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Alliance War Guide




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Post Mon May 30, 2011 9:31 am

Alliance War Guide

Ⅰ War
1. Attacking an Unoccupied Mine.
a. When attacking an unoccupied mine, the alliance attacks a system-generated mine.
b. After occupying a mine, an alliance can achieve alliance prestige which it needs to upgrade to higher level.
c. An alliance member (in accordance with the contribution value) can gain the honor points allocated by the system, and players can gain insignia as honour points accumulates.
d. Mine (see Table 1 for specific data)
i. The higher a mine’s level, the more prestige the mine produces. Mines have 5 levels. Higher level mines have more troops.
ii. After a mine is occupied for 48 hours, the prestige it gives is cut in half. After 96 hours, the prestige output turns to 0.
iii. The number of soldiers in an unoccupied mine will be 80%-120% of the value in Table 1.
iv. Once a mine is occupied, its troop count is whatever army size the alliance places in the mine.
v. A mine occupied by a rival alliance appears in red.
vi. A mine occupied by your alliance appears in green.
vii. The unoccupied alliance appears white.
viii. The level of a mine is listed on the mine page.
ix. Tap any mine to see: mine name, alliance name (left blank for unoccupied mines), level, the prestige it gives every hour (limited to occupied mines), troop info. You can select “Attack” (limited to alliance leaders and vice leaders) and “Scout” to attack or scout a rival mine. For your own mine, leaders and vice leaders can select “Dispatch” and “Recall” to do the corresponding actions.
x. Tap “Mine log” and to see the mine's history.
xi. An alliance can attack a mine only if it isn't already occupying one; if an alliance is already holding a mine, they must resign their current one before attacking another.
xii. Recalling troops from a mine is instant. Dispatching requires a 15 minute march.
xiii. The leader and vice leader of an alliance with an occupied mine can control the troop count within it by dispatching and recalling.
xiv. As for the occupied mine, the alliance leader can select “Abandon the Mine” to abandon the mine.
xv. There’s no "Retreat" option in Alliance war
Table 1
Table1.png (4.04 KiB) Viewed 100680 times

*There are 20 mines in total. 3 mines are level 1, 3 mines are level 2, 4 mines are level 3, 4 mines are level 4, and 6 mines are level 5.

2. Alliance Confrontation
a. One alliance may battle another by fighting for a mine.
b. The winning alliance can gain prestige from wiping the losing alliance.
c. After a mine ownership changes, the decay countdown will begin.
d. Once an alliance occupies a mine, the alliance will gain prestige every hour. Members in that alliance will receive honor points every hour.
i. If an alliance loses their mine within an hour of occupying it, the alliance will not gain prestige and its members will not gain honor points.
ii. If a player quits or joins the alliance less than an hour after it occupies a mine, they will not get honor points for this hour.

3. War Command
----- All alliance members can watch the battle.
----- Identity of the commander will be shown during the battle.

a. Attack
Only an alliance leader or vice leader can send an attack. Whoever sends the attack will command the fight. Regular alliance members can only watch.

b. Being attacked
i. If an alliance leader and the vice leaders are fighting against each other for command jurisdiction, the player who makes the first move becomes commander for the alliance army.
ii. If none of the leaders take control, a regular member can become commander by being the first to send a command. That member will continue to be commander for the following turns.
iii. The alliance leader and vice leaders can take control from the alliance member who is commanding.

4. Alliance Prestige
a. The alliance’s prestige gained by occupying a mine is generated systematically and updates every hour.
b. Alliance prestige
i. The amount of prestige the winning alliance gains is greater or equal to 0.
ii. When calculating prestige, the levels of the winning and losing alliances are factored into the equation. The formula is as follows:
R=Min {[ABS (level of the defeated alliance – level of the winning alliance)/2+1], 5}
iii. Computational formula of prestige
The prestige gained by the winner = (the equivalent of the defeated alliance’s troops – the equivalent of the winning alliance’s troops/R)/100 (Premise: the winning alliance’s level is lower);
The prestige gained by the winner = (the equivalent of the defeated alliance’s troops – the equivalent of the winning alliance’s troops*R)/100 (Premise: the winning alliance’s level is higher)
If the calculated value of the winner’s prestige is smaller than 0, it will be taken as 0, and the defeated alliance will not lose prestige on either premise.

II Training Troops (limited to the alliance leader and vice leader)
1. Select “Train” to choose suitable number and types to train troops.
2. Select “Speedup” to spend a certain amount of coins in shortening the corresponding training time.

III Buying resources (limited to the alliance leader and vice leader)
Spend coins in buying corresponding amount of resources of different kinds and money.

IV Market (only limited to alliance leader and vice leader)
Choose the resource of suitable amount and price, click “Buy” to buy.

V Donations
1. Alliance members can donate resources, money and coins.
2. The member who donates successfully can gain corresponding alliance contribution points.
3. Calculation of contribution points:
10 money =1 point (Donate at least 10 money, and only the multiple of 10 money can be donated)
1 coin =1000 points
*1000 resources = market price*100(point) (Donate at least 1000 resources, and only the multiple of 1000 resources can be donated)
*The contribution value produced by donating resources is influenced by the market price of the goods. The higher the market price is, the more contribution value can be obtained.

VI Honor points and insignia
1. Alliance members (in accordance with contribution value) can gain the honor points allocated by the system, and gain higher insignia as honor points accumulates.
2. After an alliance occupies a mine and gains the prestige produced by the mine, alliance members can gain honor points, which are allocated automatically by the system in accordance with the members’ contribution ranking and update automatically every hour.
3. If a player quits or joins an alliance within an hour after occupying a mine, he or she will not gain the honor point of this hour.
4. Specific allocation of honor points (see Table 2)
5. Insignia and honor points exchange data
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Table 2
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VII Speedup of alliance troop training (see Table 3)
Table 3
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VIII Alliance events
Alliance events are divided into 3 levels in accordance with its importance, which are presented in 3 columns: column of 3 stars, column of 2 stars and column of 1 star, similar to chat system.
1. 3-star events include:
a. Donating coins
b. Upgrading alliance
c. Occupying a mine
d. Abandoning a mine
e. Notification of A mine’s decay
2. 2-star events include:
a. Donating resources
b. Donating money
c. Daily alliance gift
d. Buying resources from NPC with coins
e. Buying resources from market with money
f. Spending coins in speeding up conscription
g. Spending coins on callback
3. 1-star events include:
a. A new member joins an alliance
b. An alliance member is kicked out of the alliance
c. An alliance member takes the initiative to quit the alliance
d. Alliance leader or vice leader promotes a member
e. Alliance leader or vice leader demotes a member

IX Alliance upgrading (only limited to alliance leader and vice leader)
a. After an alliance reaches a corresponding level of money and prestige standard, you can click “upgrade” to upgrade the alliance level.
b. The higher an alliance’s level is,
i. the more money and prestige it needs to be upgraded
ii. the larger the maximum of population is
iii. the larger the population output per hour is
iv. the greater the maximum of warehouse is.
Table 4
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*At present, the level of a mine that can be attacked by an alliance is restricted (minimum), while the maximum for the level of a mine that can be attacked is not restricted.
*Base time: infantry, 114 seconds; cavalry, 263 seconds; archer, 178 seconds; siege engine, 350 seconds.


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Post Mon May 30, 2011 9:33 am

Re: Alliance War Guide

Haha this sounds AWESOME! Thanks for letting us all know! Can't wait to try it out! It's gonna take a while to fully understand it though.



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Post Mon May 30, 2011 9:39 am

Re: Alliance War Guide

:D ;) :) ;) :) :) :D :D :D :D




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Post Mon May 30, 2011 9:46 am

Re: Alliance War Guide

Awesome but sounds a little confusing. I'm sure we will figure it out though once the update is released though.



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Post Mon May 30, 2011 12:47 pm

Re: Alliance War Guide




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Post Mon May 30, 2011 12:57 pm

Re: Alliance War Guide

Concept sounds wicked. The guide is a little confusing. Am sure our resident Haypi smarties, Nathan, Beast, will translate it to real speak for us soon. Thanks Haypi, for yet another exciting element to this most fascinating game. Ros



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Post Mon May 30, 2011 1:23 pm

Re: Alliance War Guide

Whose speed and attributes will an attack on mine take? Will it assume the commanders or leaders? OR these attributes are not considered in alliance wars?


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Post Mon May 30, 2011 1:36 pm

Re: Alliance War Guide

If your confused just read it again - it will make sense :)

Ravan wrote:Whose speed and attributes will an attack on mine take? Will it assume the commanders or leaders? OR these attributes are not considered in alliance wars?

I'd assume anything as of yet.

My assumption is the commanders.

Vayneglory wrote:Post count doesn't matter, quit bragging about it.

Am I the only one who laughs when people put "Very active" in their signature next to their name?



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Post Mon May 30, 2011 1:40 pm

Re: Alliance War Guide

Sound good and costy @.@



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Post Mon May 30, 2011 1:46 pm

Re: Alliance War Guide

When is the update available???

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