2nd attack will go to the player with higher attack->attacker.

So if you have higher speed and attack then you enemy, you may be able to kill them before their army can touch you. This will also happen if you can outrange them; your shooting tech should not be ignored. I suggest putting all your stats in speed(once thats full, then attack), buying a lvl 15 manual and horse, and enhancing them as many times as possible. If both players have max speed, equip, and enhances, you do not be the one to give up the home field advantage because the defender will get the first attack.

Traps are probably the best thing to build the first few weeks to discourage other ppl from attacking u, but after that they dont help very much.

Lvl 10 turrets kill 255/76/306/85
Lvl 10 traps kill 120/36/144/40

Note: 25/1/5/10 means 25 inf OR 1 cav OR 5 archers OR 10 cats

Notice that turrets can kill over double what traps can at higher lvls, and can also hit the enemy mutiple times if they command poorly.
I would recommend putting 4 turrets and one trap in each row in case u go up against a cav/cat army. Once the enemy cats destroy ur turrets, u can use ur 3 traps as blockers against the cav. Here are the shooting ranges of both cats and turrets in case u need to see what lvl the enemy's turrets/ shooting is. Remember, cats will not begin to take damage until they go up against lvl 9 or 10 turrets.

Field Length for cats/turrets by level

One of the most valuable thing to know in haypi is what the mkt(market) will do in the long run. If you do, you will know what to buy and when you should buy it.

Resources, nuggets, and gems start expensive but will lower in price over time. Stone will lower the quickest and crop will always stay slightly more expensive. Try not to buy these in the beginning!

Medals, scepters, and crowns start cheap but will rise in price. Buy these in the beginning!

Level 15 equipment starts expensive but will disappear quickly. Buy this as soon as possible!

In the beginning, be sure to look for new players that sell items for way cheaper than they are worth. Buy them and resell them for a higher price.
The best money making strategy is to farm people, forts, inactives, gather oasis, and sell all of the resources that you can gain in the beginning. Sell them for just slightly cheaper than other people are selling them for.

Once you get enough money, buy your equipment, and then as many scepters (and a few crowns) as you can. You will also need a few of the other treasures to upgrade your title (for details go to help->support->general->question #4). I got all level 15 equip (the manual from a friend), 7 scepters, and 3 crowns by doing this.


# of cats to occupy forts oasis
Level 1 : 250. 5
Level 2: 500. 10
Level 3: 800. 25
Level 4: 1,300. 50
Level 5: 2,000. 75
Level 6: 3,600. 100
Level 7: 6,000. 200
Level 8: 9,000. 400
Level 9: 13,000. 600
Level 10: 18,000. 900

Note: Based on your attack stat, blockers, and equipment, u may need less troops than suggested to occupy forts/oasis. For example, i occupied a lvl 10 fort with only 10,000 cats. I suggest u do some math. Figure out how many inf your cats can kill in a turn and then figure out how many turns it will take you to beat that oasis/fort. Ur cats should be safe up to 9-10 turns if you use blockers and have max shooting.

Oasis will give you an increasing amount of resources per hr depending on its level. I suggest that once u have a large enough army, u occupy only crop oasis so that you can build an even larger army. Negative crop output is okay, but i like to avoid it as much as possible because it greatly increases your chances of starving. Oasis lose 1 lvl per day unless you resign them and reoccupy them each day. If you resign a lvl 10 oasis, it will not stay a level 10, so dont ever resign them.

Forts are the best way to gain resources in haypi(unless you are on a merged server with lots of inactives). Stealing their resources is way more valuable than the $ they give per hr, so only occupy warp forts(more on that soon). The first time you attack a fort, it will have turrets and traps that are the same as the lvl as the fort. These traps and turrets will not come back unless u occupy it and then resign it. Occupying takes 3 attacks, so make sure u can take all the resources in 1 or 2 attacks, preferably 1. Forts will steadily refill until they reach their maximum capacity, which will happen in one day.

Fort warping (aka teleforting) is a slightly complicated way of dispatching troops from one city to another (possibly hours away) in only a few seconds. The setup takes a while, but once it is done, the results are worth it.

* City A
   •Fort                                         *City B

Lauch 2 attacks from City A on the fort. Then dispatch your troops from City A to City B and do the last attack on the fort from City B. Recall the troops from the fort and dispatch them to City A. Since troops will recall to the city that the fort was captured from, if you dispatch City A's troops to the fort, they can be recalled and appear in City B in under a minute.

This concept can be used to create a line of forts that will dispatch troops from City A to B to C to D and then back to A. I like to place all of my subs in clusters of forts( for example look at 328:346). I choose a low lvl fort as my warp fort and i farm all the others daily to get lots of res. Oasis can be used as well, but they constantly change lvl.

Alliances are very useful for a variety of reasons. They are useful for making friends that will help u if u need it, you can now talk on AC (alliance chat), people post coords of troops that were left out in AC, and you are able to donate in order to help your alliance succeed in the alliance mines and gain honor. Your rank in donations determines how much honor u gain per hr while your alliance has a mine. The top donater may be gaining over 10x the honor of the bottom donater.

Alliances sometimes go to war with each other, and during this time there are usually no rules. So here are a few tricks to use:

Sub stealing: to steal a sub, u must either attack the sub 5 times right before and 5 times right after daily gift, or you must ask another alliance member to help you with the 10 attacks.

Cropping: take all of their oasis until they starve, then attack their troops

Pinning: this is usually done with alts (alternate accounts) which may be illegal, but to pin u just send 1 cat to someone in the enemy alliance that is hours away. This will not allow them to transport/sell resources in that city and will let u track the sub if it is warped.

Clogging:this is done right after you steal someones sub city. Have an alliance member leave the alliance and you knock one of his subs loyalty down to 10. Make sure that it is a very bad(newly created) sub and has no crop in it. Then, he rejoins the alliance and warps(moves his city) right next to the guy u just stole a city from. He takes all of the enemys oasis and forts to get his attention. The enemy will most likely attack the sub with his whole army out of anger. He will unexpectedly take the sub and all his troops will starve. He will also be stuck with a sub that is much worse than the one he previously had.


The suggested amount of catapults used to take over mines are:

Level 1: 6,000
Level 2: 10,000
Level 3: 14,000
Level 4: 20,000
Level 5: 25,000

The mine wars are different from other battles in that all the stats are at 0. This makes cavalry much less useful because they rely on speed, which they dont have anymore. Catapults are the only troop that most alliances use, except for blockers. Only 1 of each other troop is necessary to block, but most alliances go with 1001 just to make their alliance seem larger when beginner alliances scout them.

All alliance leaders should remember to always collect their daily alliance gift(which doubles in size when the alliance has occupied a mine forthe past 12 hours). Send a letter to the alliance telling all members that if the mine is attacked and all vices are offline, they should MOVE THE CATS FORWARD!!! Even if you are outnumbered, this may allow you to win the battle. It will also make the enemy takes losses and gain less prestige if you are badly outnumbered.

Develop a plan with vices and tell them what to do if you are offline and the mine is attacked; are you the alliance that will fight, or will you play it safe and retreat? Remember that once you have a mine occupied for two days straight, u will start gaining only half the prestige you were before. After four days you will no longer gain any prestige.

nstead of abandoning the mine and reoccupying it and losing catapults, many alliances have a different alliance run from an alt that will take the mine and then give it back. I dont know what support thinks about this, but ive never heard that it is illegal.

Here is one trick that can be used in the alliance mines: First, your alliance has to be the largest army in the mines (or the largest army that is going for that level mine). Recall all of your troops from the mine, except for 999 cats. Then immediately dispatch your army to the mine. Repeat this until an alliance attacks. Since you have 999 cats there, they must be attacking with a decent number of cats, and will only see 0-1000 until your troops arrive at the mine just minutes before theirs. This is a great way to pass another alliance in the rankings or trick an enemy alliance into attacking you. But it might make some people mad at you, just be ready for that if you use this tactic.

Thanks for reading the guide; please post a comment or reply, ESPECIALLY if you didnt like it, because i want feedback. Using these tips i have reached rank 16 on s95 with over 1.5 million pp using a total of 0 coins. Hope you learned something useful!
TlIIllIM s95


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Post Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:16 am

Re: Tim's Haypi Guide

That was really awesome TIM. I am new and came to learn much from you. I am now at 606 will PM you. Do reply at your leisure :)

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