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Famous cities (give per hour prestige)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:31 pm
by dhruvjad
famous cities (just like the alliance mines ) placed on the world map on different location. These cities will be hard to conquer and on occupying one will give the player per hour prestiege. After 7 days the famous city will come on a cool down period(lets say a cool down day on sunday on each week) during the cool down period the player who occupied the city will have his troops returned to their cities, and the famous city cant be attacked on sunday. After the cool down period the famous city will again gain AI troops to defend itself from player. The player who occupies the city again gets per hour prestiege till 7 days until the cooldown starts. Famous cities shall contain more than 10k catapults so it is a challenging task to occcupy one

Re: Famous cities (give per hour prestige)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:49 am
by Awsmrthanu
good thought but then the players who r smaller would just fall even farther behind on the prestige board because big players can mine it and they can't so it would be making the big players bigger , this is a game and most people don't have endless hours to feed their troops and have huge armies so for the average player this would make the game frustrating :)