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Alliance Leadership Change Rules




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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:39 am

Alliance Leadership Change Rules

Dear Players,

Many of you have had questions about what to do when changing alliance leadership. As a result, we have compiled a set of rules to make alliance leadership transitions run smoothly. Please keep in mind that these methods are subject to change.

Please Note: You can only change alliance leadership once a month!

If the alliance leader is active
A. The current alliance leader must email Support using his or her original email account and name a successor. (The alliance leader should get the approval of the successor before continuing).

B. If the alliance leader does not have access to his/her original email address:
1. He/she must provide the following info to verify account ownership:
i. Referrals, purchase log
ii. Original password
iii. Main account, 2nd account

2. The leadership change request will be approved if the current alliance leader is verified as the original account owner. If not, leadership change will not be granted.

If the alliance leader has become inactive

A. at least 3 vice leaders are still active:
1. The alliance leader has not logged on for at least 14 days.
2. The vice leaders must elect a new alliance leader amongst themselves.
3. The elected vice leader must contact Support and provide the alliance name and the username of the current alliance leader. He/she must also include screenshots of approval letters from at least two other vice leaders.
4. If the elected vice leader has met the leadership change criteria, he or she will then become the new alliance leader.
5. After collecting the screenshots of approval letters, the elected vice leader can contact Support by emailing kingdomsupport@haypi.com.

If everything goes smoothly, we will be able to change the alliance leadership right after we review the email.

B. Less than 3 active vice leaders:
1. The alliance leader has not logged on for at least 14 days.
2. The alliance member must contact Support and provide the alliance name and the username of the current alliance leader.
3. In-game support will then send letters to all alliance members.
4. Alliance members reply with votes for a new leader.
5. Voting closes 72 hours after the Support letter.
6. Whoever receives the most votes will become the new alliance leader.

If everything goes smoothly, we will be able to change the alliance leadership right after we tally the votes.

Approval Layout: (when 3 or more vices are active)
I am vice leader xx and I approve xx (elected vice leader) to be the new leader of the alliance xx. The current leader is xx and he/she is no longer active.

Approval Sample: (when 3 or more vices are active)
I am vice leader thunderbird and I approve XxangiexX (elected vice leader) to be the new leader of the alliance Haypi Lovers. The current leader is haypier007 and he/she is no longer active.

Voting Layout: (when 2 or fewer vices are active)
I am member xx and I vote for xx (elected member) to be the new leader of the alliance xx. The current leader is xx and he/she is no longer active, nor are most of the vice leaders.

Voting Sample: (when 2 or fewer vices are active)
I am vice leader thunderbird and I approve XxangiexX (elected vice leader) to be the new leader of the alliance Haypi Lovers. The current leader is haypier007 and he/she is no longer active.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a reply.

Best Regards,
Haypi Kingdom Team


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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:44 am

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

Hmmm, sounds pretty good to me. :)
Lurking. Send me a pm if ya want to talk :)


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Post Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:18 pm

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

Why make a rule if support is not going to uphold it? My entire alliance is inactive, but support says "just because they are inactive does not mean they want a leadership change"


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Post Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:18 pm

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

What if I am the only remaining active member?
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Post Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:01 pm

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

If there is less than 3 active vices... yet most of the alliance is inactive too, how can inactives vote ?...



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Post Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:57 pm

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

vote for yourself ?



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Post Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:40 pm

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

I've emailed support but to no avail they have not responded.

Here is what my email contained:
Hi, my username in server 608 is Prayerx. I'm in the alliance Olympians and last month a vice decided to kick all the members out of the clan. I joined back in right after but since then the alliance has been inactive. The only remaining members are |Eros| , The_Duck , and Multivice , but they are all inactive. May I be the leader since none of the players log on anymore. I'll recruit new players and put the clan back up to #1 where it was. |Eros| is the current owner.
You can check the activity of the remaining 3 players and see they have not been on. I'd really like to continue on this alliance. Thank you.



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Post Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:32 am

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

Prayerx wrote:I've emailed support but to no avail they have not responded.

Here is what my email contained:
Hi, my username in server 608 is Prayerx. I'm in the alliance Olympians and last month a vice decided to kick all the members out of the clan. I joined back in right after but since then the alliance has been inactive. The only remaining members are |Eros| , The_Duck , and Multivice , but they are all inactive. May I be the leader since none of the players log on anymore. I'll recruit new players and put the clan back up to #1 where it was. |Eros| is the current owner.
You can check the activity of the remaining 3 players and see they have not been on. I'd really like to continue on this alliance. Thank you.

Issue still has not been resolved, please support help me out.


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Post Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:00 am

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

How many days need to change leadership after send a mail to support?
.mm. s608 active
Mohsin81 s133 inactive



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Post Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:50 am

Re: Alliance Leadership Change Rules

.mm. wrote:How many days need to change leadership after send a mail to support?

Hi .mm.,
To make sure the security of our players account, we only change alliance name or change alliance leadership only when the alliance leader can provide the original email rightly, hope you understand.
Please send request with your original email to kingdomsupport@haypi.com, we will deal with it for you ASAP.

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