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Server merge [35 and 38]

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:20 pm
by Abyss101
Hello Dragonsupport!
It's been awhile since you have done something for us servers, 35 and 38. It's been almost two months and you haven't done anything. Players from these servers are growing anxious to play with others on pvp. A lot of people at itching to play with server 101 for boss and pvp.
Please do something about it. Others, including myself have grown bored of this game because we cannot play with people outside our server.

Other accounts:
Aeowyn: Offline
Abyss101: 6/9 dragons
Roco: 40
Devil: 37
Leshy: 30
The rest are level 22

Player level: 36

Re: Server merge [35 and 38]

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 4:53 pm
by RO-5ELiTE
I would move this post to the suggestions page.
