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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:00 am
by life321123
Announce the password to your server then.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:33 am
by Raxzk
life321123 wrote:Announce the password to your server then.

Then I get the Same problem with low levels on my server


PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:08 am
by life321123
Raxzk wrote:
life321123 wrote:Announce the password to your server then.

Then I get the Same problem with low levels on my server

You said the problem was you can't tell the guys from other servers to ready and you can't kick them... Not that you wanna kick coz they're low.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:38 pm
by Raxzk
life321123 wrote:
Raxzk wrote:
life321123 wrote:Announce the password to your server then.

Then I get the Same problem with low levels on my server

You said the problem was you can't tell the guys from other servers to ready and you can't kick them... Not that you wanna kick coz they're low.

Both I suppose and I did mention they were level 6 & 8 did I not? Use a little self-deducing here.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:30 pm
by Undeadowl
Raxzk wrote:No one did PVP server on s18. Having them with us is a pain in the butt.

sorry, would love to pvp right now, but i can't cuz im in china with only a laptop



PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:36 pm
by Raxzk
Undeadowl wrote:
Raxzk wrote:No one did PVP server on s18. Having them with us is a pain in the butt.

sorry, would love to pvp right now, but i can't cuz im in china with only a laptop


hydra! We miss you! Have fun in china :)


PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:31 pm
by 1dcampos
I think this is a classic case of a beta being placed into action too early.

I must admit, I havent expirienced the same level of lag/dc/etc. that others have. And I do love the idea.

I just think that we are more test subjects for the beta than players to enjoy. Which I think is a small word difference with a big impact.

As much as its uncomfortable now though, I'm sure in due time it will be fixed.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:11 am
by Raxzk
1dcampos wrote:I think this is a classic case of a beta being placed into action too early.

I must admit, I havent expirienced the same level of lag/dc/etc. that others have. And I do love the idea.

I just think that we are more test subjects for the beta than players to enjoy. Which I think is a small word difference with a big impact.

As much as its uncomfortable now though, I'm sure in due time it will be fixed.

Unfortunately, I doubt it :cry: But, come on, "it it ain't broke don't fix it"... Haypi


PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:07 pm
by Undeadowl
Raxzk wrote:
Undeadowl wrote:
Raxzk wrote:No one did PVP server on s18. Having them with us is a pain in the butt.

sorry, would love to pvp right now, but i can't cuz im in china with only a laptop


hydra! We miss you! Have fun in china :)

thanks honey! I'm missing y'all too over here, but it is pretty fun if you can stand the heat. I swear the sun is trying to make me lose a hundred pounds in fat every time I walk outside, and i don't even have fat to lose. LOL.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:32 pm
by tsan76
Raxzk wrote:
life321123 wrote:
Some_Dude wrote:I honestly dont know why there is even vip in pvp. Not being able to kick someone helps nothing. Just makes u feel special.

So you'd buy coins to get VIP... Duh ;)

Raxzk wrote:What is wrong with giving us a choice? Before we could choose do we want to be part of that server or not?

It lags horribly.

Noone plays pvp in novice when it was out, leaving the noobs who can't coin the pvp server, opponentless (Haypi likes noobs) so now they took the noobs and dipped them into a sea of great whites and well ummm dragons... As a high lvl though, the only down side for me now is I can't 1v1 someone privately.

Can't say it lags any worse than before for me... My only problem now is the infinite load results screen but no lag and infinite loading when starting.

No one did PVP server on s18. Having them with us is a pain in the butt.

It's not a fail :p and that's a good reason why...."no one in s18 did pvp channel"
Now ya noobs can't hide in novice ;)