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asking for itunes password

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:02 am
by Azteal
Haypi keeps asking for my itunes gift card every 10 minutes or so (not really timing it) ever since I got coins from my account earlier in the day (several hours ago). I keep saying cancel and it keeps prompting again 10 miutes (or how ever long it is) later.

Why is it doing this and how can I make it stop.
It only does this when Haypi is open and IM actively playing. I have tried closing the app, killing the app and all running apps, rebooting the phone and doing a sync and it never changes anything.

Re: asking for itunes password

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:45 am
by Spellslord
That happens to me sometimes also. Asking for my iTunes password but I think it asks me because I have a friends iPod hooked to my laptop as well so his account is linked to my iTunes some how. Just type your password in when it asks you. Yes it gets annoying I know how ya feel.