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Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:10 am
by Supertree
m4st would be a good choice for expert. i just dont see him on very much
I see him trying to help when he is on though :)

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:55 am
by Kissredd
Supertree? Is my nomination because the player is not too eager to prove him\herself but they help a lot

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:40 am
by m4st
I nominate Supertree?, since he is friendly and well-going player around - good to be friends with hehe ^^*

Didnt want to spam so i will just include it here.
As one haypi player, I've always seen spams and swears-mostly offensive words- which causes a lot of conflicts (in s52 rank 5 and rank 8 alliance went through a war because of one swearing to another:no expert or mods were there to stop them.. with wc covered with foul words. Eventually, both alliance had fallen ranks because of the war). Although I'm a student-or because I am a student, I am able to stay in the game all day and always help out people who need my hand.

Thank you.

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:50 am
by Yumpkin
I would like to nominate cworkman2 as an expert. He has chatted with me about the aspects of haypi kingdom and was very respectful in every aspect. He has also helped me understand the concepts of this game and has helped many others and some that I probably don't know about. I believe that he would make fair decisions about mutes and give plenty of warnings. He would be a great asset to your experts that u already have now. I hope u take this nomination seriously. Thanks

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:04 am
by Supertree
Maybe i should have nominated you with my account on s73 m4st..... here this should work!!! I nominate m4st for expert because he is very helpful!!!

Supertree S104
Supertree! S107
TreeSuper S62
Supertree? S73

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:00 pm
by Eflyguy
I vote for m4st, I just sent him a message for the task, and he responded with helpful information and was able to get me on my feet. To me m4st is already an expert, might as well lable him that :D

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:28 pm
by Jastri18
I nominate m4st

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:51 pm
by EuroMonkey
I nominate, snivps.He says all his help is nothing but he helps out this server more then anyone else, many times over. I would like to put out there how i saw m4st asking for a referral as well as indirectly asking for expert nominations on WC(World Chat). Thanks.

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:59 pm
by EuroMonkey
I think you may find that most if not all of m4st's nominations are by his alliance members. Soulconnection if i remember correctly. Sorry for the spam.

Re: Server 73 Expert Nominations

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:25 pm
by Supertree?
I nominated him because he is a great help. when he's on and other people are ignoring the newbies, he helps, just like me.

So what if his alliance members nominated him? its because he's helping them!!! I dont have that many nominations for expert, and for a fact I don't care!!! if support could see my private chat then they would be suprised about how many people i help!!! I dont tell people to nominate me since i helped them!! i don't ask either! I tell them how to get here and say nominate someone you think should be expert, that helps you play the game, answers your questions, and is nice and polite. That description is only a few people on this server, and one of them would be m4st. me and him try to keep arguments from happening and right now i have over 60 screenshots of 2 people spamming and one is avoiding a mute with one of his many alts!!! But for what i came here to say, since this is my account on server 73, m4st for expert.

Angels Leader,

Supertree S104
Supertree? S73
(The best way to fight the power, is become the power)