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What are we getting from Haypi?




Posts: 26

Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:30 am

Post Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:25 pm

What are we getting from Haypi?


Before I go off on my little tirade I want to get a few things cleared up. First off I realize that some will see this as nothing more than greed on my part, that isn't my intent. I'm not trying to make a mountain out of molehill, but I do want Haypi to show in some way that they recognize the problems we WP7 users have been having.

Last I checked Haypi was quick to tout itself as "the first MMORPG for WP7," but since this whole screw up happened I've seen not a peep from them. After being left out in the cold for a day we finally get our update only to find that it still doesn't work. Many of us have managed to get on at this point but it was through collective trial and error, again, without any suggestions from support. I know I'm not alone in still being angry with our makeshift "fix." What was once a simple task is now a checklist of things I have to do before the game will even start. I expect it will eventually be fixed but my hopes for a quick fix are pretty much nil at this point.

I'm not trying to compare our troubles to the crash of server 59 (though the people put out by that did get 800 coins) I just want something from Haypi directly. I'm not going to puff myself up any. I haven't spent thousands of dollars on this game; I'd be impressed if I hit $100 yet. Still the way I feel now is that the few bucks I might throw their way doesn't really matter to them.

This may sound like an ultimatum and frankly it is. On the one hand I don't feel like I should even bring it up. It should have been Haypi that was already here apologizing and telling us that something is in the works, however as I said that clearly isn't the case. I'm not going to demand 800 coins (I know our issues pale to those of server 59) but I do want some token from Haypi to let us know that they appreciate us as users. I know my $50 every other month isn't going to make or break them but they're not going to see another $.01 until there is some recognition from them about the problems we're having as a user base.



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Post Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:48 pm

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

Its not only wo7 users but a mass amount of droid users as well that can't play now. That said I agree 100% we have heard nor seen anything about when these issues will be fixed not to mention an apology for the inconvenience to the people who play and keep them employed by doing so.



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Post Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:02 pm

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

That is true but I'm not running Android :p
If someone on that board wanted to make the same request they're free to do so.

I also think that we're still getting the shortest end of the stick. They've already had one update and almost 24 hours after this mess started we've still got nothing. Not to mention they weren't a day late to the "party" in the first place.



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Post Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:49 am

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

The fact we got the update a day or 2 late was Microsoft approving the release. As for support, this game has none except for the iPod/iPhone version. They don't talk to their players at all, from what I've seen playing for over a month. They don't really even use the forums for announcements and pay no attention to our board; it was only added to separate iPod platform and Android platform topics from the other platforms. Best bet is to wait for them to slink out 3.01 and make a lame apology for their faulty coding.
I forum here on my LG Quantum only.



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Post Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:04 pm

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

I'm sorry but the "it's MS's fault" line that they've been throwing is BS. MS's approval process is not that different from the others (especially when compared to apple's draconian design). I know for a fact that apps on the windows phone marketplace can have a less than 24 hr turn around for approval.

It was piss poor planing on Haypi's part which is just par for the course on this botched update.



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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:56 am

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

I agree with both of you....
It is totally out of Haypi's control how long it would take for the various markets to go to release.
However, they should have anticipated that this would and will continue to be a problem.
The proper thing to have done would have been to see that there is an inherent conflict with how the game works and with different players not being able to log on for different amounts of time, and to have come up with a solution before the update.
Like having the patch be backward compatible, so every one could have a week to get the new App while everyone who already has it, uses it to play by the old rules on the old server, then at an announced time, have all the servers shut down and switch over....



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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:20 pm

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

managed to log in going back and forth between screens.. armys gone, forts gone, oasis gone. Thanks Haypi!!!! im glad I didnt give you guys any money..
Sorry to any WP7 user that has.



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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:11 pm

Re: What are we getting from Haypi?

Very well formulated tandersroc,

I agree 100% with you. There is one more thing we must do as unhappy customer. We must post negative review in the app store to tell other people what they will get into if they dowload this game.

I have already posted a 1 star rating and if many of us do, we may drop the total rating below 3. Maybe when that happens, Haypi will realized that taking care of its customer is indeed a very important part of doing buisness.

Thank you for posting that comment.

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