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Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:38 pm
by Make.belve
This is ridiculous. Lifehunter got expert. I support support in any desicion they make but lifehunter has nominated himself mutiple times in forums, asked other to nominate him, make pacts with other players to nominate each other, and he has personally asked my for my acct on a differnt sever. I feel this is completly ridiculous that this complete rule breaker gotten expert literally 1 day after he cussed repeated on wc with his account and his alt, nominating himself, and asking for anothers account.
So please support make this right with his demotion.

I also have screen shots of most of these events

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:12 pm
by Staven
We need a female expert too... :lol: QueenofNo is obviously the one that should be expert!! Helps n support the ones that needs it!!

EDIT: oops. wrong thread :roll:

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:34 am
by Snowy01:
I am very disappointed with a couple of the current experts and feel that their status should be reviewed! Lifehunter openly admitted on wc to cheating to gain his expert title but said it was ok because haypay knew, well the server players are not happy about it and feel it should be given to someone who deserves it. As for the others I feel you should review how much time they spend in wc actually helping instead of gaming the benefits of being an expert without actually serving their role!

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:57 am
by Link209
Snowy01: wrote:I am very disappointed with a couple of the current experts and feel that their status should be reviewed! Lifehunter openly admitted on wc to cheating to gain his expert title but said it was ok because haypay knew, well the server players are not happy about it and feel it should be given to someone who deserves it. As for the others I feel you should review how much time they spend in wc actually helping instead of gaming the benefits of being an expert without actually serving their role!

agreed. only one whos on a lot anymore is scarygreat..... the others just want the coins....

Edit: But scary is just as good as two experts...we sill need more...

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:24 pm
by Lisa8419
I have several issues with the status of our current, and possibly pending, experts. To begin, I am one of the many people who is upset with lifehunter being expert. It's not acceptable that he nominated himself via his alt account, hardbox. It puts a negative light on support that they would even tolerate that kind of behavior from an "expert." Not only is it dishonest, it's also tactless. Moving on to mustang82: he is rarely on, and when he IS on, he is rarely helpful. He also recently took over SirKal's account for his own, which I was under the impression was against the rules. The only expert that I can really give any praise to is scarygreat. I'm highly disappointed in support's lack of action in our server's expert department. Moving on to an expert nomination issue, it has come to the attention that queenofno has been nominated by a couple of different people. This concerns me. While queen may be knowledgeable about the game, she is also extremely condescending and rude in WC more often than not. She enjoys picking fights and belittling others. This behavior would have to change if she were to become an expert. As of right now, I fully oppose the notion of her becoming one. I would need to observe a change before I could support it.

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:40 pm
by koarandy
I second the above post by Lisa8419 and would like to specifically point out that QueenOfNo often posts such things that are easily taken as insults, and then denies saying it. In all of my conversations with her on world chat she has persistently had a negative or condescending tone when talking to others, sometimes to the point of them retaliating with insults of their own.
I for one do not want this type of persona to have any sort of power over others in our world chat.
In my experience Robjes is helpful when asked, and is often on when other experts may not be due to the timezone difference.

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:15 pm
by QueenofNo
Lisa8419 wrote:I have several issues with the status of our current, and possibly pending, experts. To begin, I am one of the many people who is upset with lifehunter being expert. It's not acceptable that he nominated himself via his alt account, hardbox. It puts a negative light on support that they would even tolerate that kind of behavior from an "expert." Not only is it dishonest, it's also tactless. Moving on to mustang82: he is rarely on, and when he IS on, he is rarely helpful. He also recently took over SirKal's account for his own, which I was under the impression was against the rules. The only expert that I can really give any praise to is scarygreat. I'm highly disappointed in support's lack of action in our server's expert department. Moving on to an expert nomination issue, it has come to the attention that queenofno has been nominated by a couple of different people. This concerns me. While queen may be knowledgeable about the game, she is also extremely condescending and rude in WC more often than not. She enjoys picking fights and belittling others. This behavior would have to change if she were to become an expert. As of right now, I fully oppose the notion of her becoming one. I would need to observe a change before I could support it.

I suppose this is the retaliation I was threatened with by you a few days ago with Koarandy along for the ride? Neither of you have made any secret of liking to pick fights.. not only with me, but with anyone who won't be intimidated at first threat.

If yours was a valid concern, you would have raised it when I was first nominated, or when I was nominated again... or the next time. Your timing only proves vindictiveness. I won't play that game with you. Thankfully, most people know the truth.

And, I suspect, it's all moot anyway: there are already five experts.

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:40 am
by Lisa8419
Queen, before I respond to your accusation, I'd like to first point out that I am entitled to my opinion, as is everyone else, hence the reason there is a forum in the first place.

As for what you said, I only found out today that you were nominated. Before today, I had not even ever visited this thread. I never made any threat against you, and I am in no way looking for an opportunity to be vindictive, as you say. I didn't even come here to specifically post about you; you were merely a "P.S." to the other issues that I have wanted to comment on for a long time.

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:43 am
by Arythy
Hi guys, there is way too much quarreling going on here. You are free to continue of course, just remember that this is a game, with a purpose to have fun; this debate with its personal attacks and other disagreements doesn't seem like too much fun.

Enjoy your Haypiing! :D

Re: Server 44 Expert Nominations Discussion

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:13 am
by Sa817
I'd like to take a moment to respond to the nomination of QueenofNo. While I do not argue that she has been playing a long time and that she knows the rules of the game, I'd personally much prefer a player in good standing with the majority of our server, which she is not. Many people dislike her due to her condescending and provocative nature. She consistently picks fights in World Chat and is, from what I have heard, rather distasteful in Alliance Chat as well.

I have no doubt that QueenofNo would misuse the title of Expert to her own (and her alliance's) advantage. Not only do I believe she would abuse the privilege, I believe she would laud it over player's heads as a constant threat.

While I do not dislike Queen as a person, as a player I think she is a poor nominee for Expert. She and I often have differing opinions and I rarely express them with foul language; I could easily see her muting anyone who openly disagrees with her.

In sum, although she may be a knowledgeable player, she lacks the necessary social skills such as tact, courtesy, and respectfulness that the title of Expert requires. I believe It would be a mistake to give her the privilege of that status.