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Forum App

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:35 am
by MoonOrchid
I looked through the list and couldn't see any topic similar to this, other that someone suggesting to make it more web friendly?

I was just wondering if the forums could perhaps have access through it's own application? It's frustrating to be browsing the forums in-game because you lose your place if you need to return to the game for an attack or something, or if browsing and leave device for too long it goes to sleep and opens back on main city screen.

Anyway. Just a suggestion, might bring more life to the forums?

Re: Forum App

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:48 pm
by JamesKer1
Yea good idea. Especially since this app is awful with excessive crashing (support still won't recognize the issue) and it carries over into forums....