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My haypi story

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Post Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:48 pm

My haypi story

My happy haypi experience-
By Makowako 

I have been playing for around 8months now and in those 8months I have never been more excited.

In my young days there was an alliance called r3ckle$$ with a member named caneballer. They say keep your friends close but your enemies closer so the advice given was received. He kept attacking me,  but In the end. I came to joining his alliance! So I state as a fact haypi is a game for making friends, even if you think your going to hate people forever!

Haypi is always very exciting. Especially when there's war!
People in haypi never give up in these wars which is one of the many things I love!
People always try to take your oasis and steal your cities. Which brings excitement to you even if your not liking it. When I'm attacking I often get hate letters which makes me feel bad. So I help them rebuild and 7 out of 10 of them join my alliance. *sigh* It is hard work when you first start. But it shows who stays and who goes!!!

In games there's always bad things as well as good things. And the worst thing about haypi is the fact you can quit playing it! I think personally there should be a rule to not allow quitting! It makes myself and many others unhappy.

Within the 8months I have experienced alot. Making friends, making enemies which can be fun but regretful, learning new things about the game, making a massive army and having to feed my troops every other hour! These are some of the many things that  are what makes haypi awesome.
Also this takes some good math skills to. Trying to keep up with crop output and marketplace sales etc....

Just to name a few, great guys I have met are tibs and stormtroop! If there's anyone better than these two people then they are not human. Wait a minute Vtcc_yo is better. 

Now I'm playing other servers as well which is great because you meet new people and get a whole new experience.
Haypi allows you to make a new account when your level10 which shows all they want to do is give you a great experience! 

Recently I have had my own alliance within a new server. I love it because everyone asks you for help and I love helping people! Where in my old server everyone knows everything. It's called R3CKLESS 

In haypi you never feel unwelcome as most people are nice. I always feel happy to go to the world chat and speak to new people. 
In January my server merged, this is probably the biggest thing that happened in haypi for most people. Everyone was panicking but was excited at the new challenge. Everyone was planning what they was going to do. Especially icrank. I personally just didn't bother doing anything but kill half my army. 
Ive been with the legion for around a total of 3months now. The other 5months i was with d3pth which I was a vice for all of that time. Proud to say I was longest serving member of depth over than the leader Luny. Wherever you are now Luny I hope you are doing well. 
The legion is a very respected alliance and has so many amazing people within it which is a big reason why I get up in the morning. 

I don't ever intend to quit haypi. Even if nobody plays it any more. This is because haypi has given me such a great time and to stop playing would be very disrespectful!
In haypi there's been great times, slightly worse times and many funny times. Im very haypi to say I have never lost my army which is got to be one of the best bits as I always lose.



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Post Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:03 pm

Re: My haypi story

Is the 7/10 but kaney? And whats your new server your in?


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Post Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:08 pm

Re: My haypi story

Excellent article. :)
Server 124 CassyH (expert)-active
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Post Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:30 pm

Re: My haypi story

I didn't attack kaney but mainly talking about slif :) 71k off him and persuaded to join :D
S61 is new server but My main account still takes priority :)
Thanks for saying it's excellent 



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Post Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:26 am

Re: My haypi story

Good read thanks
Ravermatt - s110 non stop activeness
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Lenda s120 - inactive

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Post Sat May 11, 2013 1:15 am

Re: My haypi story

TL;DR OP has totally fell in love with a game, plays with a boner.

ever tried leaving the basement, OP?
I enjoy sticking ice cream cones on the heads of horses.

I sell them on as unicorns.


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Post Tue May 14, 2013 8:28 am

Re: My haypi story

pendy wrote:TL;DR OP has totally fell in love with a game, plays with a boner.

ever tried leaving the basement, OP?

Not appropriate.



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Post Fri May 24, 2013 12:12 pm

Re: My haypi story

Even though its old, nice article! Sort of relates to my story that I am yet to publish!


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Post Fri May 31, 2013 9:17 am

Re: My haypi story

Kbkasey wrote:Even though its old, nice article! Sort of relates to my story that I am yet to publish!

What's the story about? O_o and how does it relate to this?




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Post Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:02 pm

Re: My haypi story


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