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Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:35 pm
by Hunter20
I vote to nominate Wazzup123 he is nice and answers questions simply. The name again is Wazzup123 thank you for reading this

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:14 pm
by Shadetale
Don't nominate yourself

Other users posting from this IP:

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:46 pm
by Wickster10
Caught ^.^ -shadetale&wickster nomination cops

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:37 pm
by Emie88
I vote to demote Dragon8888. He does not inforce the rules and openly shows favouritism to some members. Blocking individuals for no reason. A total violation of an experts position

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:46 pm
by possessed
Is there a way to demote an expert?
if yes then i would like to vote to demote Dragon8888 as an expert not coz im a "hater" but coz i honestly think that his decisions about the muting of players in world chat for the past few days has been greatly affected by this "expert" Fey.

Vayneglory wrote:Please Recommend Nominees for Experts
We are looking for nominees who:

• Show respect for other players
• Are patient and fair
• Helpful
• Display any other good qualities for Experts


• Show respect for other players - okay i think he got this one
• Are patient and fair - patient= yes, fair= not for the past few days
• Helpful - sometimes, but when he gets busy chatting with Fey or defending Fey he neglects the questions asked by new people.
• Display any othet good qualities for Experts - no?

now im not making up these stuffs that im saying, if u want me to prove it by showing screenshots im sorry but i cant because when Fey is on world chat, the chat flow just goes on really fast, almost 80% of ppl in world chat type/say/post/whatever starts to flame her, and i cant blame them because shes a "flame-magnet." And when Fey is on world chat thats the time when Dragon8888 sometimes fail to do his job as an expert because he will be too busy defending Fey and it sometimes affect his actions as an expert, muting people who Fey says "spamming" even if they are not. I'm not saying that Dragon8888 does not fit to be an expert because he defend's Fey, i'm saying he doesnt fit to be an expert because he forgets to defend other's interests

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:53 pm
by Andr3w
If you have a problem with an expert post it in the Expert Complaint Report section.

Vayneglory wrote:I've made this board for any complaints or abuse reports about Experts and Moderators. Not all players know what to go to report the abuse of these users and this will allow them to do so.

Any posts or threads made here can only be seen by myself and Admins. No Experts can see this board so don't be scared. Don't be scared to complain about anyone, if anything it will help the individual improve.


This is not a board for you to ask questions or chat. Any questions you have about this board can be directed to me.

Any worthless or pointless posts here can be cause for you to lose ALL access to this section of the forum.

Again, your posts will not be seen by any other users. This is the only reason I'm allowing this. Don't be scared to post.

Thank you for your support and thank you for helping improve Haypi Kingdom :)

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:57 am
by reed
Tramboy123 keeps muting himself that i belive is abuse of power

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:08 am
by possessed
andrew, it would help if you post a link where i can post it right?

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:32 pm
by Shadetale

Re: Server 8 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:44 pm
by Fey
possessed wrote:Is there a way to demote an expert?
if yes then i would like to vote to demote Dragon8888 as an expert not coz im a "hater" but coz i honestly think that his decisions about the muting of players in world chat for the past few days has been greatly affected by this "expert" Fey.

Vayneglory wrote:Please Recommend Nominees for Experts
We are looking for nominees who:

• Show respect for other players
• Are patient and fair
• Helpful
• Display any other good qualities for Experts


• Show respect for other players - okay i think he got this one
• Are patient and fair - patient= yes, fair= not for the past few days
• Helpful - sometimes, but when he gets busy chatting with Fey or defending Fey he neglects the questions asked by new people.
• Display any othet good qualities for Experts - no?

now im not making up these stuffs that im saying, if u want me to prove it by showing screenshots im sorry but i cant because when Fey is on world chat, the chat flow just goes on really fast, almost 80% of ppl in world chat type/say/post/whatever starts to flame her, and i cant blame them because shes a "flame-magnet." And when Fey is on world chat thats the time when Dragon8888 sometimes fail to do his job as an expert because he will be too busy defending Fey and it sometimes affect his actions as an expert, muting people who Fey says "spamming" even if they are not. I'm not saying that Dragon8888 does not fit to be an expert because he defend's Fey, i'm saying he doesnt fit to be an expert because he forgets to defend other's interests

Should this be in discussions?

Anyways, I'd just like to add my input.
Dragon8888 is his own person and interpretes the rules as he sees fit, since he was entrusted with that job.
I, in no way affect him or how he works.
I don't want to talk for him because he's perfectly capable of that himself. I just know what he's told me.
There is a rule against bashing people, and disrespecting people. This rule is very clear in Vayne's forum post. However I believe people have a problem because it's left too much to interpretation?
Each expert sees their own line, where war talk ends and bashing begins.

Is there a more clear description? So everyone will know and we won't have these arguments?
I just don't like seeing a constantly argumentative chat, and I think that might be the best way to solve it. :)