Post Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:15 pm

Suggestion rants

As anyone who read my posts know, I rant. A lot. Today is no different (it's good to have some stability in this world, you know, things that never change) anyways todays rant is actually a suggestion rant, all the thing I would like to see changed or added/taken from the game. First off: pvp. I hate it with an unholy passion. The huge level differences one faces as well as the overly exploited glitch that is double turns need to go. I don't think having level based battles is that hard to do (the original Pokemon games had em and that was was 15-20 years ago?) so I don't see why we can't. Secondly I can see the idea behind the doubles, give weak players a chance. Here's the problem though, if you're a level 10 dragon you aren't going to get a chance to use em against the majority of level 25+ and even some lower levels. Meanwhile you have players who don't deserve to win getting them with barely any health and using rage when in most cases they are the same or even a higher level than the other dragon. If you're going to keep them make them level based (the bigger the level difference, regardless of who goes first and who uses more mana) the better chance of getting one.

Second: I'm sure this is already in the works as the explore section has a spot for level 50 dragons but we really need the level cap increased. More and more players are reaching level 40 and it gets boring for them. If you want this game to stay active have something to keep the players here, and unlocking the new levels soon wouldn't hurt either. As long as theyre bug free I'm happy.

Third off I'd like to see a market system like what haypi kingdom had. My dragons are maxed out for their levels and my money is piling up. I'd love to just be able to buy a level 4 mana so I can finally synth my other two, so either expand the npc shop or add a player market.

Fourth: this I also assume is in the works but what is that fourth spot next to volley for? If you don't have any ideas I'd like to maybe see a move like crystal's ice rain but with regular bombs instead and no chance of freezing (and preferable no chance of doing the ice rain glitch with it). Another move I'd like to see is a triple shot, where you can use that plus power depending on your mana and, instead of qs, allows you to fire up to 3 shots in different directions/locations. This would be better in 3v3 and 4v4 but would certainly have a place in 1v1 and 2v2.

Lastly I'd like to see a parachute feature (if dragons can have cannons sticking out their backs why not a parachute?). We should get one per battle to avoid lucky kills with fall damage except if they go off the map, that's still an auto kill.

That's my suggestion rant, feel free to comment on it and say how bad it is like everyone does. Hate Mail makes me lol.
haypi dragon
fish1011 (ios s7) - crystal level 35
fish1100 (android s29) - Roco level 39

Haypi kingdom
lord.rex-level 16
Rector18-level 15